菲律宾总统想和中俄“建立联盟” [美国媒体]


Philippines' Duterte wants to 'open alliances' with Russia, China


MANILA (Reuters) - Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte said on Monday he would visit Russia and China this year to chart an independent foreign policy and "open alliances" with two powers with historic rivalries with the United States.


Duterte said the Philippines was at the "point of no return" in relations with former colonial ruler the United States, so he wanted to strengthen ties with others, and picked two global powers that have been sparring with Washington on the international political stage.


Last week, he last declared he would visit China, with which ties remain frosty over a South China Sea arbitration ruling won by the Philippines in July. He said Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev was expecting him in Moscow.


Omni 10 hours ago
The U.S. Government gave a total of $197,036,510 to Philippines in 2012:
The aid was broken down in the following manner:
Child Survival and Health: $-420
Department of Defense Security Assistance: $75,490
Development Assistance: $79,721,515
/> Economic Support Fund/Security Support Assistance: $456,217
Global Health and Child Survival: $34,153,032
Millennium Challenge Corporation: $4,439,091
Narcotics Control: $4,286,840
Nonproliferation, Anti-Terrorism, Demining and Related: $9,549,582
Other Active Grant Programs: $6,403,834
Other Food Aid Programs: $11,824,000
Other State Assistance: $2,746,441
Other USAID Assistance: $8,619,065
Peace Corps: $3,388,723
Military Assistance, Total: $31,373,100


erning 12 minutes ago
James, you said in China workers there are like slaves. I am sorry, many Filipino I know work there as supervisors not construction works. And they live in a big room. All them are Professional. Even you work as construction worker is there a problem???


Friendly 2 hours ago
Sure, let him to deal with them. He will know the TRUTH. A lot of people ESCAPE from the COMMUNIST countries so he knows how they treat their "partners".


noosa 10 hours ago
You have to give it to this guy. He is street smart. He probably went over in his mind that his country has over 7000 habitable islands, so why is he going to war over a few inhabitable islands? He probably noticed that after becoming the point-man to pick a fight with China for us, the only thing changed is that his countrymen can't fish in some SCS areas anymore. We promise to give them gun boats, but he knows that even if the boats are free, but the long term cost in training and maintenance will be staggering. Hell, his generals ran a boat they couldn't afford anymore on a deserted rock to use as a base a few years ago, and that boat is rotting away! All in all, you can't follow the media streamlined story line on Philippines and write this guy off. He may be doing a lot of good things for his country. I wouldn't complain about someone taking drug dealers off my street corners.


Sameer 11 hours ago
Interesting move.


Juan 2 hours ago
Oh oh...now the Filipina has her eyes on the Chinee and the Ruskee men instead of the American savior who will lift them out of poverty.


jose 1 day ago
While I think is awful, every country is entitled to access a penalty to a crime. War on drugs and the penalty is harsh. I do wonder why people just don't stop doing drugs knowing the penalties. In some countries rape victims must have 3-4 witness in order to convict and punishment is death. in USA, you just need the victim and forensic evidence and they can get 3-6 months like in the past year we seen. Because of the laws. So, in my opinion the USA doesn't sometimes get enough punishment for the crime. so we can't talk either.


James 15 hours ago
Good luck, Too Dirty 30! U cry about the USA cautioning U about the wholesale slaughter of a segment of Ur population, but just wait & see what kind of "supervision" U get from Red China & Russia. During my 4 & a half years in China, I saw slave labor on a scale that makes Egyptian & Roman history pale by comparison. Construction projects were paired with mini-villages of workers packed into white & blue aluminum siding apartments that were 8' by 4'. The workers were at it from sunrise to dark. Great piles of refuse were thrown into the streets, sometimes sitting there for days before collection. Guess who shoveled it up? A whole other slice of the poor w/o much choice about how they made a living.


lei 18 hours ago
Open alliance with China? Let's see... If PH offer open alliance with China then PH must terminate its mutual defense treaty with US as well as its military agreements that was established decades ago. PH must also agree to China's decision and authority to patrol SCS even beyond the boundary of their territory. PH must also be ready for a depression and great economic fall after this even took place. Economy were not built overnight. Foreign investment from US need a structures different from foreign investment from China and Russia. Foreign investment were not also come overnight to replace those who live. It took years and different trade investment to established a good connection. If this so called "new transition" took place in an economy that was just newly rising, fragile and totally dependent to US foreign investment then expect fall and loose of jobs. It's not like China will grant PH an open alliance without any valuable exchange and we must remember that it is conflict with PH in SCS issue.


MohamedB 11 hours ago
I knew it ! and he will trade the disputed islands for China's economic investment.

