研究:HIV治疗可作为预防手段所存在的限制 [美国媒体]



One of the great unknowns in HIV/AIDS research is how much prevention bang you get for your treatment buck. Yes antiretroviral (ARV) drugs make individuals less infectious but how many people have to be on treatment to slow spread in a community and even bring epidemics to an end? A giant new study in South Africa failed to show any reduction in HIV transmission in communities even when nearly 50% of infected people received the drugs.



When HIV-infected people take ARV drugs it can stop viral growth so effectively that levels in the blood drop below detectable on standard tests. Several studies have shown that HIV-infected people on treatment who have fully suppressed the virus rarely transmit it to their sexual partners. In theory as more infected people in a community start treatment new infection rates should drop. Four big studies were launched to test this idea in different sub-Saharan African countries; a presentation in Durban South Africa at the International AIDS Conference last week revealed data from the first of these to reach completion.



The study called treatment as prevention (TasP) began in 2012 and enrolled 28000 people in KwaZulu-Natal the hardest hit province in South Africa. Sponsored by the French national research agency known as ANRS TasP tested participants in 22 separate communities which each had an HIV prence of about 30% every 6 months. In one arm of the study that involved 11 communities infected people were offered the chance to visit a study clinic near their homes and receive ARVs. Infected people in the 11 communities in the control arm similarly had easy access to a clinic but they were offered the drugs only if their immune systems had evidence of damage from the virus as defined by government recommendations.

被称为预防性治疗(TASP)的研究始于2012年,招收了来自南非受灾最严重的省份夸祖鲁纳塔尔省的28000人。法国国家研究机构赞助的ANRS TASP测试了来自22个不同的社区的参与者,这些社区普遍每半年有大概30%的机率会产生一个艾滋病患者。研究为其中11个社区中受感染的人提供附近的临床门诊以及接受抗逆转录病毒药物治疗的机会。另外对照组的11个社区的感染者同样可以容易地到达门诊部,但是根据物政府给定的建议,只有当他们的免疫系统有被病毒损害的迹象时才会为他们提供药物。


As François Dabis from ANRS explained less than one-third of the people who were eligible for treatment in both groups visited a clinic within 3 months and less than half had at 1 year. Another 9% of the eligible people in the immediate treatment arm who went to the clinic opted not to start ARVs meaning only 43% went on treatment in the communities that researchers had hoped would have every infected person taking the drugs. The 22 communities all had roughly the same rate of new HIV infections about 2% per year. “lixage to care was far from optimal and when it did occur it occurred slowly”  Dabis said.

François Dabis根据ANRS表示,三个月内两组中只有不到三分之一有资格获得治疗的人去到诊所接受治疗,整一年也不够一半。去诊所接受即时治疗的另外9%符合条件的人没有选择使用抗逆转录病毒药物。这意味着在研究者希望所有患者都服用药物的社区里只有43%的人继续接受治疗。22个社区每年都有约2%的大体相同的新增艾滋病毒感染率。Dabis说道:当它缓慢发生的时,联动(应该是 L i n k a g e 原文 l i x a g e 应该有误)护理远不是最佳的选择。


One possible reason the trial failed to see a difference between the groups is that too many people in the immediate treatment arm did not take ARVs. In effect these untreated people transmitted the virus so frequently that it overwhelmed any prevention effect from those on the drugs. It could also be that a key assumption in the trial design did not hold true. Previous studies suggested that people in the study area primarily had sex with people who lived within a few kilometers of their homes meaning that communities in effect were closed sexual networks. This is why researchers expected that massively treating HIV-infected people in a community would have a discernible “population effect” on that group. But it could be that the assumption was wrong and that sexual networks were far more intermingled between different communities. “Things may have changed” Dabis said. “This is one of the precise missing lixs we need to explore.”



The TasP results were “one of the most important” presentations at the weeklong meeting says Myron Cohen of the University of North Carolina Chapel Hill who led a landmark study that showed treating HIV-infected people in long-term relationships all but eliminated the risk of transmission to their partners.

来自北卡大学的Myron Cohen说预防性治疗(TASP)结果是这次长达一周会议的“最重要的展示之一”,他所领导的一个重大意义的研究表明对处于长期关系中的HIV感染者的治疗几乎可以消灭将病毒传染给配偶的风险。

“We really have immutable evidence that drugs when given in a reasonable way have the power to prevent onward transmission” he says. “We went from this observation to hopes that scaling up that finding would allow us treat our way out of the epidemic.”



Cohen says the TasP study was a carefully done randomly controlled trial and shows that the real world has lots of complicated variables—like people learning their status and for whatever reasons not taking advantage of treatment. The study yielded an important insight he says because TasP “sets a bar”: Leaving aside the question of ending AIDS treating 43% of the people in a community likely won’t have any impact on new infection rates. “We need to do a lot better than  they did” Cohen says.


