藏匿现金:罗汉雕像内发现明代银票 [美国媒体]

袋鼠国的一位艺术砖家在一尊准备拍卖的古董木雕内,发现了一张罕有的,大明帝国时代遗留下来的纸币。这张皱巴巴的纸币上的中国风揭示了它的出处。它是在大明开国皇帝朱元璋统治的第三年,即西历1371年, 发行的。(1371年其实是洪武四年,朱元璋是1368年登基,1368年为洪武元年) 纸币上警示:伪造(纸币) 将被斩首。


Art experts in Australia have found a rare paper banknote from the Ming Dynasty of Imperial China hidden inside an antique wooden sculpture that was being prepared for auction.


The Chinese characters on the crumpled banknote show that it was issued in the third year of the reign of Zhu Yuanzhang the first emperor of the Ming Dynasty — or 1371 in the Western calendar. The inscxtions also warn would-be counterfeiters that they face the penalty of death by beheading.

这张皱巴巴的纸币上的中国风揭示了它的出处。它是在大明开国皇帝朱元璋统治的第三年,即西历1371年, 发行的。(1371年其实是洪武四年,朱元璋是1368年登基,1368年为洪武元年) 纸币上警示:伪造(纸币) 将被斩首。

The 645-year-old banknote was found hidden inside a wooden sculpture of the head of a "luohan" a religious figure from Chinese Buddhism that may once have stood in a family or public temple said Paul Sumner chief executive of Mossgreen's Auctions in Melbourne Australia which discovered the note.

这张有645年历史的纸币是在一尊木雕罗汉头里发现的。罗汉是中国佛教里的宗教人物。Paul Sumner-发现这张纸币的墨尔本幕仕阁拍卖行的行政总裁这样说道:这尊罗汉也许曾经被某一户人家所供养,亦或者在某一座寺庙里被膜拜。

Sumner said the firm's specialist in Asian artworks Ray Tregaskis spotted the note wedged inside the hollow head of the sculpture as he inspected the artifact in preparation for an auction in Sydney Australia next month.



"It wasn't easy to see — it was hidden right up out of eyesight folded up into a little 1-inch [2.5 centimeters] fold" Sumner told Live Science. "The note has been in at least two collections that we know of without the knowledge of the owners."


Currency experts at Mossgreen's Auctions immediately identified the note as a rare paper "bank seal" that was issued in China during the Ming Dynasty.


"It wasn't in very good condition as you'd imagine with all those folds and after hundreds of years with some degree of exposure to the elements" Sumner said.


Very few of these Ming Dynasty banknotes have survived to present day he added "bearing in mind that they were constantly being handled — it's not like people kept them in plastic sleeves like collectors would today."



Ming money

The Ming Dynasty banknote is much larger than modern paper money roughly equivalent to the size of a standard "U.S. letter" page of paper.


Chinese characters and official seals printed in red and black ink declare that the note is a "Great Ming Treasure Note" with a value of "one guan" — depicted as 10 "strings" of Chinese copper coins which could be grouped with a string through the hole in each coin.


According to the American historian of Chinese currency John E. Sandrock one guan was equivalent to 1000 copper coins or 1 ounce (28 grams) of pure silver.


The newfound banknote also includes a dire warning to counterfeiters that they will be punished with decapitation and offers a large reward to anyone who informs on such criminals.



At the time this banknote was issued paper money was almost unheard of outside China. The first European banknotes date from the mid-17th century around 300 years later. 


Based on the date on the banknote and the expert dating of the sculpture it was found in it's thought the money may have been hidden as a religious offering when the sculpture was already 30 to 50 years old Sumner said.


Small offerings like inscxtions on paper rice grains and semiprecious stones are often found sealed inside the bases of antique Chinese figurines he said. However a high-value banknote is considered an extraordinary find he said.


"From our point of view what makes the banknote important is that the dating is very close to the dating we'd assumed from stylistic details about the [louhan] figure as well as the intrigue factor of finding it" Sumner said.



Long journey


Sumner said the sculpture that held the hidden banknote was purchased by the Australian art collector Raphy Star from a specialist dealer in the United Kingdom but nothing is known about the artifact's origins in China.

Sumner说,澳大利亚艺术收藏家Raphy Star从一个应该专业代理人那里,买了这个藏有银票的雕塑。但是他们对这个艺术品的中国起源一无所知。

"These figures were created for veneration and for spiritual use sometimes in temples and sometimes in homes" Sumner said. "It may have been part of a larger figure and because of its size we can conclude that it probably stood in a temple."


The long journey of the sculpture and its hidden banknote may not be over yet: Both artifacts are up for auction in Sydney on Dec. 11 along with the rest of the Raphy Star collection and are likely to return to China Sumner said.

雕塑以及里面的银票的漫长旅程可能并未结束:Sumner说,”12月11日,两件古董都会在悉尼拍卖,一起被拍的还有Raphy Star剩下的收藏,他们都很有可能重回中国。“


"The Chinese have been major buyers for a long time now and have been repatriating important pieces back to China — particularly mainland China" he said.


The entire Raphy Star collection of artworks from China Japan and Southeast Asia could fetch up to 5 million Australian dollars ($3.7 million U.S.) at auction Sumner said.

Sumner说:”Raphy Star所有拍卖的艺术品,中国的,日本的,东南亚的,加起来有500万澳元(370万美元)。“

The louhan sculpture and banknote will be sold together as a single lot with an estimated value of up to 45000 Australian dollars ($34000 U.S.).


"It's not that we were worried about being beheaded ourselves but we just thought it might have been more auspicious to keep the two together" Sumner said. "It's such a great story that we didn't really want to separate them."

