Why is Chinadestroying reefs in the South China Sea? They are building military bases onreefs. Will this hurt the fish environment?
Joseph Wang,studied at Ph.D Astronomy UT Austin, Physics MIT
The Chinesegovernment is starting to set things up to minimize environment damage
Beijing to restorecoral reefs after island building in South China Sea
One problem withthis sort of thing is that people are trying to use the environment as a pawn.I’ve seen articles in foreign policy journals, complaining about Chinadestroying the environment, but it’s obvious that the people complaining aboutthis really don’t care about the environment.
I’ve actuallyasked some people in ecology what they think and what they tell me is thatwhile they aren’t happy about Chinese development of the SCS islands, thatthere are so many environmental threats that this isn’t particularly high onthe list. They are much more worried about overfishing and climate change. Howmuch environmental damage you do end up doing is something that you have tolook on a case by case basis.
It also turns outthat the people that work on environmental issues, really, really don’t likebeing used as political pawns for military purposes, which is why they reallyhaven’t spoken out on this issue. What the military wants is for theenvironmentalists to complain about Chinese activities, but when the US and itsallies do something bad they should shut up. To their credit, theenvironmentalists are used to this game, aren’t interested in playing it.
Joseph Wang,得克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校天文学博士,麻省理工学院物理学
Bill Smith, BAAsian Studies (Hons) from Curtin University
According to theUN PCA ruling in the case which the Philippines brought against China;
“Harm to MarineEnvironment: The Tribunal considered the effect on the marine environment ofChina’s recent large-scale land reclamation and construction of artificialislands at seven features in the Spratly Islands and found that China hadcaused severe harm to the coral reef environment and violated its obligation topreserve and protect fragile ecosystems and the habitat of depleted,threatened, or endangered species. The Tribunal also found that Chineseauthorities were aware that Chinese fishermen have harvested endangered seaturtles, coral, and giant clams on a substantial scale in the South China Sea(using methods that inflict severe damage on the coral reef environment) andhad not fulfilled their obligations to stop such activities.”.
Bill Smith,科廷大学亚洲研究(荣誉)学士
Jamie Cawley,LIved in China 2012-2018, now Hong Kong
FYI Vietnamoccupies 48 reefs and China 8 on which it has built some militaryinstallations.
The South ChinaSea is unique and bizarre. It centre is very shallow and filled with reefs,many exposed at low tide. It is a compete graveyard for any ship that tries togo across it rather then hug the coasts where there is a clear passage.
As a result ofthis and ‘ownership’ disputes it has been much less surveyed then you mightimagine, although it seems very likely that there is a lot of oil underneathit.
The currentactivities in the reef area are minute in comparison to the size of the sea andto nearby land influences with the burgeoning traffic to and from China andelsewhere. The disputes, by keeping oil activities away, are probably doing alot to preserve the local environment,
Jamie Cawley,2012-2018在中国大陆生活,现居香港
Can Sarman
Yes, it will hurtthe “fish environment” a little bit.
If one wishes toreally destroy the “fish environment”, this is the way to go;
Decades Ago, theU.S. Military Set Off a Nuke Underwater, And It Went Very Badly
Frans Vandenbosch,lives in China (2002-present)
Don’t worry aboutthe fish. China is providing food there for the local fish.
China is not“destroying” reefs. They’re building reefs.
And, by the way,it is legal Chinese territory, so China can unilatery decide what to do there,when and how.
Frans Vandenbosch,居住在中国(2002年至今)
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