So, Why Can't You Call Taiwan?
President-elect Donald Trump has committed a sharp breachof protocol—one that underscores just how weird some important protocols are.
It’s hardly remembered now, having been overshadowed a fewmonths later on September 11, but the George W. Bush administration’s firstforeign-policy crisis came in the South China Sea. On April 1, 2001, a U.S.Navy surveillance plane collided with a Chinese jet near Hainan Island. Thepilot of the Chinese jet was killed, and the American plane was forced to landand its crew was held hostage for 11 days, until a diplomatic agreement wasworked out. Sino-American relations remained tense for some time.
Unlike Bush, Donald Trump didn’t need to wait to beinaugurated to set off a crisis in the relationship. He managed that on Friday,with a phone call with the president of Taiwan, Tsai Ing-wen. It’s a sharpbreach with protocol, but it’s also just the sort that underscores how weirdand incomprehensible some important protocols are.
和布什不同,川普尚未登基,已经能掀起波澜。周五他表示自己与台湾的总统(the president of Taiwan)通了电话,此举打破了外交上的协定,却格外凸显了协定本身的荒诞不经。
Trump’s call was first reported by the Financial Times, butthe Trump campaign soon confirmed it and issued a readout of the conversation:
President-elect Trump spoke with President Tsai Ing-wen ofTaiwan, who offered her congratulations. During the discussion, they noted theclose economic, political, and security ties exists between Taiwan and theUnited States. President-elect Trump also congratulated President Tsai onbecoming President of Taiwan earlier this year.
Why would Trump not speak with Tsai? Here’s where thestrangeness starts. The U.S. maintains a strong “unofficial” relationship withTaiwan, including providing it with “defensive” weapons, while also refusing torecognize its independence and pressuring Taiwanese leaders not to upset afragile but functional status quo. It’s the sort of fiction that is obvious toall involved, but on which diplomacy is built: All parties agree to believe inthe fiction for the sake of getting along.
The roots of this particular fiction date to 1949, whenChiang Kai-shek’s Republic of China was routed by Mao Zedong and theCommunists, and Chiang fled to Taiwan. The U.S., in Cold War mode, continued torecognize the ROC in Taiwan as China’s rightful government, and so did theUnited Nations. But in 1971, the UN changed course, recognizing the People’sRepublic of China—or as it was often called then, Red China—as the legitimategovernment. In 1979, the United States followed suit. Crucially, the communiquéproclaiming that recognition noted, “The Government of the United States ofAmerica acknowledges the Chinese position that there is but one China andTaiwan is part of China.”
Officially, this has also been the policy of Taiwan foralmost a quarter century. Under the 1992 Consensus, another artful diplomaticfiction, both Taipei and Beijing agreed that there was only one China andagreed to disagree on which was legitimate, as well as maintaining two separatesystems. During the Bush years, the U.S. said it would defend Taiwan in anattack, but Bush also pushed back on Taiwanese moves toward independence.
Despite recognizing the PRC, the U.S. has kept close tieswith Taiwan since 1979. The State Department notes that“Taiwan is the United States’ ninth largest trading partner, and the UnitedStates is Taiwan’s second largest trading partner.” More importantly, the U.S.has sold some $46 billion in arms to Taiwan since 1990, which are intended asdefensive. Last December, the Obama administration sold $1.8 billion in anti-tankmissiles, warships, and other materiel to Taipei. Of course, the “defensive”purpose to all of this is against China, the most plausible aggressor againstTaiwan. Naturally, the arms sales have consistently annoyed the Chinese.(Recently, China has been on a campaign of land-grabbing and saber-rattlingacross the South China Sea, trying to assert greater control and influence.)
Though the triangle between the U.S., China, and Taiwansometimes flares up, the general goal of all three has been to maintain thefragile status quo. By speaking to President Tsai, and praising U.S. relationswith Taiwan, Trump threatens to upset that delicate balance. Reaction to thecall was immediate and, for the most part, aghast.
“TheChinese leadership will see this as a highly provocative action, of historicproportions,” Evan Medeiros, former Asia director at the White House NationalSecurity Council, told the FT. “Regardless if it was deliberate or accidental,this phone call will fundamentally change China’s perceptions of Trump’sstrategic intentions for the negative. With this kind of move, Trump is settinga foundation of enduring mistrust and strategic competition for U.S.-Chinarelations.”
Ari Fleischer,Bush’s first White House press secretary, noted that he wasn’t even allowed torefer to a Taiwanese government. My colleague James Fallows, not generally aman given to overreaction or caps-lock, was blunter: “WHAT THE HELL????” hetweeted.
阿里·弗莱舍,布什的白宫首席发言人曾说过,他甚至不被允许提到“台湾政府”。我的同事詹姆斯·法洛斯一向是个沉着的家伙,轻易不爱发大写的语句,这次也在推特上发出了“WHAT THE HELL????”这样的推文。
As is typically the case with Trump, it’s hard to tellwhether this blithe overturning of protocol is intentional or simply a resultof not knowing, or caring, better.
There are various reasons Trump might be intentionallypoking China. Trump spoke harshly about China throughout his presidentialcampaign, accusing Beijing of currency manipulation, land-grabbing, and takingadvantage of the United States. He also showed a willingness, if not an eagerness,to slaughter nearly every sacred cow of American foreign policy.
Some Trump confidants have suggested existing policy onTaiwan should become one of them. John Bolton, who served as Bush’s ambassadorto the UN, has been advising Trump, and Bolton has been a very public advocateof the U.S. cozying up to Taiwan in order to show strength against China.
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