【下】印度女大学生们正在争取天晚上留在外面的权利 [美国媒体]


India’s female college students are fighting for their right to stay out after dark


Fre Okin
Bad excuse. These women are fearful of rocking the boat. Like any other countries, they look out for their job security first. So, their gender have no relevance here.


Tear down the wall, like Reagan said. These dinosaur rules have no place in modern society and India seems to have the most 'customary rules' baggage on this planet!


I did not realize that India had such backward norms. Women are truly oppressed the world over.


Jonathan Dow
The problem, Nina Masih, with filing reports from India and sharing what's happening with your sisters in terms of gender equity, is that the audience here is primed to think the worst of India, and will jump to confirm their worst stereotypes.So, rather than reports like this being a form of feminist solidarity, they simply undermine whatever positive image people have of you and your society.


I don't think the worst of India. Discrimination against women is across all cultures and societies. Here in the US we meet a highly educated segment of Indian immigrant which may have given me a false idea about women's place in Indian society. There is a prejudice to ascribe misogyny to Islamic cultures to the exclusion of other cultures. But I am happy to know progress is being made.


In India's case, the grown-ups need to take responsibility and not cower and hide from grown-up isses. 1. Women have the right to live like normal students, 2. they have the right to be safe, and while they should exercise caution and personal responsibility (as one would when one knows someone covets what one has, whether it be money or jewelry or "virtue"), men need to be clear that they cannot misbehave with the women and do anything to harm them, and if they do the consequences will be severe.


What is wrong with India? How much time have you got? But whatever is wrong with India is the same thing that is wrong with the rest of the world. American universities did not have female students, law firms would not hire qualified lawyers, all as recently as the 1970s. FWIW, India had elected a female Prime Minister in January 1966. What was wrong with India do you think? They have since then had female Presidents, Foreign Ministers, several Chief Ministers (like Governors in the US) and so on. It is more complicated than simple snark.

