1901,一个吃米饭的中国人 [美国媒体]


A man eating rice in China, 1901


[–]dragon_bone 417   1
People used to be happy?


[–]Penta-Dunk[S] 253   49 
Hahah, funny story actually. Back then, taking a photo was considered to be important, like a portrait of yourself. Your descendants would see that exact picture of yourself so you had to look serious and respectable, which is why people rarely smiled. However that belief only existed in certain parts of the world, and it hadn’t reached China yet, where not everyone had cameras. So when the British photographers came into this Chinese town and took pictures of locals they told them to “strike a pose”, and they chose to use any random pose instead of the usual serious face.


[–]blazeeeit 114   34 
Hold up op! So before film was invented, people were using daguerreotypy (more commonly known as “silver plate”) process to create pictures. Such process requires the exposure time from a few seconds up to several minutes, which requires the subject to be standing still during the exposure process. Smiling as we all know is a hard facial expression to maintain for such long period of time in addition the awkwardness that we experience, therefore people chose a more serious or relaxed expression when taking photos, and later this becomes a “tradition” in the early age of photography.


[–]Penta-Dunk[S] 45   28 
Hey! You got me. My version comes from the original source’s description, so it’s much different than yours hah. The only prize you win for being right is explaining the same thing to the rest of the commenters asking the same question ;)


[–]tragiktimes 18   16 
When a person can admit they're misinformed with such poise, it gives me hope for the world.


 [–]ronin4740 972   4
Not believing the 1901... Time traveller or photo shop.


[–]Benedict_Indestructo 319   4
I agree, the photo is way too clear.


[–]PronunciationIsKey 7   26 
Is it an apothecary table?


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[–]digdug04 138   2
You’d be surprised how high quality old cameras were. As long they had a skilled operator you could get excellent quality photos. In this case this guy had to sit there and smile very still for a while


[–]Penta-Dunk[S] 61   34 
By the 1900’s photography had advanced a lot so you’re right, except he only had to hold still for maybe a few seconds. It blows me away how many people in this thread don’t realize that photography was way more advanced in the 1900s compared to the 1800s. Assuming you had a decent camera pictures could be really good quality and you wouldn’t have to hold still for as long as you did in the 1800s.


[–]Automatic_nun_gun 8   30 
Yup film cameras have changed in size and form factor but the picture quality has changed a lot less than people would think. Digital is where a lot of the big strides have been made.


[–]digdug04 2   12 
True but i would still consider a few seconds a long time in terms of photography. Especially when holding a pose like that any slight movement would be a loss in sharpness.


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[–]Bamith 61   47 
People didn't smile before the 1960s, i'm positive.


[–]jlialp 23   30 
People didn't have teeth before the 1960s.


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[–]GjsRs 6   33 
Kind of correct, pictures took a while back in the day and no one smiled after waiting for ages for the picture to develop


[–]VegasTransplant 7   29 
You're talking 1800's here. Photography cameras we're pretty quick by 1901


[–]yeerk_slayer 3   26 
High quality cameras have always existed, it's just that they need special lens that are expensive. It always came down to how much the manufacturer was willing to spend on production overall. A carefully engineered high budget camera from 1880 is still gonna be better than a cheaply made camera coming from some Chinese knockoff tech company.


[–]pantshirtshoes 5   1
also, his hands and fingernails aren't grubby enough.


[–]Penta-Dunk[S] 17   42 
Someone else mentioned this in another comment, but judging by his clothes and the nice table in front of him he’s probably wealthy enough to afford good hygiene


[–]pantshirtshoes 4   37 
I was half joking... It's just that the only time you see anyone of status in older pictures, they are looking unnecessarily dignified and boring. You would assume that a goofy guy like that isn't of noble origin... just a bunch of contradictions (and assumptions) in the photo, I guess :)


[–]doctopi 2   29 
That's just because they had to sit there as still as possible for a long period of time right? It's easier to sit still with a neutral expression rather than holding a smile. Also saw somewhere that it was less common to expose your teeth back then because of poor dental hygiene but I've no idea how true that is.


[–]Penta-Dunk[S] 3   23 
People in poorer, developing countries like China back then didn’t have as much access to refined sugar as developed, richer countries, so their dental hygiene wasn’t as bad.

