令人衰弱的声波攻击后美国撤出驻中国使馆人员(美国网友评论) [美国媒体]


Americans Evacuate From USConsulate In China After Debilitating Sonic Attacks



Several US citizens have been evacuated from the USconsulate in Guangzhou, China, after falling ill with various neurologicalsymptoms from mysterious "sonic attacks" similar to incidentsreported in Havana Cuba which left 20 State Department employees with seriousinjuries.


On Wednesday night, consulate worker Mark Lenziand his family were evacuated after hearing strange noises over the course ofseveral months, which Lenzi described as "marbles bouncing and hitting afloor then rolling on an incline with a static sound," according to theWashington Post.


A few months later, the headaches started —excruciating pain that lasted for days at a time. Lenzi, his wife, and their3-year-old son experienced the same symptoms, which soon included chronicsleeplessness as well. Lenzi says that he asked his superiors for help but thatthey dismissed his concerns. Consulate doctors prescribed painkillers andAmbien, which did nothing to address the underlying causes of the problem.-WaPo
Lenzi then learned that his next-door neighborhad been evacuated from the consulate and flown back to the United States toundergo a thorough medical assessment - which concluded that the person wassuffering from "mild traumatic brain injury."




On May 23, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo noted thecomparisons between the China incidents and the Cuban attacks during a Househearing, stating "The medical indications are very similar, and entirelyconsistent with, the medical indications that were taking place to Americansworking in Cuba."
And in testimony before the Senate ForeignRelations Committee last month, Pompeo said China had "said all the rightthings and have demonstrated their willingness to help us identify the vectorwhich led to this medical incident," according to the Associated


Meanwhile, a team of scientists at theUniversity of Michigan say they may have found the source of the mysterioussounds.  They said that two sources of ultrasounds - such aseavesdropping - may have been placed too closely together, provoking an intensesound like the one described by the victims, according to the Miami Herald.


US-China relations


Though their source has never been determined,the attacks damaged relations between the US and Cuban governments and alsoleft some embassy employees with mild brain damage. The US recalled most of itsembassy staff from Havana before expelling 15 Cuban diplomats from Washingtonin response to the alleged attack.


Likewise, the new sonic attacks risk strainingrelationships between Washington and Beijing - which the Trump administrationhas been pressing hard on trade, while at the same time relying on China tohelp negotiate with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un. As WaPo notes, "Awidening scandal involving the possible mistreatment of U.S. diplomats couldn’tcome at a worse time."


Chinese foreign ministry spokesman Lu Kang saidin a press briefing that China had investigated the May 16 cases but found noreason for the illness. 
“China has conducted a very carefulinvestigation and has given preliminary findings to the US, and we haven’tfound the reason or clues that led to the situation mentioned by the US,” hesaid.
“China has always followed the Vienna Conventionon diplomatic relations and consular relations to protect the US diplomaticstaff and staff from other countries.”


What could be causing these mysterious attacks?


macholatte  wadalt
"marbles bouncingand hitting a floor then rolling on an incline with a static sound,"
Was Hitlary givinganother speech over there?


Odd, why would theyattack low-level consulate employees? I would go for the big fish...unless thebig ones had tin-foil protections.


Apparently some kind ofimproperly deployed listening device.
Feedback loop directeddeeply into the brain.


Satellite phones with heavy encryption for embassy staff,I am sure those puppies put out some serious microwaves and may be cookingtheir brains lol. So why not blame it on the Chinese or Cubans.  This waythese casseroles can sue the govts of China, Cuba, and Russia like the 9/11victims sued IRAN lol, and the USA govt gets off scot free


Vilfredo Pareto   
Yeah.   I think this is accidental whicheverside is responsible.  Electromagnetic waves and sound waves have unusualproperties we are just beginning to understand such as killing off beesprobably.  
If surveillance agencies can accidentally cause batteryfires and turn on sex toys then it shouldn't be surprising if some of theirtech is brain damaging.


Sonic, the new warfare.


"...debilitatingsonic attack..."
Or listening to too muchDefLeppard at max volume?


Eyes Opened   
.... on cheap chineseearphones...


wee-weed up  
Do unto others as theyhave done unto you.
Look out Chineseembassies in the US!


When will they figureout what’s doing it?
Should I tell them, orjust let them figure out what’s doing it to them?
Here’s a hint, turn yourphones off.


It looks like itmight be high grade residential Novichok...and you know who must certainly,indubitable, positively inarguably most likely to be responsible



Note all ye who findthemselves working (or considering working) for .gov
THIS is a typicalgovernment response to their own people having real problems - it is how the"leaders" deal with "the problem":
Lenzi says that he askedhis superiors for help but that they dismissed his concerns. Consulate doctorsprescribed painkillers and Ambien, which did nothing to address the underlyingcauses of the problem
1; dismiss the problem
2: use medication thatdoes nothing for the problem
3: either you are deador debilitated
Go ahead - work for .gov


What's being used ismultiple directed non-resonant acoustic standing wave (levitation)emmiters.
It would not be fun being in the proximity of the standing wave.
I believe China is demonstrating a weapons capability to transmit a"diplomatic message".


Vilfredo Pareto  
What is most likelyhappening is an accidental result of surveillance or communication technologyor from  other sources of electromagnetic or acoustic waves.
Mass hysteria andpurposeful sonic or EM attacks are lower probability.
Nobody actually testsanything before it gets deployed, not the USA, Cuba, Chinese, anybody. Atleast that is what I have seen from my experience anyway lol.
Hopefully there iskarmic justice and spooks everywhere, but especially Chinese spooks, aregetting their brains fried too.


The description of thesound - which the victim said produced abnormal sensations and pressures -
"marbles bouncingand hitting a floor then rolling on an incline with a static sound,"
Yeh well I've heard justthe same noise in china. I did live just next to a government housing complexin the middle of a big city about 6 years ago, only seperated by a wall and 20mof air. Foreigners were not allowed to enter into their compound.
But yeah, most likelyneighbours. Chinese houses have no insulation whatsoever and there were plentyof people, rats and roaches in the building.. But who knows.. We werent much tospy on thats for sure but since it was next to the gov maybe they wanted toknow for sure.


silverer  CheapBastard
These employees shouldstick with Russian vodka, not Chinese or Cuban vodka. I knew those sillysanctions against Russia would come back to bite sooner or later.


1 Alabama   
Just turn off thefridge, you be fine.


el buitre   
The State Departmentknows exactly what it is.  And it is not ultrasound.  It is beamed,highly focused microwaves.  They know what it is because the DoD, NSA, andCIA have been abusing the technology for decades.  They have it down tothe point that modulated microwaves can stimulate the cochlea withenough precision to give the subjective impression of a person speaking inthe same room.  It is frequently used by the deep state against UScitizens.  It was used en mass with substantial success against Iraqisoldiers where the voice, in Arabic of course, claimed that he was Allah, andthey should lay down their weapons.  The DoD referred to it as "theVoice of God." Calling it ultrasound is just a red herring.  Theydon't want people to know that they have this sort of weapon.  It ispossible that Cuba and China are using it in retaliation for its useagainst them.  Its use can be detected by a $150 RF meter.


Urban Roman   
I thought it was merelya hysterical mass hallucination. They have never provided recordings of it, andevery cell phone is a recording device. Just start the video camera and recorda few seconds of it.
If it's what you said,then they should grab a sample of it with a spectrum analyzer...


Pesticides in the food will do that. These insecticidescan damage your kidneys and/or the tiny cells in your ear so you hear loudnoises or ringing.
My suggestion is to stop eating local food.
Also, quite a few of their drugs are contaminated I read,even the ones sold in legit drug stores can be fake or harmful so you have tobe extra careful.


I had an ex wife likethat.  Nag nag nag, until the water inside the cells of my head weremodulated. Fukt me up...
So its a sonic attack,but no sound? Not measured in db's, but freq/sec and period length... Just likemy ex!
Legalize medicalmarijuana in China.  Then you can officially write off the minor braindamage as 'cause unknown' and at least the victims would no longer care. Theywill happily continue to function until they have to change jobs to become Ottothe School bus Driver Dude.

