(下)中国发起“老赖曝光”:一款新App在用户走近老赖时会发出警报 [美国媒体]


China Starts "Debt Shaming": New App Warns Users If They Are Walking Near Someone In Debt


Several counter points because it's worse than what the West thinks:
Chinese people don't feel that bad about it because they aren't aware of what is going on. Anyone that tries to research it themselves might find themselves dead.
The freakish nationalism and racism is instilled in them from birth in both actions and laws.
China will disappear you if you talk bad about the government. Especially Xi.
China is attempting to rewrite history.
China just stole a bunch of other countries island, said fuck you, then built giant military bases on them.
Just remember that most of the Western world has had animosity towards China since the cold war, and those attitudes have persisted to this day. Therefore people often view China with fear, and the media helps propagate that fear by cherrypicking the most negative issues to write about.
Totally false. The US had nothing but glowing things to say about China and strongly encouraged business and trade to move there. It hasn't been until this last decade, and especially in 2012 when Xi Jingping took power that animosity began reemerging.
But it's far from the dystopia that everyone here seems to believe in.
Because it's worse than what people think.

中国只是偷了一些其他国家的岛屿,说 “去你的”,然后在上面建了巨大的军事基地。

It's worse than most people think. But China has money and money is all the difference in the world. It's basically one of the few differences between China and North Korea.


Well, think about what you think you know about this whole social points system and ask yourself, did you know...
The social points system is an experiment.
In fact, it's a whole series of experiments.
Rather than a single system or a single experiment, China's running different types of social point experiments in different cities.
Last I read, 6 different experiments are currently running, two of which have already been rejected.
Most of these points based systems are primarily based on the importance Chinese people place on face or reputation if you prefer. Ie. the government isn't coming after people with bad standing, these people have their standing made public. In Chinese society, this is a great motivator.
While most of these experiments make use of privacy invading technology we don't like most of the consequences are based on fairly reasonable things. Unwillingness to comply with judge's orders for instance, drunk driving, not paying your debts etc.
The majority of the headlines you read in the West don't even have anything to do with the government experiments in social points. The Ali payment system that is used by almost all Chinese is running their own experiment to see if they can identify how likely it is that a customer won't pay their bills (debts) and again use the threat making this public, causing the loss of face, to change this behaviour.
The short of it is really that between the numerous government experiments in social incentives that are being run in various cities and the similar experiments being run by commercial companies have caused so much misrepresentation in Western media that it's become a self sustaining cycle of bullshit.
I'm not defending these experiments really, I'm just pointing out that the odds of you reading something in Western media about these systems that is even remotely accurate is pretty much zero.


I can chime in after living there as a westerner.
People tend to disappear when they go into deep debt. As in pack up and move to the next 6+ million city, of which there are HUNDREDS and start a new life.
The social credit system is more like a our credit score, and this app is more like a bounty hunting app for debtors that have dipped out.
It’s also insanely easily to blow out of proportion for Western media to feed fear-mongering buzz feed readers. “CHINA COPIES BLACK MIRROR TO CAPTURE UNDESIREABLES” ... yea that’s literally science fiction.


I agree with you and have seen the same thing. I’ve talked with a number of former Soviet and East German citizens. I haven’t met a single one that was like “communism sucked and I hated it”.
Instead, they all displayed the same internal conflict. On the one hand they knew in their heads and from deep experience that redistribution just doesn’t work long term and can eloquently articulate the many interlocking reasons why.
However, their hearts quake in their chests at the failure. The ones I met would never go back to living under the actual Stasi. But they want, so very badly, to meet someone who can convince them that it will work this time.
In particular I remember this Bulgarian friend talking about his late teens early twenties. Note that he is now a very wealthy free range “economist”. His memory was basically that school was free (eng), opera was free, ballet was free, all the pretty girls had their legs wide open (for free), food was cheap, etc. he’s talking about this, and then he wells up and starts to cry saying “but you know, I understand now that it was all doomed to fail and can never succeed.”


Debt is a relative concept. In the US, most adults have debt. The difference is if they are paying their debt, have a relatively decent debt to income ratio and interest rates on the debt
I’m highly abnormal when it comes to debt... at least in comparison. I only have a mortgage. In the eyes of society, my debt of 100k in a mortgage is different than 100k in credit cards. And it’s all different than 100k in school loans. It’s all debt tho. The only difference between mine and someone else’s? Why and how much interest.
I mean interesting idea for an app but totally not reasonable in many countries.


About your question: I'm half Chinese, I lived in Shanghai, and have traveled around to a bunch of cities in China excluding the West, up to NK (and in), down to Sanya and Taiwan (the other China). I spent a few weeks in Guangzhou, which was absolutely beautiful when I was working nearby in Shenzhen. At no point did I need a state-appointed guide except for NK, but that's a different story.
I have Chinese friends, relatives, and friends who have immigrated TO China, so you can tell me to screw off all you want but I've gotten valid input from both sides, and I'm not afraid to say I support the Chinese government on this issue.
About the article: It's so easy to lose track of people in China, you were there, you know how many people there are in the country. If someone with money decides they don't want to pay back a debt, they can just dip out, change their name, leave the state, and live as though they were totally fine.
About your sister: Good on your parents.
About your last statement : I agree, but just because I like one of their programs doesn't mean I'm a Chinese government fanboy.
BTW I got a reply saying "Stupid Ching Chong's", so people/government still seem to be very intertwined.


The west is desperate to keep it's hegemony that they plant questionable articles about China all the time. I see the same thing with India, and the narrative about Hindu nationalism etc.


"I'd like to apply for this job."
"We can't have you work here."
"Why not?"
"Because you have a debt."


Warnings? Their phone would explode as soon as they got off the plane at LAX.

