SACRAMENTO Calif. --- After Donald Trump was elected as the 45th president of the United States many Californians voiced their disapproval by calling for California to secede from the U.S.
But can California actually secede from the United States?
In 1961 McDonald County Mo. briefly became McDonald Territory after attempting to secede from the state of Missouri. More recently a movement in Texas called for a #Texit from the United States and several northern California cities have proposed a State of Jefferson separated from California.
1961年麦克唐纳县曾经短暂的从密苏里州独立,拥有自己的领土。 最近的脱离联邦运动是德克萨斯州脱离美利坚运动,以及几个加州北部城市提出来的脱离加州管理组建一个新的杰佛逊州运动。
In California a political group dubbed the Yes California Independence Campaign is using the Trump win as an opportunity to breathe life into their crusade to make California an independent country. The group hopes to put a referendum on a 2018 ballot that will allow Californians to make the choice to #Calexit once and for all.
在加州一个“Yes California”独立运动政治组织将川普的获胜视为给他们为推动加州成为独立国家的“脱离”运动带来生气的绝好机会。这个组织希望能在2018年推动一项“#Calexit”全民公投让加州人对是否脱离美联邦做一次彻底的选择。
But states hopes of succession are nothing more than California Dreamin' according to David A. Carrillo Executive Director of the California Constitution Center at the University of California Berkeley Law.
但是加利佛尼亚伯克利分校法学院-加州宪法中心执行董事David A. Carrillo认为承继国家的希望(即加州独立)只不过是一个“加州梦”而已
"There is no legal basis for a state to secede from the unx." Carrillo said. "The U.S. Constitution (A4s3) has a procedure for adding new states or subdividing existing states--both require Congress to consent. But there is no procedure at all in the U.S. constitution for a state to secede."
In Texas v. White in 1869 the Supreme Court of the United States ruled that states cannot secede.
California's own Constitution (A3s1) states that "The State of California is an inseparable part of the United States of America and the United States Constitution is the supreme law of the land."
Carrillo also discussed the probability and previous outcomes from other states.
"It's extremely unlikely California could secede legally or otherwise." he said. "A group of states tried that once. It ended very badly for them."
Andrew McLeish R26; 12 hrs
Good let them go. But they take their sjare of the debt with them. Without California's electoral votes democrats would not win another presidential election.
David Stephenson R26; Wilfred Laurier University R26; 11 hrs
And without California's taxes the midwest would go bankrupt
Golden Cobra R26; 1 hr
David Stephenson WRong David. Most of the water and electricity CA uses comes from out of state. The USA would have CA by the balls.
Andrew McLeish R26; 35 mins
David Stephenson When you get rid of CA we can go back to real capitalism and the economy will soar.
David Stephenson摆脱加州之后,我们就可以回归真正的资本主义了,并且我们的经济会飙升起来。
John James R26; Pittsburgh Pennsylvania R26; 15 mins
Golden Cobra ...a lot of their power comes from Vernal Utah...Bonanza Power.
Oscar Xavier R26; 10 mins
David Stephenson Stick to Canadian beliefs -eh? You must have just read that somewhere about them paying more than their fair share of taxes. Nonsense they don't pay enough and are subidized at every turn.
David Stephenson坚持加拿大人的信仰?额...你一定是在某些地方看到他们上交了超过他们应负担的税务。鬼扯啦!他们每次税都没交全甚至还拿了补贴。
Victor Falco R26; Solution/Systems Architect at Rabobank R26; 11 hrs
Why not embrace the movement to split CA into multiple states so that people are better represented? Why are you not covering the State of Jefferson movement? More left wing biased BS from another media elite. We know who you are.
Bob Smith R26; 7 hrs
One day the 9.0 will hit Los Angeles and S.F. will have a lot less democrats.
-------------译者:Mister Peter Pa-审核者:悟空与师傅------------
Robert Dennis R26; Chief Executive Officer at Retired R26; 6 hrs
But before the God driven earthquake that crumbles california the midwest will be dealing with the man-made earthquakes destroying thier world created by the fracking that makes money for the rich on the pockets of the poor white trash working for nothing because they have no other choice! But again all think that trump is the answer....!
John James R26; Pittsburgh Pennsylvania R26; 16 mins
Robert Dennis ..become educated before you post. The depth of fracking is below the water table but no where near the Earthquake causing plates.
Ronald Butler R26; 3 mins
John James and if you think fracking is good for ground water you need to do some research!
-------------译者:Mister Peter Pa-审核者:悟空与师傅------------
Marsha Luthenauer R26; University of Tennessee Knoxville R26; 1 hr
They already have been bankrupt and couldn't pay government employees so good luck on your own!
Bill Mills R26; 53 mins
This would be the best thing for America. In fact we'll give you the whole west coast move all the liberals over to that reservation and then build a wall. Then watch them all kill each other.
John James R26; Pittsburgh Pennsylvania R26; 15 mins
LOL...good one. If no one visited those states they would definitely go bankrupt. Ever take a look at their Hotel and other in state services targetting tourists?
Robert McBride R26; Xavier University R26; 48 mins +1
California should propose an amendment to the US constitution describing how any state can elect to succeed.
Joe Chaney R26; 43 mins
only the big cities in Cali need to secede. the rurals are all conservative but held hostage.
Tom Roberts Sr. R26; 17 mins
ny too
Rhonda L. Domineker R26; Consultant at Self-Employed R26; 42 mins
HAHAHAHAHAHAH.... are you serious? If California seceded from the US here would be a race to see which way they would collapse first. 1. collapse under the weight of their own debt or 2. their economy would collapse as they would not be able to provide the agricultural commoddities for export because they wouldn't have the resources to irrigate their crops. They would have to build huge desalination plants merely to provide water for houses and industry because the out of state sources for water could be cut off. But their credit rating would tank so that they couldn't borrow the money to build those desalination systems.
Hey California-- you go for it.
Denis Sand R26; 38 mins
Bye. Don't let the door hit your ass on the way out.
Greg Girvan R26; 33 mins
All I can say is I hope so. Good riddance!
Clayton Spangenberg R26; VP and COO at SLS Enterprises Inc. R26; 31 mins
Michelle Disbrow doesn't understand - the bills you pay are for liberal programs which the majority of the Midwest doesn't use - other than Chicago St. Louis and oteher big cities. Please - secede and take your liberals in Hollywood with you. We in the Midwest can get along just wine without your rioters and illegal aliens. Your 55 Democratic electoral votes that you take with you will sink the Democratic party forever.
-------------译者:Mister Peter Pa-审核者:悟空与师傅------------
Andrew Armstrong R26; Westlake High School R26; 25 mins
They may be a big economy but they are also a huge producer of debt.
get rid of em
Ken Scott R26; Works at University of Kentucky Medical Center R26; 24 mins
Sweet! Where can I sign their petition? Sooner the better. Let's all pitch in and help build a wall around the state so they can't ever infect our population again with their idiocy.
John James R26; Pittsburgh Pennsylvania R26; 14 mins
Take a look at the electoral college map. The LEFT coast is where the Liberals rack up the "popular" vote they whine about.....all other areas with the exception of New England and NY are red and totally self reliant from our over stuffed Centralized Federal Govt. Please do the rest of us a big favor and leave.
看了一眼投票地图。 “左”海岸是自由派支持他们不停抱怨的“大众”投票的地方……除了新英格兰和纽约,其他所有地方都是红色的并且完全不依赖于我们“过于臃肿”集权的联邦政府。所以请你们给剩下的我们帮个忙滚蛋吧。
James John R26; 8 mins
I live in CA and I can tell you CA is comprised of a lot of whiners and babies who throw temper tantrums when they don't get their way.
CA is a dysfunctional state run by dysfunctional people.
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