美媒:中国敦促美韩海军演习保持克制 [美国媒体]



BEIJING (Reuters) - China's defense ministry said on Monday it was paying close attention to this week's navy drills between the United States and South Korea and urged them to exercise restraint and not exacerbate regional tensions.


China has been angered by a decision to place an advanced U.S. anti-missile system in South Korea saying it will threaten China's own security and do nothing to calm things down with nuclear-armed North Korea.


Seoul and Washington say the missile system is purely to act as a defense against North Korean missiles and have denied it is aimed at Beijing.


In a brief statement China's Defence Ministry said it was "paying close attention" to the joint U.S.-South Korean naval drills which feature the USS Ronald Reagan aircraft carrier.



dee 8 hours ago
China military urges restraint from U.S.-South Korea navy drills.... I think US south Korea should just do opposite of that continue the navy drills and invite Japan and British to come. China use the word restraint in different way at their convince. They said they will deal with south china sea issue with restraints but they defy Hague ruling and up their offense. They promise UN to sanction North Korea but they refuse to do it due to stability concerns. I wonder Chinese government understand the word agreement. When you agree to something you can not change it by yourself. If you keep breaking agreement treaty joint decoration .. no one would believe you. For south Korea and east china stability sake USA south Korea japan Taiwan Indonesia..etc all should up their defense and joint the force to stop North Korea and china_mainland offense.



Raymond 3 hours ago
I think we'll be seeing nuclear weapons used within the next 5 years its just coming time for another world war were over due i think its sad no one can be prepared and peoples don't deserve to die for governments wars. Because when you think about it citizens aren't running around trying to leave there nation and take over others land and plunder there posessions.


Alias Undercover 28 minutes ago
In other news a Chinese fishing vessel illegally fishing in South Korean waters rammed and sank a small South Korean coast guard boat and then fled back to international waters.


China - in a convenient show of restraint - did nothing.


Richard Mannis 3 hours ago
Screw China period.



Raymond 3 hours ago
Pretty bad when China tell us what to do and what not to do with our allies when a nation wants to destroy us and has said so wake up America because our president gave 1.3 billion in cash to Iran and there not far behind North Korea in being a nuclear armed country if there not already because Obama and Hillaries agreement isn't worth toilet paper when Obama leaves offfice.


LiberalPigsKillAndLie 52 minutes ago
Maybe China need to show restraint in their illegal South China Seas stealing.


Raymond 3 hours ago
The world has a plan when war breaks out they will hit Ponyang and Kims location that will end much of the war but chances are he's going to get off a few nukes.


sam 3 hours ago
the hell with china and stop flipping around and put that darn thadd in already... screw china and russia and anybody else who has a problem with it.



GoBlueGrad 6 hours ago
Just tell Chinese fishing vessels to steer clear of South Korean waters and everything should be fine.


Jes 9 hours ago
Chin has a short memory. They just completed military drills with Russia.Nothing like the pot calling the kettle black.


I See London I See France 6 hours ago
Does that include reining in the Chinese fishing fleet that violates South Korean waters and rams/sinks South Korean Coast Guard vessels that are protecting South Korea's territorial waters?


John 7 hours ago
It is non of China's business!
China doesn't care about Korea's crisis!


Tony 8 hours ago
China reaping what it sowed. It has supported NK purely for its constant threat and irritation to the Free World.



Beer 9 hours ago
China can stop supporting NK's missile programs. That is what will cool things down and NOTHING ELSE will do. Any support to the fat little tyrant dictator in NK is support for their missiles and nukes if it wasn't then the NK people wouldn't be in such bad shape


Laurel 14 hours ago
China has been angered? Boo Hoo who cares? We will do what is necessary to protect our interests and our allies. 
China builds islands in order to steal other nations rights to the South China Sea destroying irreplaceable coral reefs in the process.
The world does nothing. Its sad.

