Special Report: After decades of mistrust,Pope pushes for breakthrough with China
HONGKONG/BEIJING (Reuters) - Pope Francis is leading a determined push tofundamentally alter the relationship between the Vatican and China, which fordecades has been infused with mutual suspicion and acrimony
Interviews withsome two dozen Catholic officials and clergy in Hong Kong, Italy and mainlandChina, as well as sources with ties to the leadership in Beijing, revealdetails of an agreement that would fall short of full diplomatic ties but wouldaddress key issues at the heart of the bitter divide between the Vatican andBeijing.
A working groupwith members from both sides was set up in April and is discussing how toresolve a core disagreement over who has the authority to select and ordainbishops in China, several of the sources told Reuters. The group is also tryingto settle a dispute over eight bishops who were appointed by Beijing but didnot get papal approval - an act of defiance in the eyes of the Vatican.
In what would bea dramatic breakthrough, the pope is preparing to pardon the eight, possibly asearly as this summer, paving the way to further detente, say Catholic sourceswith knowledge of the deliberations.
Izam 8 hours ago
what the Chineseare really worried about is the competition they will get if they let theCatholic church operate unhindered. That church has priests and nuns who arelike angels . I've seen them operate in Africa in remote cut off areas tendingto people with some of the deadliest and scariest diseases . they are propelledby an unbending will based on their love for their crucified god and their loveof man for the sake of their god. i stay away from any criticism of thembecause i do not nor can do what they do. but the day ii find the guts to walkinto a grass hut full of people with ebloa like i saw one nun did then maybe. irefuse to point my finger at those who are better than me .
Terry 1 hour ago
China will be agreat convert to the Catholic Church as will Russia.
James 3 hoursago
The Pope is aforeign agent of the western white male, white supremacists agenda. They seethat they are being rapidly pushed into obscurity and loss of power. They areon track to be dethroned from their self-appointed role of rulers of the world,and they are desperately trying to prolong the inevitable, by pulling out allstops. They are so terrified that China, a non-religious, non-believer of thedoctrine that, ( Christianity is not a religion, but a doctrine promoting whitesupremacy), has been used since Columbus set foot in the western hemisphere, toexploit, manipulate and subjugate non-white people around the world, mainly tosteal there resources for free, is finally doing the world a favor and gettingrid of this cancer of History.
JohnD 11 hoursago
I don't see themodel of state-controlled religion changing in China any time soon. And as longas the Communist party insists that religion must be a tool of social controlfor the state (ironically a sort of anti-Marxist position, acknowledging theinfluence of religion in people's lives and then reserving it to the state) Idon't think it really can reconcile with any church, let alone the CatholicChurch! Still, I could be misreading it, and I wish them blessings and success.
jimmy 8 hoursago
ThroughoutChinese civilization their basic religious is Confucius kind of Buddhism !Nobody can change that since then . Christianity is just an " imported" religious put on few Chinese on promised of more westernization and havea change to move to oversea ! And then there's always some takers ! Well ,that's enough said !
Scott 2 hoursago
Communist Pope,Communist China, what is the problem?
Sueno 4 hoursago
My guess is thatthe Vatican agreed to share the collections with the COMMUNIST party leaders,which makes the unification a "MATCH MADE IN HEAVEN!"
nagflow 3 hoursago
As the topsalesman, the pope has to expand the customer base. Not an easy task, takinginto consideration what the product is – a feeble, lame tale conjured up byignorant goat herders from the Bronze Age.
Brian 4 hoursago
Well duh, thisis the most logical move. It is by far and large the poor who flock toorganized relgion and give them money to appease what ever god they're selling.The Chinese literally have billions of people the Catholic Church can fleecefor money, like they've been robbing the western world of to pamper their ownexistence for over 2,000 years.
Aidee 12 hoursago
I think one ofthe main reasons China doesn't want the Catholic Church is theanti-contraceptive practices, they go against the one child policy the Chinesegovernment enforces.
A_Dog 6 hoursago
China shouldnever ever trust the Vatican. The Vatican just wants China's money. The Chinesepeople must never have 2 masters, the English learnt this a long time ago.
Alexander 4 hoursago
In the name ofgod, they are coming after money and western moral contaminations.
sam 3 hours ago
The truth is themost Chinese believe in Buddhism. Some other believe in Taoism. Only few peoplebelieve in Christ.
Factual 8 hoursago
Now they aregoing after Chinese boys. Watch out China.
Dalian Recruiter2013 11 hours ago
china is smartnot to let this pedophile cult into their society!
Why do most people who have a positive view of China have been to ...
Why do most people who have a positive view of China have been to ...