中巴、阿富汗、坦吉克斯坦成立安全联盟 [美国媒体]


China joins Afghanistan, Pakistan,Tajikistan in security alliance


BEIJING (Reuters) - China is to set up ananti-terrorism alliance with Pakistan, Afghanistan, and Tajikistan, state mediasaid on Thursday, as it seeks to boost coordination with neighbors to tacklewhat it says is a growing domestic militant threat.


The four countries recognized the seriousthreat of terrorism and extremism to regional stability, the official Xinhuanews agency said, and they agreed to set up a "four-countrymechanism" for intelligence sharing and training.


Pz2 days ago
Is China going to give assistance toPakistan? It will come back and bite them.


Adam2 days ago
Good for China. Too bad for Obama nobodywants to play with him no more.


W2 days ago
Sources say that over 90% of weapons usedby terrorists globally, are made in China, several terrorist in various partsof the world are being funded and trained by China - for instance the NepaleseMaoist separatists, India's Naxalite teroorists, India's Maoist terrorists,India's moslem terrorists aligned with Pakistan, some groups of terrorists inAfganistan and so on.
So the same China that is backingterrorists with logistics, training and weapons - running proxy wars in variousparts of the world is forming an anti-terror alliance ! Seriously ?


turbocharged2 days ago
Chipping away at American influence...


Bennu2 days ago
ALL terrorists live in Pakistan with fullprotection from the gov and military ISI Gen Rahil Sharif. If they want toeradicate terrorists then they MUST start from Pakistan.
Pakistan says that only about 10% of thepopulations is terrorists; population is 200 million people that means thereare 2 million terrorists. I think there are way more than 10% - but still 2million terrorists, is a lot of terrorirsts.


Al2 days ago
There is money in terrorism, whether youare into the training, or supplying, or maintaining. China has discovered newindustries to exploit. Afghanistan and Pakistan, I can't think of two countriesI would rather avoid on an ongoing basis when it comes to solving terroristproblems.


Aquinno The Filipino Clown2 days ago
After Nepal earthquake, India cutoff fuelsupply to Nepal to bully her into submisssion while China built new roads andrepaired old one to provide fuel to the Nepal. China is a friend forcooperation and development.


Gemstoneprincess2 days ago
It's all about trade routes...andprotecting their interests...their livelihoods...


PeaceKeeper2 days ago
obama foreign policy bought russia andeverybody closest tie with china.....putin said to obama , thank you.....yoursanction did not work because china can provide what russia needs.


youlike2 days ago
Joke of the day....China.


PAINKILLER2 days ago
China won't put one soldier on the ground.They will pay the smaller countries to give up their lives.


JULEA2 days ago
If China thinks they can TRUST PAKISTAN orAfghanistan to help stop terrorism?????????I hope they are as smart as I thinkthey are and know these guys would help train and send terrorists like they dointo everywhere else. What does China have as leverage or Insurance andTransparency of these countries do? I think there has to be a partnership ofUS, Europe, RUSSIA, China for DEFENSE against Islams gassed up movement.


Alan2 days ago
Another result of the bummers stupidforeign policies. vote trump!


John2 days ago
Watch Out!! China is pirate, water robber,and land robber. Later on, China will rob your lands.


Bill2 days ago
Experts say it's China's fault? You meanwestern puppets? I have experts that say it's the US' fault, there, now Iproved it.... I can't believe sheep believe this lame of propaganda....


kolohe2 days ago
Who are they trying to fool?
