为什么俄罗斯作为一个世界大国被严重低估? [美国媒体]



MaxathousandPegasus 4 days ago
Underrated by many: think tanks supposed experts normal people that comment on places like this. Ironically they also can't stop talking about Russia.


I say underrated because to me it's clear Russia along with China and the US are by far the three biggest players on the world stage. And the distance between them and everyone else is huge.


What these three countries have/do that others don't:
1.relatively independent military industrial complex
2.willingness to act unilaterally on the world stage
3.scale in people land and material


Because Russia spends rubles to procure their military equipment their military budget is closer to 180 Billion dollars than the standard exchange rate.


Russia's military is also built to be anti US/West. Powerful and large ground forces with advanced air defense systems. Unless the US is willing to send hundred of thousands of troops into Europe Russia would reach Germany before any real resistance during a war.


Russia doesn't have old tech. Military tech is not like your iphone to be exchanged every other year. Carriers can last half a century. Tanks can be used for 30 years or more. A transport plane can be built in 1950 and as long as it's working it's a useful tool.


Russia and China are not on America's level but they are levels and levels above countries like UK and France the other majors powers.



FlexibleResponse 114 points·4 days ago
Because Russia does not have the same long-term sustainability that the United States and China possess.
1.Relatively small economy (by GDP) in comparison to EU/US/PRC
2.Economy is not diversified and is reliant on fossil fuel exports
3.Limited strategic options in its own region in the face of a renewed NATO (after Crimean crisis)
4.Significant corruption that saps overall economic vitality
5.Small number of power projection units and capabilities
6.Demographic outlook post-2030 is dismal


KingOfBlingBling 9 points·4 days ago
“Demographic outlook post-2030 is dismal”
It would be nice for you or someone else to elaborate more on this


FlexibleResponse 12 points·4 days ago
The population of Russia will start to shrink around that time period and continue to grow older relatively fast compared to other major countries like India and the United States. This leads to an unfavorable dependency ratio which can cause prolonged economic stagnation. As a result of an older population and economic stagnation tax revenues will fall.


In a military perspective Russia will increase the use of conscxt soldiers. This is problematic because the Russian Army relies on contract (Volunteer) soldiers to fill its prime maneuver units (i.e Battalion Tactical Groups). Russia uses conscxtion because it wants to maintain a numerically large military comparable to the United States Armed Forces.


UnrepentantSaint 3 points·3 days ago
Perhaps Russia's shorter life expectancy is a feature and not a flaw in this situation. While the population will decrease its not likely their retirees will stick around as long as EU Chinese or American ones. A massive growing muslim population might be a more pressing concern in Russia particularly Moscow and the southern oblasts


guebja 6 points·4 days ago
Here's a list of countries by future population according to estimates by the UN Population Division using a medium fertility model.


By 2050 Russia will have fallen from being the 9th most populous country in the world to being the 15th most populous going from 1.93% of the global population to 1.33% of the global population.


That alone would mean retaining power for Russia is an uphill battle simply because a smaller population makes it harder to have a large economy.


Yet Russia faces another major problem in that its population pyramid isn't a pyramid with low fertility during the past 25 years having created a situation where adults greatly outnumber children and teens.


What that means is that for the next few decades Russia's looking at a relative decrease in working-age adults and a relative increase in dependents (retirees plus children if fertility recovers).


So the worker/dependent ratio is going to shift and not in Russia's favor.


BlackBeardManiac 5 points·4 days ago
In short: It's population is in decline. Too few kids are born.



156mmm5 points·3 days ago
Great list but I would also add naval capability. To be a truly global superpower that is able to act in multiple worldwide theaters expeditionary naval capability is required. Acquiring an year-round ice free port has been a centuries long Russian project and a colossal failure. Russia has enough trouble operating a single capital ship in the Med; they have no global capabilities hence must be considered a regional power. Japan UK France China Brazil and arguably even South Korea and Singapore have as significant or more significant naval power projection capabilities. This is a huge weakness that necessarily relegates Russia to being a second rate power.


crassuserx 65 points·4 days ago
“Small economy.”
Dude. South Korea has a larger nominal GDP than Russia.
As does Canada. 


RUSSIAN_BOT_840384 28 points·4 days ago
So does Italy with half the population
not to mention Russian economy is not diversified at allthey are still pretty dependant on oil.


BlackBeardManiac 3 points·4 days ago·edited 4 days ago
So why are SK and Canada no great powers? Russia is undeniably a global player hard to ignore. I guess this discrepancy is what's at question here.


Edit: I think I've misread the question. My take on it was more along the line: "Why is Russia a mayor power despite its low GDP".


deadjawa17 points·4 days ago
Canada isn’t because Canada doesn’t have an ambitious foreign policy. It relies (smartly) on the US as world and regional police. SK has genocidal maniac within shooting range of its major population center so it’s foreign policy focus is entirely on that.


Russia tends to try to be a foil to the US so it’s foreign policy seems more effective. But it cannot stand up to the US military directly. Only indirectly through proxies does it have any hope of disrupting US military power.


BlackBeardManiac 3 points·4 days ago
Russia tends to try to be a foil to the US
That's only the case because the US tries to prevent other powers from growing too strong/ expanding their sphere. I think Russias main obxtive is its own security.


ChornWork2 7 points·4 days ago
Russia isn't growing in any meaningful respect... it is continuing to languish. Without commodities wealth it would utterly collapse.


BlackBeardManiac 5 points·4 days ago
It's a market with a lot of potential for growth. Untaped ressources gigantic areas only waiting to be made accessible. It's connected by land with the EU and China... a common market from Lissabon to Vladivostok would boom for decades.



Zep_Rocko 9 points·4 days ago
It's not really in the SK or Canadian interest to be disruptive. They rely on the US for trade and security.


catmeow321 3 points·4 days ago
South Korea and Canada is the size of a medium Chinese province or large US State or an medium EU member state in terms of population.


Russia is equivalent to multiple medium Chinese provinces multiple US States and multiple EU member states.


TLDR: SK and Canada are average population sizes. Middle power population sizes.


IndoAryaI 4 points·4 days ago
Russia's GDP (PPP) is the 5th/6th largest in the world.

俄罗斯的GDP (PPP)世界上排第5/6位的。

I wouldn't go all too much by nominal wrt Russia considering the fluctuation of the exchange rates.
Nominal GDP comes up especially short with regards to Russia's military its key geopolitical tool.


http://ajaishukla.blogspot.co.uk/2017/11/part-2-how-much-did-rafale-actually-cost.html - each Rafale cost the Indian Air Force around $165-170M (inc. upgrades)


http://ajaishukla.blogspot.co.uk/2018/05/hal-offers-40-more-sukhoi-30s-at-one.html - each Su-30MKI (upgraded) costs the Indian Air Force around $70-75M.


For every 2 Rafales you could purchase 5 Su-30MKIs (upgraded to the point of being on par with the Su-35S). I don't know about you but there's a lot more I could achieve with 5 upgraded Su-30MKIs than 2 Rafales. Of course extrapolate that and you'll understand the power of PPP.


And bear in mind this is export too it's cheaper for Russia. Wouldn't be surprised for every F-35 they could purchase 3 Su-30SMs or Su-35s.



ChornWork2 12 points·4 days ago
PPP vs nominal is meaningful when comparing quality of life but if you're comparing heft of relatively size of economies it is nominal that matters. Sure one can normalize for short-term FX fluctuations but PPP is simply not the right metric in this context.


In any event Russia is <2% of the world's economy and the only reason it has a hefty military is for legacies reasons + waay overspending on military versus investing in their country.


catmeow321 3 points·4 days ago
PPP is for individual quality of life (cost of living)
Nominal is for how powerful the country is because exchange rates is a dimension of trade power.


RUSSIAN_BOT_840384 9 points·4 days ago
PPP is not a good way to look at comparing different economies at all.You should compare by nominal in which Russia ranks 12



pbrand 15 points·4 days ago
I agree. PPP is good for comparing standard of living for citizens but gross product is a better yardstick for international matters since it's not about the individual it's about the mass of money that can be dedicated to any one foreign policy task.

IndoAryaI  2 points·4 days ago
What are you talking about? Nominal is extremely susceptible to exchange rate fluctuations. Equalising it via PPP gives an insight as to how Russia is able to project power.


Military see Crimea and Syria and agitations in Baltic/North Sea is one of Russia's key geopolitical tools. Nominal GDP comparisons are invalid when you can buy near 3 Su-30s/Su-35s for the price of 1 F-35 that's where PPP comes into play.


It's not to say that PPP is the be all and end all both measurements have their flaws but to base Russia's power solely on their "nominal GDP" prowess is silly.

RUSSIAN_BOT_8403845 points·4 days ago
I am not saying that you should only choose nominal though but at the same time PPP is only used for certain situations and the fact that comparing different countries economies Nominal GDP is definitely a much better system

IndoAryaI -2 points·4 days ago
So you're literally agreeing with me.

RUSSIAN_BOT_840384 4 points·4 days ago
You said
“Russia's GDP (PPP) is the 5th/6th largest in the world.”
“I wouldn't go all too much by nominal wrt Russia considering the fluctuation of the exchange rates.”
Thats false I agree that PPP is also slightly helpful to look at(only in certain situations) but if you are comparing economies between countries nominal GDP is much much more useful and gives a better picture

IndoAryaI 1 point·4 days ago
I'm going to have to back out of this because all I'm getting is "nominal is much much much better" without any specific reasoning to the topic at hand Russia's geopolitical prowess and Russia's economy.


To say PPP is only "slightly helpful" in assessing Russia's economic/geopolitical prowess is downright inaccurate or ignorant.

RUSSIAN_BOT_840384 5 points·4 days ago
It is not.Also I never said geopolitical power but I was only talking about economical power.


It is completely fair to say that Russias economy is small especially considering its size and that nominal GDP is better at measuring it

lowlandslinda 2 points·4 days ago
That is exactly the point nominal GDP is what matters when you want to sell products on the international market. "PPP" GDP artificially inflates the output of countries and makes it seem like they are outputting more than they really are.



Jeebzus2014 17 points·4 days ago
Russia is weighted at an appropriate level considering the following:
1.When compared to NATO 1/5th the population 1/8th the GDP (roughly)
2.MIC is challenged with sanctions and political obstruction vs USA/Frn/UK
3.No global tech companies or real tech industry compared to the west
4.Regional player limited extended expeditionary capability
5.One old and almost out of repair carrier from the Soviet unx in service
6.Limited military modernization in the last 30 years (relative to NATO)
7.Heavy land force development but very limited air superiority capability
8.PAK-FA isn't produce in meaningful numbers or fully developed yet (5+yrs)
9.Declining population in to the foreseeable future
10.Declining GDP medium term long term prospects are better though
11.Economy heavily depended on commodity prices (mil. budget based on oil)
12.Conscxts only have 1 year of training

ChornWork2 22 points·4 days ago
Not remotely 1/8th of GDP of Nato... US and non-US Nato each have GDP ~$18trillion Russia has $1.2 trillion. NATO's GDP is 30x Russia's... and China's is almost 10x.

AK-40oz 27 points·4 days ago
Russia has one decrepit aircraft carrier the main tool of power projection.


Russia may have tanks and guns and bodies but it has nearly zero capability to project and sustain an intervention outside of its immediate circle of influence. Their minimalist intervention in Syria combined with their shadow war on the western border has stretched them quite thin.


Defensively yes. Major power. Offensively in a traditional 20th century ground war major power. In reality in terms of global influence and capabilities minor power.
Nukes are the only reason Russia still matters at all.

IndoAryaI 5 points·4 days ago
“Russia has one decrepit aircraft carrier the main tool of power projection.”
Except their aircraft carrier wasn't their main tool of power projection in Syria or Crimea.


Being connected via land mass or in close proximity especially considering Russia is the epitome of Eurasia trumps ACs. 



catmeow321 5 points·4 days ago
Syria is close to Russian border. Any father Russia wouldn't be a player. Like in Libya Russia was unseen.

not_ur_lawyer 6 points·4 days ago
Just to add to what people have said here Russia's military capabilities are way oversold. They don't have old tech but they don't have reliable tech either. And if you look at their military spending their tech is not being upkept meaning that in 10 years they are going to be in the position of none of their tech working because no one is doing maintenance on it.

AyyyMycroft 11 points·4 days ago
Russia is #4 in military spending and [#12 or #13 in GDP](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_GDP_(nominal)).


This begs the question "Why does Russia spend so much on its military?" Or conversely "Why do the other large economies have such small militaries?" The answer is that the top 11 large economies all have long coastlines with many warm-water ports and so all 11 of the top world economies have the USA as one of their top 3 trade partners and all except Italy and South Korea have USA as #1 or #2. In other words the #3 through #11 economies of the world are on good terms with the USA and are quite happy to let the US shoulder the military burdens of ensuring free trade and international security so long as they get a seat at the US-led table.


Russia has limited port access and so most of its trade partners are overland. The USA is barely even in the list of Russia's top 10 trading partners. Russia could stop trade with the US and be pretty much OK. That independence gives Russia the option of pursuing a foreign policy that is not only independent of Washington but starkly opposed to Washington in many cases. Russia acts unilaterally but Russia is still just a middle power. Zimbabwe acts unilaterally but that doesn't make Zimbabwe powerful. Unilateral action is not power. GDP is power.

Ranteralot 7 points·4 days ago
I am so confused why everyone is saying that nominal GDP is a better example than PPP in the case the OP presented. Russian military industrial complex is mostly domestic so the use of nominal number for expenditures would be extremely misleading. PPP would present a far more accurate picture as the vast majority of the spending is domestic not foreign. Otherwise we would need to accept that Saudi Arabia is far more powerful than Russia as all the nominal numbers suggest just that.


As to the questions of OP I don't believe Russia has an independent future anymore. All of its "sphere of influence" prospects will be swallowed up by EU USA and China. Russia will still be one of the more powerful European countries but prospects for independent unilateral actions will diminish with every decade. Russian strategy today revolves around positioning itself to be the kingmaker of the future not a super power.

