Why has China developed so much faster than India?
Janus Dongye, Coding Peasant at University of Cambridge (2012-present)
Let me explain the intrinsic reason from the perspective of a researcher in the University of Cambridge in UK. I hope I can give you something that is insightful and inspiring.
I am currently pursuing my research in the area of artificial intelligence/deep neural networks, which I believe is one of the key technologies to the next wave of industrialization and growth of the global economy. In my research group, there are lot of incredibly smart Indian people in Cambridge who dedicate themselves to the research. I have to admit that they are much smarter and more talented than me and I am sure that they have the ability to push the edge of the technology even further.
The brain drain is the real problem of India: in order to develop faster, industrialisation is key. I am sure PM Modi is fully aware of that in his “Make in India” campaign. However, in order to really develop industrialisation, we need to understand that the educated talents are the seed, the domestic environment is the soil, government policies are the fertiliser, and the market/foreign investment is sunlight & water. Without the “seed”, we will never see the real industrialisation progress from the very beginning. This is where India is most lagging behind.
So what is China doing differently?
I’ll first start with an example from my experience. Ever since I was in Cambridge, I have seen countless number of delegation and recruitment groups organised by the Chinese government coming here for seeking talents.
For example, a delegation team from a city called Wenzhou in Zhejiang province has recently visited Cambridge and Oxford. The deputy mayor of Wenzhou has gathered the CEO of 18 local companies from Wenzhou, 2 vice Chancellors of Wenzhou University, 3 officials from Wenzhou Business Incubator/Innovation Centers and 4 young entrepreneurs who just recently successfully started their company in Wenzhou. The delegation team held a formal dinner that invites all the Chinese talents for free and advertise their policies in attracting Cambridge Chinese graduates. During the dinner, the deputy mayor has his toast, that is “begging” us to settle in Wenzhou after graduation.
If you have great start up ideas, patents, technology and want to set up a company in Wenzhou, you will be granted:
1 million RMB if the company is registered in Wenzhou
1 million RMB reserved for buying equipment and renting offices
Discount rent for offices in the business incubator.
2 million in tax reduction for your company
1 million prize if your company gains huge growth and promoted Wenzhou economy
The Wenzhou government is especially interested if you are majoring in Artificial Intelligence, Automatous Cars, New materials, Block Chains, Cyber security, Green Energy, and Smart cities. They have individual funds for those areas respectively.
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