南海:不仅关乎岩石,也关乎鱼 [美国媒体]

联合国仲裁决议已经过去快一个月了,中国南海局势仍然动荡不安。中国人花言巧语地诋毁法庭以及仲裁结果,军事示威在继续,以及在东盟外长会议中发表了一个模棱两可的声明。国务卿John Kerry要求中国执行联合国常设法院的仲裁结果遭到了否决。中国的外交努力使仲裁以及联合国海洋法公约变得无实际意义这方面取得了初步成效。目前这场争论进入了一个新的(不是特别让人鼓舞的)阶段。


The South China Sea remains politically roiled. It has been almost a month since the UN Tribunal’s announcement. Chinese rhetoric attacks both court and verdict military demonstrations continue and ASEAN’s foreign ministers issued a decidedly equivocal statement following their meeting. Secretary of State John Kerry’s request for a reference to the decision of the UN’s Permanent Court of Arbitration failed. China’s diplomatic efforts to moot the verdict and by extension moot the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) achieved an early success. This dispute now enters a new—and not especially encouraging—phase.

联合国仲裁决议已经过去快一个月了,中国南海局势仍然动荡不安。中国人花言巧语地诋毁法庭以及仲裁结果,军事示威在继续,以及在东盟外长会议中发表了一个模棱两可的声明。国务卿John Kerry要求中国执行联合国常设法院的仲裁结果遭到了否决。中国的外交努力使仲裁以及联合国海洋法公约变得无实际意义这方面取得了初步成效。目前这场争论进入了一个新的(不是特别让人鼓舞的)阶段。

China’s nationalist ambitions mandate the recovery of lost territory specifically including islands rocks and low-tide elevations deemed—by China—to be Chinese from ancient times. The July 12 judgment by the UN Tribunal was a stunning rebuke to this goal.



The UN decision may provide a foundation for settlement of disputes? UN already clarified that the paid ruling has nothing to do with UN. Can the writer tell the truth.


shield parasite
it was not the Permanent Court of Arbitration (PCA) that decided on the Philippines' complaint against China but an Arbitral Tribunal constituted under Article 287 Annex VII of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS). The PCA only serves as a registry.


china has just finished two months of no fishing period in south china seas. vietnam and phippline did not follow for years. Which nation is protecting fishery? the simple-minded writer did not know the details in asia. just shout to obey the ruling which is manipulated by DSA. According the ruling DSA and japan will lose a lot of islands (which become just rocks)



The world order was established by WWII victors right after WWII to settle the leftover territories of German Italy and Japan. China being one of the victors announced the Dash Lines and physically claimed the features within the Lines with USA support and received no renunciation from WWII victors including USA. That means the features within the Lines belong to China. The features that Vietnam and Philippine occupy right now within the Lines were not granted as territories Vietnam and Philippine when France and USA granted them their independence. That means the features within the Lines that Vietnam and Philippine occupy right now were looted from China and are illegal. The PCA tribunal violated UNCLOS authority. provisions and legal procedure in arriving to the rulings. The rulings are therefore void null and not binding. The recent ASEAN meetings refused to acknowledge the PCA rulings as the basis for SCS dispute settlement effectively nullifying the PCA rulings.



John H
China have become massive ecological vandals and the other tragic thing is Green Peace have been clearly shown up as hypocrites and a joke for not uttering a word against them while whole reefs have been totally destroyed in order to make artificial islands that have now been militarised. Try doing only a tiny portion of that damage in a western country and see how they squeal and carry on.


Having destroyed its own fishing stock China has no problem destroying everyone elses even in Africa and South America


The Nine Dash Line was rejected as a basis for South China Sea claims. the ruling just likes to say red indian had no law-based claim for north america in 1800s.



Ako Madamosiya 毛むくじゃら
Where did you get that kind of comparison? Are you coming from the left field with a curved ball?
I don't think you even read the transcxts from the hearing last December. Be enlightened. You may change your mind on the None Dash Line.
 or your information read up on the US constitution. You'll be surprised it is based on a group of Northeastern Indians that starts with an I.


shield parasite
China already GAVE UP SCS rights after signing UN Treaty better to know the fact.



Zsari Maxim
Nowhere in UNCLOS ever stipulated that the treaty nullifies any historic titles but rather that Article 15 preserves one's rights to historic title. To rule otherwise is in violation of the treaty not to mention Article 298 puts any ruling related to historic title outside the jurisdiction of the court.


Let's avoid distorting the Award's ruling.
This is how the experts explain the issue of historic "titles" to us.
UNCLOS Tribunal Award documen § 209:
"Having concluded that the exception to jurisdiction in Article 298(1)(a)(i) is limited to disputes involving historic titles and that China does not claim historic title to the waters of South China Sea but rather a constellation of historic rights short of title the Tribunal holds that it has jurisdiction to consider the Philippines' Submissions No. 1 and 2."

让我们避免弯曲法庭的裁决。 这是专家向我们解释历史性“主权”的问题。《联合国海洋公约》法庭裁决文件第209条:“已经得出结论,298(1)(a)(i)条的排除性申明仅限于涉及历史主权的争端,但是中国没有声称对南海拥有历史所有权,只声称对南海具有一系列的历史权利。法庭认为对菲律宾编号为1和2的意见书有管辖权。


Zsari Maxim
In section 180 the court noted that China never expressly clarify the nature and the scope of its claim yet it injected the term historic right to it. That's what I call arbitrary reasoning. Basically it's saying we don't know exactly what is China's claim so let's just call it historic right so we can rule on it. But one forgot that to rule whether or not the Chinese claim is on historic title is a ruling related to historic title. Such laps of logic is throughout the award paper.



Why did this Tribunal conclude that China did not claim a historic "title"?
Here is the explanation (Award document §228):
"For the Tribunal the dispositive proof that China's claim is not one to historic title lies in China's conduct which as discussed above (see paragraphs 207 to 214) is incompatible with a claim that the waters of the South China Sea constitute China's territorial sea or internal waters."
So if it is NOT a claim of a "title" what could it be Dr Watson?


China was not a participant in the case and China cannot correct and cannot accept what is quoted in #228中国没有参与这个仲裁案,所以中国无法纠正也无法接受228条中的引言。


Zsari Maxim
Wow you and the court don't understand the difference between claim and enforcement? More logic failure to covert logic failure. Is it a court to promote peace and stability or is the court's purpose to see war and chaos? It's basically saying hey you didn't goto war over your claim you must not being serious. Such a disgrace of a court that is against the very spirit of the treaty.


China was not a participant in the case and China cannot correct and cannot accept what is quoted in #209

