Chinese Breakfast and Bullet Trains | Travel Within China吃中国早餐,坐中国高铁以下是youtube网友的评论:视频:https://www.y
Chinese Breakfast and Bullet Trains | Travel Within China
Raja Titit 8
Ironically China is the safest country from corona virus right now.I'm going to Shanghai in 2 days, don't mind their 14 days quarantine at all...... That's so much better than my country where no one is being tested unless you go to the hospital...... Very few people here wear face masks, not to mention the shitty and incompetent government-owned hospital here who treat Covid-19 patients,
Jason Bryan
If you are foreigner dont go there don't give burdens to China你要是外国人,那就 别去啊,别给中国增加负担
fea hhh
When you praise China for one thing, some people will reply with 100 bad things about China, in which 99 of them are either racist stereotypes or fake news.你要是夸中国某一方面好,就有人吐槽中国100个不好,而大多数槽点不是种族主义的固有印象,就是莫须有的。
China's amazing, thanks for showing us what daily life is like.中国真了不起。谢谢你向我们介绍中国的生活是怎么样的
Kanlaya Kappeng
Westerners have to put aside their prejudices and pre-conceptions about life in China. Politivcs aside, Chinese cities are most;y new, breath-takingly beautiful and clean. People are respectful and helpful to foreigners like myself. I have encountered nothing but kindness from Chinese people when I visit for business, which is about twice a year.西方人务必抛开他们对中国生活的偏见和先入为主的观念。撇开政治不说,中国的城市大多是崭新的,美得令人窒息,干净得令人惊叹。人们尊重我这样的外国人,也很乐意帮忙。我每年去中国出差两次,遇到的中国人都是善良的
Paddy Man
I hope you will come back to China after the virus is gone.疫情过后,希望你能回到中国
Thank you for posting this and let other English-speaking people know more about China. World peace would be reached in this way. Thank you gals again.
Blue Sky
Don't see anyone wearing a mask. The video must be old lol没看到多少人戴口罩啊。这个视频很久以前的吧,啊哈哈
Wayne T
Suzhou looks so much nicer than Beijing. Beautiful!苏州看起来比北京好多了,太美了!
Maggie W
You are so cute, little sunshine. Show us more great things in China!你好可爱啊,多给我们介绍中国好的东西呗
Barry Ip
Suzhou is my favorite city in China. Glad you can live there.苏州是我最喜欢的中国城市,很高兴你住在苏州
Magic X
U kwon what, The SuZhou Station is the most beautiful train station in China~苏州火车站是中国最帅气的火车站
Crypto Man
Train station is HUGE. Standing ticket never heard of it, btw Simple life is the best life.火车站很大很大
Superman Hakka
I got stuck in Canada now我现在被困在加拿大了啊
Tony liang
Thanks for sharing the real daily-life in China谢谢你分享真实的中国生活
I took a train to the Suzhou Railway Station a few years ago.. That station is so much larger than the one at my hometown lol几年前,我搭乘火车从苏州火车站出发。
Kieran Marsden
I’m moving to Shanghai this September (hopefully) and these videos have really helped me calm down because I panic a lot. Your smile also is one that makes you feel like nothing will go wrong haha我今年9月就要搬到上海了(希望能成行),看了你的视频,本来恐慌的我,开始冷静下来了
Xiaoyao Aben
I miss the day without a mask!怀念不用戴口罩的日子
JB de Joya
Shanghai and Suzhou train stations!看到了上海和苏州火车站
Joseph Barney
So cool I wanna visit someday!
Anakin Fu
stand ticket lol站票,哈哈哈
Lore Dragon
your blue eyes are so attractive你的蓝色眼睛好迷人啊
Wang Kevin
Wow,So beautiful ,Love china哇塞,好美啊,喜欢中国
Pilot Simon
Welcome to Shanghai欢迎来到上海
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