quora网友:“当他们去度假的时候” ——先说一下背景资料.我读八年级时,大约14岁.发生这件事的前一天晚上我的表妹在日本去世了.我还上过天主教学校.那天我们被告知会有一位特邀演讲者来做演讲,结果是他演讲到一半就被赶下了台.
What did a teacher say that made you immediately walk out of the classroom
Meredith Navin
“When they go on holidays”A bit of background information.I was in year 8, which is about 14 years old and I found out the night before that my cousin was found dead in Japan. I also went to a Catholic school.We were told we had a guest speaker that day and was pulled out of class.We all file in and this 65ish year old man stands in front of us and starts preaching about the “facts” of abortion. Yeah. Get ’em while they're young.My sister also went to the same lecture two years before and and she told me “walk out. You have every right to walk out”.So, this guy tells us the following.The human race will go extinctEvery woman who gets an abortion will regret it
Even in rape, a woman who had to go through pregnancy finally came to her senses when she gave birth and said “it was the best thing to come out of a bad situation”
Children with disabilities are being aborted at an incredible rate - even hare lipped ones which is easily fixable with surgery. Even children with disabilities deserve life. Please note, I totally agree with that, but I also believe that if a child has such an awful disability it means that they will end up living for a week while struggling to breathe then I also think that they have a right to not experience that pain. Each disability is differentAmongst others. Please remember this was 16 years ago and I was also quite upset about my cousin, so some of the least ridiculous things he said will have been forgotten.His body language was also a huge tell tale. While addressing the women in the room, he had a hunched posture, deep, condescending voice and was very generally disrespectful towards the women in the room. But when he came up to the subject of bodily autonomy, his body language changed from“Girls, the man has a say in the future of his child” to standing up straight and announcing to the boys in the manner you would if you were told a particularly funny and interesting fact “so guys! Did you know that you have a right to say what happens to your child?”Speaking of which, my body language wasn't particularly pleasant to him - I was slouched in my chair with my arms crossed and glaring daggers at him.Then he started on the ridiculous reasons why a woman would have an abortion.They didn't want to ruin their careerThey couldn't afford another childThey didn't know the fatherThey wanted to have fun on a holidayThat one was the tipping point, because he specifically said “two week holiday”.Now, I'm not opening this as a pro/anti choice debate but as an adult woman, I can poke massive holes on this objection.If I was going on a two week holiday and I found out that I was pregnant, I would definitely abort. Not because I was going on a holiday, because I cannot afford a child, I have health issues that would make carrying a child unbearably painful, I don't want children, I have a career I want to get started, I'm not in a stable relationship with anyone and frankly, it's my fucking body.This 65 year male old pro-birther came to my 14 year old class (most of whom is presumably virgins) to shame women about their abortions was beyond reprehensible.And anyone who would have an abortion simply because they're going on a holiday probably shouldn't be a parent either.I got up and I apparently was throwing chairs in my haste to leave. I still remember the look of horror on my friend's face. (I have a very scary death stare apparently) I still remember this man having no idea what to say as I was walking out.My year coordinator stopped me at the door and escorted me out while I was swearing my head off. Rather than her yelling at me, she hugged me and told me to sit at the sickbay for the rest of the session. She also vehemently agreed with me (even though she wasn't supposed to). I really appreciated that and I will always respect her for that too.The year 9 group also got that lecture. I also told them to walk out but they were too scared. Both year groups were disgusted by that man.And honestly, it backfired. That day I became staunchly pro-choice.Edit: I forgot to mention that one of my classmates asked him how an abortion was performed and he couldn't answer the question. Because he didn't know.
“当他们去度假的时候” ——先说一下背景资料.
开始演讲关于堕胎的事情. 是的,趁我们还年轻就(给我们演讲洗脑)
Rachel Adams
We had something similar at the private religious high school I attended. I waited until the speaker was done, and then I approached them (I wish I’d have been brave enough at 15 to speak up in front of the entire school, but I wasn’t).I picked apart their “presentation” - namely the fact that they insisted that a woman could have an abortion in every state up to 9 months gestation for any or no reason at all.She floundered and stuttered and got actually legitimately angry when I pointed out that most states prohibit abortion past 24 weeks gestation (the accepted point of “viability”) and that no state allowed abortion in the 3rd trimester without very very good reasons for doing so.That was the same year my constant questioning and fact checking drove out a week long guest teacher in a religion class whose pure purpose was to preach abstinence only. This woman seriously told the class that condoms fail more often than not, and that HIV is smaller than sperm, so even with a condom we were asking for unplanned pregnancy and HIV. She made the error of allowing us to submit anonymous questions for her to answer the next day, and I wrote a scathing critique that ended with “rather than perpetuating unsubstantiated scare tactics, perhaps your time would be better spent talking about contraception, consent, and safe sex practices - you know, since you can’t stop talking about how abortion is evil. Wouldn’t it be a better use of your time to help prevent the need for abortions?”I still smile when I remember her face going red as she gathered up her things and marched out of the classroom while the normal teacher tried to hold back her laughter.
Amey Hewitt
“Amey, you can leave if you want”That was my chemistry teacher at secondary school, Ms. Moody. She was a strict teacher, you didn’t mess with her, she lived up to her name. That day she turned her reputation on its head, to me anyway.We sat on tall wooden stools in chemistry, around long benches and along the back wall. Those along the back wall had to turn around to watch Ms. Moody’s demonstrations. This day in chemistry I was in the second row of three. Behind me was a boy called Gareth. He was a bit of a tosser, actually a massive tosser, he thought the world the revolved around himself and thought everyone else thought about him. I couldn’t care less.Through the lesson he kept making low taunts at my back, he kept reaching out and tugging my hair (I know right, classic playground crap!). When I continued to ignore him he started kicking my stool. Wooden school stools are notoriously unstable. I was starting to think the whole thing would break underneath me. I was trying so hard to ignore him, to pay attention to what Ms. Moody was talking about for the lesson, it was GCSE year after all when I finally snapped.Quiet, unassuming me had reached her limit. I jumped to my feet, and pushed my stool back in a calculated fashion, so that as it fell the top of the stool hit Gareth right across the knees. I can’t remember what I said to him, I don’t think I swore (I was at Catholic school after all), but I was close to tears and didn’t want to break down in front of a class of my peers.“Amey, you can leave if you want” Ms. Moody said calmly. I left. I picked up my stuff and my bag and left. Before the door closed behind me I heard Ms. Moody start shouting. There were girls toilets opposite her classroom and I went in there to calm down. When the bathroom door opened I wanted to run into one of the stalls but it was Ms. Moody. She had left her classroom to make sure I was okay, to tell me that Gareth was an idiot and she would be reporting him to our head of year.Gareth never bothered me after that incident and I had a new respect for Ms. Moody, she passed away from cancer a few years ago which made me remember this story.Annoyingly about 10 years after this incident a friend I went to school with and then worked with told me that Gareth had fancied me at school (eye roll), if I was meant to feel flattered I didn’t. I felt angry all over again for what he had done, I mean seriously who told boys to be cruel to girls to get them to like them? It is beyond me!
他有一点多愁善感,实际上是非常的多愁善感,他认为全世界是围绕着他转的,其他人都在想着他. 我可不理他的这一套.
雷思在学校里是喜欢我的(翻白眼),(还问我)是不是有受宠若惊的感觉. 我没有!
我是真的愤怒,是谁告诉男孩们要对女孩残忍来让他们喜欢她们 ?我不懂 !
Why do most people who have a positive view of China have been to ...
Why do most people who have a positive view of China have been to ...