中俄准备好:美空军400枚新的洲际弹道导弹 [美国媒体]



Air Force plans to build at least 400 new high-tech ICBMs intended to preserve millions of lives by ensuring annhiliation of anyone choosing to launch a nuclear attack. The idea is to prevent major power wars.


The Air Force is now uating formal proposals from three vendors competiting to build hundreds of new next-generation Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles designed to protect the US homeland well into the 2070s and beyond service officials said. 


Submissions from Northrop Boeing and Lockheed are now being reviewed by Air Force weapons developers looking to modernize the US land-based nuclear missile arsenal and replace the 1970s-era Boeing-built Minuteman IIIs. 



Why is the talk of WW3 and nuclear weapons on the up tick over the past few months? I find this unsettling. And I find the fact that Hillary Clinton may win the Presidency and already has a major grudge against Russia and a very confrontational stance towards them even more unsettling.
"Clinton is supposedly declaring war on Russia by pushing for an intervention in Syria and given that the U.S. and Russia are both nuclear powers a Hillary Clinton presidency “is a mushroom cloud waiting to happen” ~ Jill Stein

“通过推动美国对叙利亚的军事干预,希拉里应该会对俄罗斯宣战。而由于美国和俄罗斯都是核大国,希拉里成为美国总统将意味着‘蘑菇云即将升起’”—— 吉尔·斯特恩。

Mark Greenfelt
Russian trolls are proliferating without limit.


Daddy D
Could be a Trump troll. Saying Hillary will start a nuclear war.



Say goodbye to planned Russian reduction of their ICBM fleet. Not to mention China can probably roll ten times that much off assembly lines for a tenth the cost now that they have a reason to. Have fun with that.


These aren't additional ICBM's but replacements. The Russians have been doing the same and have replaced over 400 ICBMs with much superior technology.


Freddy Di Guglielmo
Russia is not reducing it's nuclear arsenal.. under the last nuclear treaty.. H Clinton and company agreed that the USA had to dismantle some 1500 missiles and allow Russia to build some 700 more to reach an EQUAL nuclear distribution of global power.. EQUALITY AT IT'S FINEST.



The US didn't have 1500 missiles to dismantle prior to New START and the limits on deployed delivery vehicles is 700. Your comment is so factually wrong as to be unbelievable. The Russians have over 7000 nuclear weapons. They don't need to build anymore since they are the successor state to the Soviet unx and the limit for deployed strategic nuclear warheads is 1550 under New START on 700 launchers.
You can read the treaty on the State Department's website.

在《新削减战略武器条约(New START)》签署之前,美国并不需要拆除1500枚导弹,而对运载工具的限制是700。你的评论是如此的离谱,真让人难以置信。俄罗斯已经拥有超过7000枚核武器。他们并不需要再建造了,因为他们从苏联那里继承和限制了核弹头的数量在1550枚,新的武器削减条约规定是700个发射器。

Mark Greenfelt
Another Russian Troll. You already know the specs for the RS-28 the replacement for Satan or the SS-18 the 100 ton giant and that is above the SS-25 and the SS-27 that are all newer than the US Minuteman.

又一个俄罗斯喷子。你知道俄罗斯在研发RS-28替代100吨的SS-18撒旦。比SS-25 和SS-27都厉害,而后二者又比美国的民兵导弹新。


Ker Pala
I think we should spend more money on Mars mission and move our people over there. We should take over the Whole Mars and declare it was America 2.
Lets start living there. Let Chinese and Russians rot in this earth.


only russia can really do what you think


YEEEEAH. The first Russian probe to land on Mars didn't take one picture because the parachute landed on top of the camera. In the mean time we have landed multiple landers and rovers. Bite me. 


That's more than tripling our ICBM force. Guess a new nuclear arms race is coming. With the United States Russia China India & Pakistan all steadily increasing the size of their nuclear arsenals. Soon we will start having those drills again and citizens will be building private shelters again as we hit 10s of thousands of deployable nukes.



These are replacing older ICBM's allowed under the treaty. No new arm's race but the Russian's have already replaced over 400 ICBM's with superior technology.


Mark Greenfelt
Russian trolls are proliferating.


Peter Arhangelsky
"plans to build at least 400 new high-tech ICBMs intended to preserve millions of lives"


Thomas Fung
This seems to be a sad waste of money. Land-based ICBM's encourage not discourage preemptive strikes on the US homeland. By contrast ballistic missile submarines provide a much more credible and secure nuclear deterrent that is invulnerable to both first and second strike capabilities.

看上去这是一个浪费钱的计划。 陆基洲际弹道导弹并不能阻止美国本土遭受敌方先发制人的打击。 相比之下,潜基弹道导弹可以提供更可信以及更安全的核威慑,敌方的第一次和第二次打击能力对其都是无解的。

Preemptive strikes by who? Only Russia can come close to attempt that and with dire consequences.



Mark Greenfelt
Sea based ICBMs are definitely not more secure and also lixed to a very limited number of ports.


Daddy D
Are there advantages to sea based ICBM's? Is the launch to detonate time any shorter? Just curious and you seem knowledgeable.


Dave McDuff
It's about their ability to hide. The enemy supposedly knows where most of the land ICBMs are whereas the Tridents have super secret patrol orders that cover thousands of square miles of ocean... including right up to the enemy's coasts. That's the idea anyway.


To keep the peace arm for war.



So um will all the components on our missiles be made in China? Kind of ironic. The only thing we can build right now is Tupperware. Hopefully this will be a wake up call that maybe we should have industries here in the US that can supply our defense needs.


Albert Cattell
To be the world leader it would have to be the fastest ICBM on the market which would almost certainly require a scramjet or ramjet engine and possibly a railgun launching option although that may make it vulnerable to EMP counter measures. Mobility is also critical. As the director of warfare stated any future war envolving nuclear weapons would rely on much smaller and more mobile units to avoid detection by counter measures.


R. Arandas
Honestly I prefer peace to war...today is the day of the election by the way and whoever wins our nation will be changed forever.



What a waste of time reading this article. All nuke powers including Israel are developing their arsenals with several nations carrying 10 warheads per missile. Each advesdary has the same plan with missiles spread out and mobile & silos. The trajectory map illustrated is the same as the missile being Minuteman III being replaced.


Random guy
As the only country that used Nuclear Weapons on civilians this news is very disturbing.


granheim barabossa
Last year Russia increased their ICBM numbers by 1600. Of those nearly 500 were of Tsar bomb size. Weapons of those magnitude don't even have to detonate close to the ground. 10 miles up and the entire eastern seaboard would be burnt to a crisp.



Peter Arhangelsky
Last year Russia increased their ICBM numbers by 1600. - FALSE STATEMENT
Current Russian ICBM number is about 500.
Nearly 500 were of Tsar bomb size. - FALSE STATEMENT
Tsar bomb was 50 megaton yield. Most of modern nukes including Russian are less then one megaton yield.
What is the point of making such a lame comment?

去年俄罗斯的洲际弹道导弹数量增加了1600枚。—— 错误的说法!
其中有将近500枚是沙皇炸弹级别的。—— 又是错误的说法!

granheim barabossa
Russia scrapped and recycled their small cold war nukes and manufactured new state of the art ICBM's. If you really think they kept their numbers at 500 you are really ignorant. A cursory web search will verify the numbers.
A Tsar bomb is originally described as a 700 megaton yield. One was set off in northern Russia but was scaled back to 100 megatons. Current Hydrogen type nuclear weapons ARE 1 megaton or less. But the Russian Tsar bombs are NOT Hydrogen based.
The point of making such a comment shows that I'n NOT ignorant. I don't believe the bullshit the liberal government tries to spoon feed me.



In my humble opinion Russia and China simply won't worry at all. US already has second to none trident SLBM fleets which can destroy their lands many times. Add a few hundred land based ICBM won't increase this threat but drain its defense resources. Likely Russia and China would continue their developments of making their ICBM and SLBM more capable to penetrate US NMD.
Hold lots of weapons which you cannot use until you decide to mutual destruction is not wise.


barry ray
Why dont we provide our children with a better education ourselves with better healthcare and our infrastructure with better maintenance instead?


they would have to be hypersonic to really be any use... no the path is to make them useless would be to create focused laser (photonics) plasma and EMP weapons. they have the speed capacity and are by nature defensive weapons.



Tony fernandez
Defense spending is necessary--think of the cost of human lives if we didn't have ICBM what would happen to us? Some people simply do NOT THINK.
Just saying..I enjoy whenever these Russian trolls say their ICBM are more "technologically advanced" ( that's what they want to BELIEVE or what Putin wants them to believe.) We had Atomic bombs when no country had them; we had stealth jet planes 
(and since the 70's by the way) when nobody had them and so forth. Just saying...


usa is amateur illusion russia surpus all techs make your research before you spit


Tony fernandez
I've done my research. I've studied. Russia is not high-tech. The US was the First nation with atomic bombs or was it Russia?
Everything in my comment is the TRUTH. All points in my comment 100% TRUTH--undisputed. And there's A LOT MORE however I won't bother discussing them with you. Good day!

