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Philippines' Duterte says 'goodbye' to US ties in Beijing


PhilippinePresident Rodrigo Duterte said it was "time to say goodbye" to the USduring a visit to China on Wednesday, as the combative leader reconfigures hiscountry's diplomatic alliances.


Duterte is in China for a four-day trip that is expectedto confirm his tilt away from Washington and towards Beijing's sphere ofinfluence.


During aspeech addressing the Filipino community in Beijing, the firebrand presidentsaid the Philippines had gained little from its long alliance with the US, itsformer colonial ruler.


"Your stay in my country was for your own benefit.So time to say goodbye, my friend," he said, as if addressing the US.


"I will not go to America anymore. I will just beinsulted there," he added, before once again referring to US PresidentBarack Obama as a "son of a whore".


Duterte, who took office in late June, said he was fed upwith the Philippines' foreign policy being dictated by a Western agenda.


"What kept us from China was not our own making. Iwill charter a new course," he said.



Josie 4 hours ago
He doesn't know half of what he's talking about!! We've always had goodrelations with the US and our history goes way, way back. They've helped usalways in disasters, earthquakes, hurricanes. He's acting like a fool, with arude and disgusting demeanor; dirty, foul mouth, arrogant..it's just soembarrassing as he represents the Filipino people, especially for those of uswho work here in the US. I'm ashamed to say he my president.


lee 5 hours ago
We spent so much precious American blood to free this spec of a group ofislands, & Douglas Macarthur cost so many more American lives because hedid not want his farms bombed in the Phillipines...Most people do not knowthis...perhaps we should have just let the Japanese have the islands & gonearound them :)...Duterte is a fool. Unfortunately that will give China our baseof operations built & paid for by the US tax payer.


Kurt 8 hours ago
Way to go pinoy. My prediction is that you have had your last realelection for many years to come.


Citizencommenting 3 hours ago
If he thinks that China is going to give an inch of the South China Sea,he's got a rude awakening. China will barely have the time of day for thisfool.


Derrick 6 hours ago
Good, all US call centers need be closed, all US manufacturing centersbetter be closed, US and Western NGO's might want to leave too, all US aids andloans will now be closed. Lets bring back all of these business or move themsomewhere.


USAF, Retired 5 hours ago
Okay, when the Muslims down in Mindanao, or the Communists, take over thePhilippines don't come crying to us.


Lee 8 hours ago
Let's wait till the Philippines get shafted by China.


JAMES 6 hours ago
I sure hope he says goodbye to the annual payout from Washington too.


Delon 4 hours ago
He is an idiot, he will lose scarborough shoal. His country's fishermenwill lose access to their own waters. He will lose the ability to declare anexclusive economic zone, 200 miles from his shore, like every other countrydoes.


Quality BuiltCustom Furniture 3 hours ago
Hopefully we don'thave to liberate them again.
