John Pomfret a former China correspondent for The Post is author of a forthcoming book on U.S.-China relations “The Beautiful Country and the Middle Kingdom: America and China 1776 to the Present.”
I participated on Wednesday in a Chinese talk show on Chinese-owned Phoenix TV on the election of Donald Trump. There the glee was palpable about the victory of a man that Chinese state-run media has dubbed a “clown” and held up as an example of why the Chinese are better off living in a one-party state.
Underlying the glee was a belief of the guests most of them leading Chinese analysts or former diplomats that a Trump administration would cede the Western Pacific to China downgrade its alliances with Japan and South Korea and not carry through on the candidate’s threats to slap tariffs on Chinese goods. Perhaps I thought my fellow panelists should be careful what they wished for.
To be sure many in the Chinese government did not like Hillary Clinton. She made headlines in 1995 at the United Nations Fourth World Conference on Women criticizing China’s family-planning policies. As secretary of state she more than President Obama was the originator of “the pivot” the United States’ move to refocus its power on Asia.
可以肯定的是,中国政府中的许多人不喜欢希拉里.克林顿。1995她在联合国第四次世界妇女大会上批评中国的计划生育政策,成为头条新闻。 她作为国务卿,比奥巴马总统更致力于发起美国重点国策的重返亚洲计划。
On the campaign trail Trump criticized Clinton’s Asia policy and mused about pulling U.S. troops out of South Korea and Japan if they didn’t pay more for American defense. He floated the idea that perhaps the two longtime U.S. allies could even become nuclear powers. Chinese analysts were giddy at the prospect of a U.S. retreat from Asia.
But increasingly Trump’s musings on Asia appear to be more of a ploy to wrest more dollars from U.S. allies than a genuine threat to exit the region. On Wednesday Trump assured South Korean President Park Geun-hye that the United States would defend South Korea from any North Korean aggression. Trump also agreed to meet with Japan’s prime minister Shinzo Abe in New York next week.
Trump has also vowed to add more than 70 ships to the U.S. naval fleet turning it into a force of 350 surface ships and submarines. To ride herd over this massive buildup Trump has reportedly tapped Rep. J. Randy Forbes (R-Va.) to be the next secretary of the Navy. Forbes has long supported a bigger Navy and stronger pushback against China in the South China Sea.
10:26 AM GMT+0800
China ses Trump as an easy mark just like Russia. Chinaq is also after Trump to pay for the goods he has had made there.
Boontee Tan
9:48 AM GMT+0800
Beijing did not like both presidential candidates. Now China has to face a new awkwardly flippant leader who does not know what consequence means. Be careful.
7:03 AM GMT+0800
In order to understand any foreign country's reaction to Trump's election you have to understand what is in the foreign press - much of the content would amuse even ardent Clinton lovers. Having been assured by Obama's liberal friends that Trump had no chance in hell this is seen as a double victory by the Chinese - it validates their view that the U.S. government lives in a fantasy world and it is seen as evidence of American dissatisfaction with our democratic form of government.
It is not for any strategic reason that China prefers Trump. They must already believe based on Obama's weak response to their island hopping Putin taking over Crimea and Obama's ineffective "red line" with Assad that the U.S. is incapable of stopping their acquisition of territory. Like Putin Xi will continue expanding territory in all directions irrespective of who is President.
6:10 AM GMT+0800
Trump wants to add 70 new ships to the US Navy. How is he going to pay for them? The US National Debt will be over $20 trillion by the time he takes office. The new Idiot in Chief promised to negotiate a "hair cut" for US debt holders most of whom are US banks including the US Federal Reserve System. That would cause US securities to go to "junk bond" status with default rates that could reach 30% or higher. ,
Further China's major naval units are mainly destroyers and frigates that protect trade and already lack the firepower to fight the current US Navy. The islands that China builds in the South China Sea are for lighthouses and emergency airstrips to protect China's trade but they also protect the trade of Japan South Korea the Philippines Vietnam Indonesia Malaysia Singapore and Australia. Most of these countries can't afford to build the infrastructure that China has built.
China's trade passed the US in 2015 with $7.5 trillion and China beat the US by $1.9 trillion in profits. China wants to raise its trade to $18.75 trillion by 2020 and most western Pacific countries will likely want a share of that prize. With its Silk Road Economic Belt that reaches over 60 countries from China to Portugal its 21st Century Maritime Silk Road and its Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank China is uniting all of Asia Europe and Africa into a huge trading block. China doesn't want to rule the world but it does want to trade with it. Peace and trade are profits; wars and occupations are expenses.
the end is nigh
11/13/2016 11:41 PM GMT+0800
China's shaky economy?
I've noticed an increase in ill-feeling and sly comments from Chinese People since Trump's rise. Unfortunately they assume I am American.
It is rather embarassing.
11/12/2016 12:37 PM GMT+0800
This is the kind of media nonsense that got Trump elected. When did China have a say? Believing Trump who blames China for everything was China's favorite is the sour grapes of the pro-Hillary camp in the US. The US will be facing the challenge from a world that won't obey the US under Trump more than ever. When Republicans take office the world tends to become anti-American including with US allies. Trump taking office the world will be a hundred times more anti-American.
11/12/2016 9:59 AM GMT+0800
Trump owes a Chinese government run bank millions. They know it. He knows it. What's he gonna do to China seriously?
Sens Liberal Paradox
3:25 AM GMT+0800 [Edited]
Strengthen the navy and military? Threaten protectionism unless the bank forgives his debts? It's good to borrow money when you have the gunboats to protect you.
10:34 AM GMT+0800
Grump will pay China's debt and so will the U.S. or lose it's credit to get more borrowed money to run it's country. China is the world economy now and the U.S. is just a military expansionist ghat can't last.
11/12/2016 7:05 AM GMT+0800
I thought that TPP was an effort to oppose Chinese influence. We know that what Donald Trump said and even what he might want to do is not relevant at this point. We could be in for some tense relationships and not just with China.
11/12/2016 4:46 AM GMT+0800
China should feel secure in their "gut" feelings about Trump.
I have no doubt that he wouldn't be able to identify South Korea from Japan on an unmarked Asian map.
We're talking real ignorance.
11/12/2016 7:07 AM GMT+0800
That ignorance means that he will have to depend on whomever is advising him. That's true of all presidents but it seems as if Trump is particularly unprepared to deal with complexities in international relations.
11/13/2016 1:24 PM GMT+0800
all the scarier...
11/12/2016 4:21 AM GMT+0800
The leaders of the democratically-led countries who are our allies did not want Trump to win. The leaders of the not-so-democratic countries who oppose the US (and our democratic allies) are celebrating Trump's election. Tell ya much?
11/12/2016 9:53 PM GMT+0800
"The leaders of the not-so-democratic countries who oppose the US (and our democratic allies) are celebrating Trump's election."
They do not. Again Chinese state-run media called him "clown". They obviously did not want him elected. Because for the last 40 years traitors here in America worked for Chinese interests transferring American wealth there in hundreds of billions of $$$ per year. And American jobs in tens of millions.
the end is nigh
11/13/2016 11:43 PM GMT+0800
Traitors who bankrolled the politicians you voted for. But you're too stupid to realise that.
11/12/2016 4:09 AM GMT+0800
They like Putin know he's a sheep in wolf clothing (made in China)
11/12/2016 4:03 AM GMT+0800
Of course China wanted Trump. They are allies of Russia.
Clinton won 60467245 votes to Trump's 60071650 votes
If not for Russian hackers that tampered with Florida and Pennsylvania election machines Trump would not have won the electoral college.
Trump's son says most of their family's money is Russian money.
Trump said in 2013 when he took the Miss Universe contest to Russia that he had meetings with Putin.
How can the US put this Russian pawn in the White House.
11/12/2016 4:48 AM GMT+0800
It's probably true that Russian state hacking broke into the Florida and Pennsylvania election machines but they stole ID information of voters and didn't alter the vote count.
Unless you have a lix that says otherwise that's exactly what CNN reported on the lix given.
11/12/2016 7:09 AM GMT+0800
Russia is not an "ally" of China and has not been since the 1950s. There are times when they align because of common interests and there are times when they get quite hostile to each other.
10:37 AM GMT+0800
China and Russia have mutual defense packs.
11/12/2016 4:01 AM GMT+0800
Russia was sidelined by globalisation it economically just another country. Instead the Putin tries to dismantle globalisation together with the populist right elsewhere.
When the Chinese finally wake up and realize their economic power is under threat by Russia and populists they will not sit idle and watch.
11/12/2016 3:55 AM GMT+0800
They were right he is a clown. As for negotiating it seems he is proposing a lot of stuff that is lose-lose. Not just China that needs to be worried.
Far Left of Right
11/12/2016 3:52 AM GMT+0800
I'm hoping the Clinton Crime wave is over and the whole dam family goes to prison.
And of Corse Trump drain the swamp.
11/12/2016 3:56 AM GMT+0800
LOL from the primordial ooze come Gingrich Bolton and Giuliani to re-inhabit the swap. The swamp overflows.
哈哈,Gingrich, Bolton 以及 Giuliani 将竞选美国国务卿职位,里面的污泥都要溢出了。
Bill Kennedy
11/12/2016 3:26 AM GMT+0800
Brace for a New World Disorder. Big League.
Why do most people who have a positive view of China have been to ...
Why do most people who have a positive view of China have been to ...