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United Nations: Why doesn't India haveveto power?


India represents nearly 1/5 of humanity.Still, it is not allowed a fair place at the UN. How can India continue to be apart of such an unfair organization? Is this likely to change within a fewdecades, as India grows more and more stronger on the world stage? Or would itbe best for India to boycott such a biased organization altogether?


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译注:作者Michelle Zhou在Quora上是比较有名的回答中国方面问题的答主:

Michelle Zhou(29岁,上海人,9岁出国,目前在洛杉矶,没有加入美国籍,在美国从小学五年级读到大学,大二休学开始人力资源和公共关系工作,比较擅长与人打交道)

Because India is one of the G4, it’s notasking for one seat, but four seats. Which is impossible.
Let’s not forget that the creation of U.N.was to prevent another world war. The veto power was given to super powers forthem to jaw-jaw instead of war-war. P5 is inefficient enough, P9 (India’sproposal) will be impossible to get anything done. India is in alliance withGermany, Japan, and Brazil - the G4. The result of this proposal is: 4 fromEurope, 3 from Asia, 2 from N+S America, and 0 from Africa. Does that soundsfair?

因为印度是四国集团成员,四国集团要求的不是一个席位,而是四个席位,而这是绝不可能的。我们不要忘了联合国的创立是为了阻止另一次世界大战的发生。给予超级大国否决权是为了让他们吵来吵去,而不要打来打去。五常现在就已经够低效了,九常(印度的提案)将会什么事也做不了。印度和德国、日本、巴西联盟—— 所谓的四国集团。这个提案的结果是:4个来自欧洲,3个来自亚洲,2个来自北美和南美,0个来自非洲。这样听起来公平吗?

UK and France are pushing for Germanybecause they understand two is already too much for EU(including UK). The US ispushing for Japan only because China against it. Russia doesn’t like to sharepower either, and the US hated it the most! Wikileaks Exposes US’Double-Game on UN Security Council Expansion.


If there ever is going to be a reform, notcounting (US. China, Russia) because you cannot get rid of them. The reasonablerunning up should be: France representing EU, Nigeria representing AU, Brazilrepresenting Latin America, and then India (or Japan). But the US is pushingfor Japan, and three for Asia is not reasonable because other communities onlygets one seat!


Edit: If India could put forward a workableproposal (AU, Brazil, India only). Stop imagining China as the enemy andimprove relationship with Pakistan. Joining P-members is totally possible.


The reason we see China as opposition isthat China has veto power in this matter. Pakistan doesn’t, and isn’t powerfulenough to oppose India on it’s own. If India had the support of all P-5, thereis nothing Pakistan could do to stop India joining. So the reason India doesn’thave a place is international politics, nothing to do with Pakistaniopposition.


Heres an idea: get rid of the securitycouncil. Its the most ineffective and dysfunctional part of the UN thanks tothis concept of veto power. Lets have a truly democratic UN in which alldecisions are not made by the winners of WWII 70 years ago.


-Michelle Zhou(答主)回复 Kabir Gupta
I have thought about that too, but as I think deeper, I think vetopower is not just for the winners of WWII, but also for the most likelyparticipants of WWIII. India doesn’t have that power because India was not andwill not be in conflict of any of the world wars, which is a good thing. Let’snot forget about the purpose why UN was created in the first place.


--Rahul Kapoor 回复Michelle Zhou(答主)
Regarding the point about India not being in any conflicts I justwant to point out that during WWII & WWI, India contributed the largestamount of voluntary troops to both war efforts. The historical basis to theUNSC P5 was for the Governments representing the “winning sides” at the timewhere India was represented by a Government in London & not New Delhi. Atthe time it would have not been workable as representation of both Governmentswould have meant that UK would have two seats.
Otherwise, you have made fair points.


--Arpan Banerjee 回复Michelle Zhou(答主)
A WWIII ? Still waiting for it ? Look around you .. the whole worldis in pieces . What is the UN Security Council doing ? Nothing . The members ofthat council only serve their own petty interests .


--Michelle Zhou(答主)回复 Arpan Banerjee
Thinking that human beings will never kill each other ever again iswishful thinking. I don’t know what interest are you talking about other thanpreventing wars and conflict.


--Arpan Banerjee 回复Michelle Zhou(答主)
Exactly my point . Their objective is to prevent conflict and wars.Have they been able to do so ? No . Since my “wishful” thinking is very closeto the UNSC goal : “Under the Charter, the Security Council has primaryresponsibility for the maintenance of international peace and security” , Ithink all the members harbor “wishful” thoughts but do not have thecourage/conviction/capacity to do so . They have lobbies and their lobbies havedifferent lobbies . Do you think they are any different from the “League ofNations” ? The UNSC constitutes the “most powerful” countries of the world ,but sadly they cannot work together . If US brings one proposal, Russia vetoesit. We have read such stories so many times. The UNSC could not help the peopleof Syria, they did not help the people of Africa ( Rwanda, Uganda, Ivory Costa,Sudan … ) , they could not help the people of North Korea starving under adespot .. They did nothing when a group of madmen (Taliban) transportedAfghanistan back to middle ages .. You have got to be kidding me if you saythat preventing all these would have been “wishful” thinking . I think UNSC isa dinosaur from the past , a leftover from history and it needs to be done away.
And please do not say “Thinking that human beings will never killeach other ever again is wishful thinking. ” .. That is the lamest denial Ihave ever heard .

所以不要说什么 “指望人类以后再也不自相残杀,那只是一厢情愿的想法”。。。。。。

-Sarath Kumar 回复Michelle Zhou(答主)
your telling that world countries are trying to prevent nuclear wars? then why US and RUSSIA holding 14000 war heads ? Nuclear Suppliers GroupTreaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons please go through this


-Kabir Gupta 回复Michelle Zhou(答主)
But Michelle, you’re right in that at some point in time there willbe a World War 3. The whole point of the security council is to avert/resolvesuch conflicts. For present day comparatively minute conflicts such as theSyrian Civil War, the Council has proven to be wildly ineffective, with eitherRussia or China or the US killing any resolution with veto power even if everyother member nation agrees. So, there has to be some kind of security councilreform either way. The SC literally no longer functions to its originalcapacity.

Michelle Zhou(答主),你某些地方说得很对,比如三战未来有可能发生,安理会的重点就是防止和解决类似三战这样的冲突。但是,对于目前发生的时间比较近的冲突比如叙利亚内战问题,安理会已经被证明完全不起作用,无论是俄罗斯、中国或者美国,都通过否决权互相否决对方的提案,哪怕其他所有成员国都同意这个提案。所以,安理会必须要进行某种方式的改革,安理会已经在实质上不能像最初想的那样正常运作了。

-Anunaya Singh 回复Michelle Zhou(答主)
The whole point of the security council and the UN is to protect theinterest of a few rich nations while not giving a fuck about the rest of thenations. It is not made for peace and security,it is a cartel made to imposehegemony.


Security council seat doesnt affect Indiamuch at all. Keep working to remove poverty, grow economy, military, lead oninnovation. Control India’s oceans and trade routes. Eventually securitycouncil will be ineffective without India. Then there is no choice but to letIndia in.


Yeah improve relationship with a countrywhich hosts and send terrorists to your borders and cities from time to time,good idea.


Well the day China will Stop using Pakistanto tackle India the relationship between India and Pakistan will automaticallyimprove. Today whole world knows that China is backing Pakistan. China don’twant a big economy with one of the biggest Man Power to be its rival in theworld market, specially if it is from the same continent.


China is not the enemy … agreed.Territorial and other disputes between India and China are more mature(at-least in my view). China has transformed itself significantly - and Indiais aiming for the same (its obviously not easy to copy).
But Pakistan is a bad joke … which Chinalikes to support for reasons best known to China (perhaps its a strategy tokeep India on the edge … who knows? If its that, its not a bad tactic … but itis a bit out-dated and short-sighted … one expects much more from the carefuland analytical Chinese think-tank).
This stance makes most Indians a bit waryof China.
I’m not sure why China doesn’t work morewith India on economics and mutual nation building instead of relying on andspending money on Pak.
An economic corridor through India to theArabian Sea can always be easily offered to China - at-least talks for the samecan be started. No need to go through mountains and a banana republic ofdubious stability to trade. Instability (like that in Pak - which seems to beembedded, unfortunately, in that country’s DNA) is never good for business orprogress.

中国不是敌人。。。我同意。印度和中国在领土和其它方面的争端已经处理得越来越成熟了(仅仅是我个人的观点)。中国显着的改善了自己的国家 -- 印度现在也在为同样的目标努力(显然想复制中国的成功不是件容易的事情)。
建立一个中印经济走廊穿过印度到达阿拉伯海,我们可以很容易地为中国提供这一点 -- 至少未来可以在对话层面先开始。完全不需要翻山越岭穿过一个动荡的香蕉共和国来做生意(译注:指中巴经济走廊)。动荡(就像在巴基斯坦那样的 -- 不幸的是,这已经嵌到他们的骨子里,融入他们国家的DNA里了)对做生意或者发展不是件好事情。


china is an imagined enemy and pakiatanrelations can be improves. These two itema straightaway proves you donotunderstand the indian situation. Its a naive analysis. China is supportingpakistan who have made 4 instigated wars against india and their dark state hasa concept of gazw e hind. Ths makes china a enemy pakistan will never improve.You know nothing dear you are naive and live in a idealistic world.


improving relationship with pakistan? thatslike asking israel and palestine or us and russia to call truce.


Can you tell me how china got veto power.


Tell me Michelle Zhou, how do you seeChina's veto on Indian move to sanction Masood Azhar, a UN designatedterrorist? What's China's interest in shielding a well known terrorist? How doChinese citizens see this move? Do you agree with this move?

告诉我,Michelle Zhou(答主),你怎么看待中国否决印度将联合国认定的恐怖分子马苏德·阿兹哈尔(Masood Azhar)列入联合国安理会制裁名单的申请?庇护这样一个众所周知的恐怖分子对中国来说有什么好处?你们中国公民是怎么看待这样的举动的?你同意这样的做法吗?

中国近日搁置印度将武装组织“穆罕默德军”头目马苏德·阿兹哈尔(Maulana Masood Azhar)列入联合国安理会制裁名单的申请。

so, 2 from tiny Europe is fine, but 3 fromAsia is impossible?


And why would France represent Europe -just interested in why?

为什么让法国代表欧盟 -- 单纯地想知道为什么?

But P5 veto is a lobby for their allies orarm twisting the opponents. It is a insecurity council. They feel insecureamong themselves. How can they make the world secure?


-Michelle Zhou(答主)回复 Neeraj Vgpal
You think without veto power, US, China, and Russia will stoptwisting each other?


--Pracheta KshirsagarOperations 回复 MichelleZhou(答主)
Michelle you are forgetting China has Veto power due to India .Panditji was offered that and due to his value system he recommended China .What Zhou En Lai did to backstab India is a recorded history in neutralarchives .

Michelle Zhou(答主),你难道忘了,正是因为印度,中国才得到了否决权。Panditji(译注:译者查了半天也没查出这个人是谁)曾经透露,基于他的价值理念他才推荐了中国。周恩来用卑鄙的手段对印度做了什么,你可以在中立的档案库中查到这段历史记录的。

I think three for Asia is fine because theydo have the most population in the world comparatively.


-Michelle Zhou(答主)回复Sam Parker
P-members needs to be as few as possible, If EU(including UK) onlyhave one, why should Asia have three? If Asia have 3, or EU have 2, why shouldAU and LA only have 1…….. etc.


--Antarik Mukherjee 回复Michelle Zhou(答主)
Well EU have a population of 700 million while Just india and CHinawill soon be touching the 3 Billion mark
i think it would be fair representation like 7 billion people 7seats
1 for each billion that confirms our seats while others may bedivided into regions based on population and then we can work it out .
Even though I wonder if India will occupy 2 seats alone by 2060 lol.


We need to consider appeasing PeacefulPakistan to get dummy veto power?
who said we imagine China as our enemy?western media? I read Chinese has gained good number of enemies in its east.The relationship between India and China is not enmity, if you think that way,you must stop imagining so.

我们需要考虑安抚所谓的“爱好和平的巴基斯坦” 去获得虚伪的否决权吗?

Too much of Geopolitics and ego is killingthe need for true Democracy. Power to make UN democratic also lies with P5, soI don’t thing true democracy can ever be achieved.


Michelle someone rightly pointed below incomments, instead of having an impartial view and stating facts (thats watplatforms like Quora were initially used for), U r just playing another falsepropaganda chinese machine. Common on, did U really read the facts from historywhen U say things like, “India should stop viewing China as an enemy andimprove relations with Pak”? Really?? Have U ever referred to the past to knowwhy India’s relations are sour with China and Pak? Is India the sole reason forthat?? Haahaahaa…U r really amusing then. I dont know why and how U have thisattitude of assuming China has been ever correct and others like India are notworth. Thats an ignorant attitude I would say U have and I cant say whether Uwould wish to improve that. All the best.

Michelle(答主),这个答案下面有些人的评论很正确地指出了你的问题,他们在陈述事实,而不是偏见。你只是在扮演另一个错误的中国宣传机器。当你说“不要把中国当作假想敌,而且最好还要和巴基斯坦搞好关系” 这些话的时候,你真的有好好读过历史事实吗??你有没有查阅一下历史,去了解一下为什么印度和中国与巴基斯坦关系不好?是印度单方面的原因吗?哈哈哈。。。你真的很搞笑。我不知道你为什么和怎么会有这样的态度,想当然地认为中国一贯正确,而别人喜欢印度就是不值得的?我想说你这是一种无知的态度,而且我不敢说你是不是真心地想要改善关系,最好是这样。

India won't support terrorist country likePakistan just to get veto.


Michelle Zhou You are just another biasedPropaganda machine of China with no justifiable information .India doesn'tconsider china as enemy China does when China occupied Tibet then India opposedit and gave asylum to Dalai lama.we didn’t deteriorate our relationship withPakistan, Pakistan did. China support terrorism throughout the world. ChinaPakistan and North Korea are new evil axis of new world order.

Michelle Zhou(答主),你又是另一个有偏见的不辨是非的中国宣传机器。印度从来没有视中国为敌人,直到中国占领了XZ,随后印度反对,并且给予了达赖喇嘛庇护。我们没有主动去恶化和巴基斯坦的关系,而是巴基斯坦挑衅我们。中国在全世界范围内支持恐怖主义分子。中国,巴基斯坦和朝鲜是新世界秩序的新邪恶轴心。

Relations with Pakistan will never improveas since Pakistan political leaders wants total annihilation of India and Hindupeople. Pakistan does wars with its own people and suppresses minorities intheir own state. They funds Kashmir’s separatists and infiltrate militants inIndia (newest example being URI Attack). China asks India not to build any armyinfrastructure near LAC. China itself build runways and army camps within 200 mof LAC. China threatens India and you believe that India should stop imaginingchina as enemy. Whatever China is an absolute threat to India and Pakistan isno less than a headache. God bless us !



Suman Sastri
Though generally Indian people does notthink of Chinese people as enemy and vice versa, Chinese government had done alot of things that can only be done by an enemy of India.


Arjav Garg
If making better relations with Pakistanwas that easy, then it would have been done already


Robin Bhandari
I think UNSC is not doing what it shouldhave done in last 20 years, see Appello Syria, Iraq, middle east, refugeecrisis, poverty in Africa and terrorism growing worldwide, it is better forIndia to stay away from UNSC veto member, India is a student which is bright instudies and work overtime to get herself pay for fees of how she is learningthe world, and this UNSC thing will distract everything, we can still ignoreworld issues and focus on our internal issues , UNSC is something which we canget any time we want, why worry?


Kanisk Singh
I offer a simpler option. Kick China outand treat it just the way Pakistan treats us Indians. Then I will ask anAmerican or a Russian to tell Michelle to stop imagining USA as an enemy and toimprove rotations with India. How would that feel ?


Pranjal Krishna
Heavily biased answer with littlerationalle.


Himanshu Singh
Relations with China can be improved butnot with Pakistan it’s childish with really corrupt leaders.


Surbhi Jain
“Stop imagining China as the enemy and improve relationship withPakistan” . Are you unaware of the fact that Pakistan is the hub of terrorists? Or you are simply ignoring the fact because terrorist hasn’t hit China yet .Remember , One day country (read China) that supports a terror nation likePakistan is going to regret it ( and in a really bad way ).


Adhiraj Chattopadhyay
See , there are problems with your laststatement. Pakistan has already attacked India, improperly, several timesbefore.Now it chooses the covert war via terrorism. The recent surgical strikescarried out on POK by India found Pakistani soldiers among several terrorists.
Point 2: Before the Kargil war, there wereongoing talks between India and Pakistan to resolve the Kashmir issue. Amidstall that , general Musharaff's coup gave him Pakistan from Shariff and he theninitiated the Kargil war.
So, India has always been trying to resolvethings with Pakistan but no issue can be resolved one-sidedly.。
Coming to China,she has always beencovertly supporting Pakistan,vetoing several of India's moves. A recent event,she decided to veto the resolution to designate that Hafiz as a terrorist( whois a known terrorist,atleast, living in Pakistan like Laden).
But , we do not really consider China as anenemy.You are mistaken.There have been numerous talks and many of them,successfully.
You also talk like a bully. What do youthink? China does not control Asia. We don't need to butter her up.
Another thing, making philosophicalstatements is very easy, but before making them one should try and understandthe geopolitical scenario.


译注一:卡吉尔战争:1999年,印度和巴基斯坦之间因为克什米尔问题爆发卡吉尔战争(Kargil War),这已经是双方第四次为了克什米尔问题掐架。战争持续了70天,死伤1000多人。
