金融巨头吉姆罗杰斯的女儿们唱中国歌曲令人惊叹 [美国媒体]


Financial giant Jim Rogers' daughters sing amazing Chinese songs


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go to San Francisco and you will find thousands of homeless people. And they poop everywhere on the streets.

去旧金山,你会发现成千上万的无家可归的人。 他们在街上到处拉屎。

Fly Lice
Holy shit, you pick San Francisco well-known for its homeless population. Even the worst city in the US is still better than China. 天

啊,你选了以无家可归者闻名的旧金山。 即使是美国最差的城市也比中国好。

Covert Puppytwo
This Fly Lice is the same Indian with many IDs. Very easy to spot this stupid Indian. He comments everywhere

这个Fly Lice是有许多ID的同一个印度人。 很容易认出这个愚蠢的印度人。 他到处评论。

Mike Chau
Fly Lice yes, 👍🏻you’re right if they are compared in terms of real GDP, but in terms of purchasing power parity, they are pretty close. That’s why many countries wanna tap into its market and make it open to everyone. Just wait and see how it goes in the coming decade which is very crucial

是的,如果从实际 GDP的角度来看,你是对的,但是从购买力平价的角度来看,他们是非常接近的。 这就是为什么许多国家希望进入中国市场,并使它向所有人开放。 只需要等待,看看它在未来十年将如何发展,这是非常关键的

Fly Lice
US is ranked #13 in living standard. China is #86 behind Algeria. There is no comparison.

美国的生活水平排名第13位。 中国排名第86位,落后于阿尔及利亚。 没有可比性。

He moved his girls to Asia because he knows the West is on the brink of a collapse. Drowning in political correctness and migrants and socialists and no rule of law.

他把他的女儿们送到亚洲,因为他知道西方正处于崩溃的边缘。 淹没在政治正确、移民、左翼社会党和没有法治社会之中。

Jes Sayin
Actually, I am visiting the Singapore area right now. It's about $600 a month in Johor Behru on the Malaysian side to rent a condo. Food & transportation is cheap. The people very friendly.

事实上,我现在正在新加坡地区游览。 在马来西亚的柔佛新山,租一套公寓每月大约要600美元。 食物和交通都很便宜。 人们非常友好。

These what we need to teach our next generation. Go out and learn other cultures.

这些是我们需要教给下一代的。 走出去,学习其他文化。

Rebel Lucy
Wow. How sweet to see this. If those girls were in America they would already be twerking and sleeping with black men.

哇。 看到这个真是太好了。 如果那些女孩在美国,她们早就和黑人男人跳电臀舞,睡觉了。

richard lin
So true


l sy
Wow they speak mandarin better than some Chinese Singaporeans lmao


Fook Seng Loke
buddy man Ivanka’s children have a Chinese tutor. They can recite parts from the Three Characters Classic and sing 茉莉花 (Jasmine Flower) but they are never as good as these two daughters of Jim Rogers.

伊万卡的孩子有个中文家教。 她们可以背诵《三字经》中的部分,还可以唱《茉莉花》 ,但她们永远不如吉姆· 罗杰斯的两个女儿。

I hope we all can live harmony


The big man Mr. Jim Rogers and the family are great, foresighted and happy

大个子吉姆· 罗杰斯先生和他的家人都很棒,有远见,幸福。

OK Observe
as an overseas chinese, i am really ashame of myself because none of my kids speak any chinese. i don't know that many chinese myself. but i suspect quite a few chinese are like me, second generation chinese don't know how to speak chinese any more.

作为一个海外华人,我感到很惭愧,因为我的孩子都不会说中文。 我自己认识的中国人不多。 但我怀疑有不少中国人像我一样,第二代中国人已经不会说中文了。


Very impressive performance!


Yu Bruce
Excellent family with open minds. Welcome to China.

思想开放的优秀家庭。 欢迎来到中国

Kevin T
On average who has more money in their bank, who is buying things with their own money and who is using CC,Don’t get angry at this low life scums.Live our life better than them and watch their face turn red :) That is how you treat Rats.

平均而言,那些银行里有更多存款的人,那些用自己的钱买东西的人,不要对这些下层社会的渣滓生气。 我们的生活比他们好,看着他们的脸变红:) 这就是你对待老鼠的方式。

James Lum
Its Jim's 2nd marriage....


Nettle Boyss Sunvanbeen
White men will bring Opium war to China very soon.


leow meng
Both awesome kids a product of NY Girl school so why need to show off Singaporean. Maybe Alfred do something great n u can show off u r Singaporean. LOL

两个孩子都是南阳女子学校的毕业,为什么要炫耀新加坡。 你做了一些伟大的事情,你可以炫耀你们新加坡人。 哈哈

Rosemary Sardi
Alfred Yap haha, Singaporeans are busy to learn accented English!


Kevin L
now U.S calls Jim Roger traitor

现在美国称吉姆· 罗杰为叛徒

They speak Chinese better than at least half of Chinese people lol.


Looking at what is happening now in the USA, Jim"s decision to shift to Singapore in 07 makes it even more legendary.


Up Ss
Just like one pair of real Chinese sisters. So fluent!!6666

就像一对真正的中国姐妹。 太流利了! 6666

Hulagu Mongke
Chinese love to suck most powerful nation on earth, that happen to be USA. She had not change since then.

中国人喜欢巴结世界上最强大的国家,而这恰好是美国。 从那以后她就没有变过。

im shocked they so young consider jim rogers age maybe from second or third marriage?


Jes Sayin
If only more Americans would learn chinese, maybe we would learn to get along.


James Lum
Didi Faster... envy doesn't get you very far. In fact envy and jealousy is like a festering sore. One day it might just kill a miserable life like yours.

嫉妒不会让你走得太远。 事实上,嫉妒和嫉妒就像溃烂的疮。 也许有一天它会扼杀你这样悲惨的生活