中国将宇航员送实验空间站进行一个月的任务 [美国媒体]



China’s space program took another small step towards parity with the Russian and American efforts today when the Chinese space agency launched two astronauts on the country’s longest mission yet—a month-long residency aboard a nascent space station.



Jetlag23 minutes ago
And everything was built with tools you can buy yourself right at Harbor Freight. Don't forget your 20% off coupon!


jason10 hours ago
about time someone started exploring again for real... Cousteau and Columbus already turned over in their graves 30 years ago...


mark kram21 hours ago
The old Soviet rocket program was--build a rocket watch it fail learn from that failure and build another rocket all with small rockets. This resulted in the Soviets being able to increase gas pressure through a preheater something american rocket scientists thought was impossible. These rockets were ordered to be destroyed by Moscow but the company that built them stored them instead. Every time you see a rocket with 4 to 8 boosters you are looking at those very rockets.



The Day After7 hours ago
Gee when we quit blowing trillions on wars in camel land maybe we could spend it elsewhere again. or maybe we could look at what we actually get out of space exploration and see if there is more than an movies buckets or rocks and technical solutions that don't need solving. SAVE THE MONEY AND PAY DOWN THE DEBT.


TheDude3 hours ago
Godspeed Captain Sum Ting Wong and Lieutenant Bang Ding Ow. \(`0′)/

祝成功,Sum Ting Wong上尉和 Bang Ding Ow中尉。(Sum Ting Wong其实是歧视华人的用语。西方人笑话华人说英语不标准,说something wrong说成了Sum Ting Wong。)、(美国加利福尼亚州奥克兰的KTVU电视台在午间新闻中,播报了一份被认为是坠毁的韩亚航空214航班飞行员的名单,将四名飞行员称为“Sum TingWong”、“WiTu Lo”、 “Ho Lee Fuk”、 “BangDingOw”,并称信息来源于美国国家运输安全委员会。“Sum Ting Wong(Something's Wrong),Wi Tu Lo(We Too Low),Ho Lee Fuk(Holy Fuck),Bang Ding Ow(邦!叮!嗷!)。)

Flying Asian Carp9 hours ago
The earth is flat. They will hit the firmament.


Barnabas Collins11 hours ago
Good maybe the U.S. can start paying China to put men into space instead of paying the Russians & when Mexico is able to put men into space the U.S. can dump China and pay the Mexicans.



Ken17 hours ago
At lest they have the means to get their astronauts into orbit while America has to hitch a ride with the Russians when ever they want to get into orbit.


A Yahoo reader8 hours ago
I believe most of the rockets we know today evolved from the German's V-2 rockets used during WWII.
Anyone who has ever heard the name Werner Von Braun will understand this man's contribution towards space exploration.
As far as the Chinese "rockets" many of the posters here brag about were nothing more than a variation of gun powder powered projectiles. Not quite the thing to get you into space.



Brian12 hours ago
A lot of salty Americans posting here that work menial office jobs which provides nothing toward the advance of our society other than personal and corporate greed.
If it bothers you so much that China is fighting to win the 21st century then get busy and start cracking open some math books and create something profound and world-changing- you know like we used to before the easy credit Wall St cash-out days.
I for one am happy to see mankind yearning for the stars. Makes no difference what nationality skin color or creed; we are all in this together.
Go China! Keep up the good work!



A Yahoo reader8 hours ago
I believe most of the rockets we know today evolved from the German's V-2 rockets used during WWII.
Anyone who has ever heard the name Werner Von Braun will understand this man's contribution towards space exploration.
As far as the Chinese "rockets" many of the posters here brag about were nothing more than a variation of gun powder powered projectiles. Not quite the thing to get you into space.


Anthony17 hours ago
Congratulations on your successful launch. Safe travels.


Bread & Circuses16 hours ago
"China’s space program took another small step towards parity with the Russian and American efforts today" - this is hardly a SMALL step.
Just when are you "reporting" cretins learn to give credit where credit is due



John10 hours ago
When they open up another filthy Chinese restaurant this time in space will it have the same menu and delivery service?


michael20 hours ago
Good luck astronauts.


MikeyZ22 hours ago
It's impressive that they can do that with bootleg parts.


pedro12 hours ago
Jeez get me out of here. Chinese trolls are on here bragging and worshiping themselves like they they a gift to mankind from God. Why do communists always have to boast. See N Korea...
Hey China. Been there done that. Maybe you can think of something innovative. Like stop burning coal for energy and killing the planet. Idiots



David23 hours ago
And Wall Street made it all possible. Citibank will probably open a branch bank on it.


Fairer20 hours ago
How sour your below commenting is.


Andrew21 hours ago
If their spacecraft work like their Walmart products it'll come down in flames soon.


TEA Time13 hours ago
China is in space because of the MAJOR help Bill Clinton provided when he Gave them USA rocket guidance technology. This was afterward confirmed that certain Chinese Americans operatives had bundled BIG dollars in campaign donations to the Clinton election campaign.


Jack20 hours ago
I'll bet they come home early due to food poisoning.


KRYPT0S22 hours ago
They want to study what 90 canned soups and a microwave can do to a perfectly fine human being.



Eric F22 hours ago
Why is the news reporting on a space program that is like decades behind? Who cares? China's space program essentially consists of putting Chinese into a space capsule - aka Apollo missions from the sixties and seventies. Big deal.


Robert23 hours ago
Good for China. Hope this is the beginning of something greater.


Tom A22 hours ago
Space technology that Bill Clinton sold them for campaign money.


David23 hours ago
This station is suppose to come crashing back to Earth in the not too distant future because its orbit is not correct. Maybe their mission is to install explosives so it does not take out a whole city somewhere when it re-enters the atmosphere.
