中国正在酝酿大麻烦?两大智能手机制造商为世界第二大经济体描绘了一幅暗淡的图景。 [美国媒体]


Big trouble brewing in China? A tale of two smartphone makers paints a darkening picture for the worlds second largest economy, says ALEX SEBASTIAN


The global economy is in a state of flux.


The slow-burning trade war between the United States and China is in danger of escalating while there are also warning signs in China's domestic economy. The fortunes of two of the world's biggest smartphone makers over recent days have shifted the picture, and not for the better.


Firstly, Huawei. News that the FBI has alleged the Chinese telecom giant


Long before becoming the world's leader in innovation, the United States had a deliberate policy of acquiring British technology developed during the industrial revolution by any means necessary as it set out on its own path to becoming an economic superpower.


America also methodically snapped-up scientists, engineers and technological advancements from Germany after it collapsed to defeat in the war.


So while it doesn't make it right, it is logical for China to go down this path, and much of its economic success of the last 20 years stems from copying the West.


What is going on domestically is arguably more important in the big picture, and there are some new red flags here too courtesy of Apple.


With there being notorious scepticism over the official figures put out by China's state apparatus, those of us trying to ascertain what the true picture is need all the independent yardsticks we can get.


While this smartphone proxy measure for China's economic health is far from an exact science, it is still a useful addition to the toolkit for anybody trying to gauge what is happening in the world's second economy.


Dave, Lincoln
The problem is that many intellectual property laws are draconian and open to abuse. Hence Apple could sue samsung for making a phone shaped as a rectangle with rounded edges, and new songs (which are bound to have a passing resemblance to another) are often found in breach of Copyright laws.


bolter, beached, United Kingdom
At one time it was known as 'Building on the shoulders of giants' . Now it is Commercial theft.

有一段时间它被称为“建立在巨人的肩膀上”。 而现在是商业盗窃。

DebtCollecter, Liverpool, United Kingdom
Well the US is the world reserve currency can just default if they like...and wars are expensive


ang, wherever i lay my hat, United Kingdom
nothing better than wars to make money


Frencj1, Bristol, United Kingdom
If you owe the bank 50,000 and can't pay it back you are in trouble. If you owe the bank $50 trillion and cant/don't feel like paying it back the bank is in trouble.


dirkdiggler, Somewhere, United Kingdom
UK invents, US invests, China copies


grumman jockey, birmingham, United Kingdom
The MRI scanner,pennicillin the jet engine, the cavity magnatron (Radar.) I could go on.
