威尔·史密斯在电影记者会上怒喷恐伊和川普 [美国媒体]


Will Smith Shuts Down Islamophobia And Donald Trump At ‘Suicide Squad’ Press Event


作者:Carly Ledbetter
时间:08/09/2016 01:54 pm ET

Will Smith showed up to a Dubai press event for “Suicide Squad” and shut down two things: Islamophobia and Donald Trump. 


The actor said that America’s Islamophobia motivated him to attend the event in Dubai on Sunday. Smith said that he’d been tweeting and sharing pictures to fight the anti-Muslim climate in the U.S, according to the Associated Press.


“The Middle East can’t allow Fox News to be the arbiter of the imagery, you know,” the actor said. “So cinema is a huge way to be able to deliver the truth of the soul of a place to a global audience.”


Smith then voiced his disappointment in the Republican nominee for president, Donald Trump, and his loyal followers. The GOP candidate has repeatedly said he would ban Muslim immigration to the United States. 


“As painful as it is to hear Donald Trump talk and as embarrassing as it is as an American to hear him talk, I think it’s good,” the 47-year-old said. “We get to know who people are and now we get to cleanse it out of our country.”


The actor slammed Trump last week for his hateful treatment of women, calling it “absolute fucking insanity” that the business mogul could get away with his disgusting comments. 


“For a man to be able to publicly refer to a woman as a fat pig, that makes me teary,” Smith said in an interview with Australian news websitenews.com.au.


We couldn’t agree more. 


Jennifer Simpson
You are a damn fool, shameful and hateful. Hate your position. Who the heck are you? Your "position" is completely irrelevant and I'm called for. You are a racist biases individual. Sorry I ever watched your stuff. What the heck happened to you!


Albert Meinstein
Jennifer, stop the drugs. It's not worth it.


Donald Hunter · Works at General Electric Company
Who are you talking about? Will Smith? He's hateful for coming out against Islamophobia? Do you know what that word means?


Gladys Rangaratnam · Nipissing University
Donald Hunter She not only seems to not know what the word means, but has a bit of a problem with reading comprehension also. Guess Will should have used only the handful of "great words" that the fearless nominee for the Repugs uses.

Donald Hunter,她不仅不懂词意,还有些阅读理解上的困难。威尔也许该用些那个无畏的共和党提名者所使用的常见“大词”。

Mike Martin · Calculating Bastard at Calculating Bastard
So he goes to a country that doesn't allow Syrian immigrants, and treats women like cattle, to say that. Makes pefect sense to me.


Bryan Sims · UTSA - The University of Texas at San Antonio
Yes, perfect!


R Doug Goodman
I think some screewriter should start working on a movie about what "could" happen to America and the world if someone like Trump won and became President. It could be similiar to a zombie apocalypse.


Oliver Lord Lion-o Hart · Model at None of yo business


Roy Marshall · Works at Retired
It's already here by your president now. You must like Government taking care of you, like most of your president supporters.


Albert Meinstein
Roy Marshall I see you "work at retired", Roy. How do you like those Social Security checks?

Roy Marshall,我看你是“退休后工作”。你喜欢那些社保账单吗?

Gladys Rangaratnam · Nipissing University
The headline on the front page is deceptive. Smith is talking about "cleansing" Islamophobia, not people. Anyone with reading comprehension skills would know that Smith would not be referring to people as "it". He is very articulate and would know the correct pronoun to use.


Skip Manley
“As painful as it is to hear Donald Trump talk and as embarrassing as it is as an American to hear him talk, I think it’s good,” the 47-year-old said. “We get to know who people are and now we get to cleanse it out of our country.”
How is that not a call to cleanse a political group? If the quote had been about a differnt culture or set of beliefs you would be calling it hate speach. This was an incredibly stupid thing for him to say. If some idiot said they were going to "cleanse" the LGBT or black community you would be justifiably upset. There was no referance to thought process just the people. Don't excuse him just because he supports Hillary, a lot of people will vote for anyone but her because of the precived corruption and lies. They may not agree with Trump on many things but choose him as the lessor of two evils.


Martin Canfield · South University
Skip Manley That's not the same and you know it. You're talking about entire groups of people, he's obviously talking about Islamophobia. The correct analogy would be cleansing our country of homophobia and racism. We do need to cleanse our country of Donald Trump's stench though. I know he makes me want to take a shower.

Skip Manley你知道这不是一回事。你说的是整个群体,他明显是说恐伊。正确的解读应该是清洗我们国家的恐伊及种族主义。我们确实该清洗我们国家里唐纳德·特朗普的臭气了。他让我想去洗个澡。

Gladys Rangaratnam · Nipissing University
Skip Manley Nice try at taking comment out of context. Doesn't work though.

Skip Manley很机灵的跑题嘛,没用就是了。

Craig Emory · Lincoln - Way Central High School
Hate to tell you Will but these people can only be "cleansed" through time, and a lot of it. The fact that Trump has been exposed for what he really is has also exposed a large segment of our population for what they are. These people will not be enlightened by the truth, they don't want to hear it. They are afraid of anything different from themselves, they don't understand anything that they can't see from their own back yard and they will not even try because change is something they cannot comprehend. It will take generations if at all for your "cleansing" to become a reality. Besides that's a poor choice of words, sounds like something Trump would say.


Pat Willingham
I thought you lefties were tolerant and loving. Why are you talking about cleansing people?


Christian Epps · Founder/CEO at Lights, Camera, Diaspora
Pat Willingham cleansing hateful and harmful is allowed

Pat Willingham,清洗可恨和可耻是允许的。

Garry Tardy · Buckfield, Maine
Pat Willingham - Attitudes (i.e. islamaphobia), not people. Try reading it again.

Pat Willingham,态度(比如恐伊),不是人。再去看看原文。

Logan Frame · Van High School
Yes, just what we need, more half-baked political wisdom from a half-there actor who thinks so highly of himself he refuses to take anything less than an astronomical price for movie appearances and can't even play the roles right most of the time in those.
Will Smith has as much business dishing political wisdom as Donald Trump does in the presidential election: zero.


Albert Meinstein
Whereas you, Logan, are the fount of wisdom.


Derek Halder · College of Coastal Georgia
"cleansing" well good job sounding like hitler, cleanse those with different opinions who are reasonably affraid of islamic extremism. A theart which only idiots who think celebrities know anything about politics ignore.


Jamad Bruce · Lake Worth, Florida
Just reading this article made me immediately think of him boycotting the oscars for some reason...


Gladys Rangaratnam · Nipissing University
You need to improve reading comprehension. He is talking about cleansing islamophobia, not people! Get a clue.


Adam Young · Grand Rapids, Michigan
thank god the trump supporters are cleansing themselves out of existence. Low birth rates, high suicide, alcoholism, drug use and overdose, depression. What girl would want to marry a long bearded bigot. much less have kids with. 
