I generally like China and being a Chinese-American I do feel some pride when I hear of the success and achievements of the Chinese people and at times their government.
That said I've always struggled to defend China from an international relations perspective. It seems China is always defending North Korea improving relationships with Iran or increasing sales of weapons to African nations with very questionable human rights records.
To distill the question down why doesn't China become better friends with "the cool kids" of the global stage?
I've heard it said that China does not want allies and is primarily interested in self-reliance which seems odd given the world we live in (and especially China's reliance on trade).
If not true allies then they could at least develop closer relationships with some nice Nordic countries or Canada I don't know. Nouveau riche Chinese people spend billions on European luxury goods so maybe that would make sense.
Do other countries just not want to be China's friend due to China's own human rights history/questionable government? Saudi Arabia is friends-ish with lots of western countries but doesn't do so great on those things either and China must be at least as vital to the global economy as Saudi Arabia.
Either China doesn't want better relations: Historical distrust fierce nationalism
Less pressure on censorship democracy human rights Diaoyu etc.
Justifies military/industrial build-up
Or other countries don't want better relations: China is a questionable friend (censorship democracy human rights)
Don't trust China (spying/hacking/IP)
What's the key part/What am I missing?
(Pardon my ignorance modern international relations is by no means my forte)
obin Daverman World traveler
Written Dec 19 2014
They don't.
The problem is with how news come to you.
A "nice Nordic country" Sweden was the first to recognize China back in 1950. Switzerland recognized China even early. In fact China has friendly relationships with over 170 countries. Here is a map of countries with diplomatic relationships with China:
China defends North Korea because there are ~ 30000 American soldiers at the border of the two Koreas. It's worried that without North Korea those 30000 American soldiers will be at the Chinese border. China wants to keep the buffer zone between their country and the U.S. Army. The South Koreans know it and that's why while the South Koreans are pointing their guns at North Korea they are also one of the largest trading partners of China.
As far as EU is concerned China has excellent relationships with EU. EU is China's largest trade partner and China is EU's 2nd largest trading partner.
What China does not want is to get involved in foreign wars. It still views itself as a developing third-world country with tons of domestic challenges to face. It wants to focus on domestic growth. So it does not take sides in international disputes. For example if the U.S. has a problem with Iran most EU countries will support the U.S. but China will stay out of it and keep friendly relationships with both countries. For example:
North Korea and South Korea are enemies China is friendly to both.
India and Pakistan are hostile to each other China is friendly to both.
Iran and Iraq are enemies China is friendly to both.
Israel and Palestine are enemies China is friendly to both.
US and Cuba are enemies China is friendly to both.
If some country does something outrageous China will pay lip service as far as a "condemnation" but that's about it.
China belongs to the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) which is a bloc of ~ 150 countries that all basically says "we don't want to take sides with major powers". Non-Aligned Movement
I suggest you read a little bit more about China's international relationships from other sources. Your current news sources seem to be quite skewed.
Source: Foreign relations of Chinawikipedia.org
信息源:Foreign relations of Chinawikipedia.org
Ushnish Sengupta
Ushnish Sengupta28 votes Show
China is NOT a member of the Non-Aligned Movement. It never was and currently has “observer” status only. Also “friendly” is just diplomatic jargon and merely means “we are on talking terms and we do not wish to see each other destroyed/ annexed (or do we?)” it has nothing to do with the colloquial usage of the word.
John Jelsovsky3 votes Show
China being in the Non-Aligned Movement made a whole lot of sense during the Cold War after their falling out with the USSR. They were basically saying "a pox on both your houses" to the US and USSR and going their own way. But today it seems very strange for them to belong to a grooup that says "we don't want to take sides with major powers" when they ARE a major power. Depending on the criteria you use and whether you consider the EU as a single power or multiple ones China falls somewhere within the top 4 powers in the world by any reasonable measure and by at least some measures as THE top power.
Rajesh Kumar24 votes Show
I have to disagree with one point "China is friendly to India and Pakistan" - this is wrong. China is more friendly and helpful to Pakistan than India. India currently has two major border disputes with China and went to war against China in 1962.
India is China's competitor and to some extent a rival. While China may have a larger economy India now has stepped on the growth pedal and recently over took China in gdp growth.
China has two ally-like nations - Russia and Pakistan. As it grows bigger and stronger you will definitely see it rise upto the U.S. and start gathering allies to change the world order.
Mike Smith41 votes Show
Being "recognized" and/or "friendly" are hardly the same things as being "allies". The US for instance recognizes and is "friendly" with China. The US are *allied* with Canada the UK France Germany Japan etc. There's a big difference.
Richard Naumann23 votes Show
The only thing I would add to Robin Daverman's comment is that China needs stability in North Korea to avoid a mass migration of North Koreans into China.
我会在Robin Daverman的评论中加上一句:为了避免大量的朝鲜难民涌入中国境内,中国希望朝鲜半岛的局势保持稳定。
Ishaan Singh4 votes Show
Doesn’t seem you know a lot about international relations. Iran and Iraq aren’t enemies and China isn’t friendly to India and neither do China and EU share excellent relations. China is the second largest economy a permanent member of the UNSC and maintains a capable stockpile of nuclear warheads and delivery weapons and it is by them that China enjoys the status that she does not because of their friendships all over the world. While trade is a factor it’s not as important as you seem to be making it.
Somnath Mishra5 votes Show
China isn’t friendly at all to India it is friendly to Pakistan and funds Pakistan’s terrorist activities. India and China are more of enemies who know a fight will destroy both and thus try to avoid any sort of conflict.
中国对印度一点都不友好。但中国对 巴基斯坦很友好,还自助了巴基斯坦的恐怖活动。印度和中国更象是敌人,但双方都清楚战争会两败俱伤,所以都在极力避免产生冲突。
Lance Shim13 votes Show
I think the reference to “allies” is only in respect to war or military distrust. WW1 and WW2 was fought on a grand scale because of allies ganging up to take advantage of a incident. China does not want to join in any ganging up because it would pull them into a war. What they really want is trade and infrastructure developement. War is incomparable to trade and ID. One reason they are getting rich so fast is because they are not fighting any wars.
Piers Sutton
Nice answer though completely misses the point about U.S. troops stationed in North Korea. Without North Korea it is nearly certain that unless China made some threatening gestures toward a unified Korea they would leave in a matter of a few years. They are there to defend South Korea from North Korea so without North Korea their mission doesn’t exist. I should add also that their mission in defending the south from the north does not mean they are expected to repel an invasion / attack of South Korea. They are expected to take very heavy casualties which is then the reason for the U.S. military at large immediately coming to the aid of South Korea.
答的好,但是对于美军驻扎朝鲜这一点不得要领。没有朝鲜的话,几乎可以确定美军在几年时间里就会离开朝鲜半岛除非中国对一个统一的朝鲜做出危险的动作。美军驻扎在韩国就是为了保护他们不受朝鲜的侵略。所以如果朝鲜不存在的话,任务也就不存在了。 当然,帮助韩国抵御朝鲜的入侵并不意味着期望美军要击退朝鲜(评论人写的是韩国)的入侵。美军在韩国遭受重大伤亡的时候帮助韩国就行了。
Ankit Shrivastava (अंकित श्रीवास्तव)1 vote by Abhijit Shah
China and India are not friends by any definition of friendship. Depending on the issue their relationship ranges from neutrality to hostility
Lucas Karl Hahn16 votes Show
That's quite an elastic definition of "friendly".
Mamin Fardo6 votes Show
Iran and Iraq are not enemies for at least 15 years. Cuba and American are no longer enemies either.
Isaac Mao1 vote by Ian Aldrighetti
Friendly to both angel and devil? Chinese people don't think so sorry.
Bryce Emantsal
Where'd you get that map from?
Caroline Glass2 votes Show
I find it interesting that they are happy to be friends with both North Korea and South Korea and both Israel and Palestine but they won't let other countries be friends with both them and Taiwan.
Cameron Janati1 vote by Abhijit Shah
Yes Sweden and other countries recognized China as they would do with many other countries but that was long time agobefore we learned what China really stands for I think we can say that we have seen true face of China they simply want to take the whole world if you let them. mark my word as soon as China lands a man on the Moon they will claim it belongs to them and they will site some silly old Chinese story to back it up!
Kenneth Lai2 votes Show
I was talking to a Pakistani man 2 years back about relation with China/Pakistan. He said that Pakistan is willing to trade with China. And he implies Pakistan seek China as an ally desperately since Pakistan's neighbours are frequently at war with each other.
He seems to think that Pakistan is having a hard time to maintain a balance of friendship between the middle east countries. That's why he said although Pakistan has harbours for trade. But if there is a railroad system between Pakistan and China would benefit a whole lot.
Kiran Kumar
China friend of India?? you must be Kidding. China is supporting Pakistans terror attack on India so that it can build its prized highway thru Kashmir state. India knows it and does not trust China.
Peter Crawford1 vote by Abhijit Shah
The author overlooks China’s close relations with the repressive dictatorship in Laos not to mention the military junta that ruled Burma/Myanmar for decades. And dont forget who propped up the Khmer Rouge as they massacred millions of their subjects. A scarred history indeed.
Ben Bradfield
Having diplomatic relations isn't the same thing as an alliance by any academic standard but good effort.
Ken Harvey4 votes Show
You seem to not under the definition of the word "allies". But the 50-centers all love your answer.
PUJUN CHANG2 votes Show
It is so hard for u to talk some blind people who believe the whole world is just blackmost them never been China just rely on their “reasonable” source which was filtered by the us media to say China is evil why not? it save the strength and make them happy who care the truth…they only believe what they think
Cyrus Cheung3 votes Show
'those 30000 American soldiers will be at the Chinese border. '
They wouldnt be and the CCP knows this.
Taylor Barnette3 votes Show
Poor answer if an answer at all. The question was about allies. China has few at this point.
Jimmy Green
China’s actions in the South China Sea is rapidly changing the face of their “Allies”. If China is such a great place why are people with money doing their best to leave and come to the United States? There is a difference between a county having diplomatic relations and a country having allies. I cannot think of one true ally China has.
J.isaac Rajasekaran2 votes Show
The so called India's intelligentsia never get tired of eulogizing China irrespective of it being blatantly anti India in all major issues. The only aspect for which the Chinese trust India now isthat we are the largest market for their substandard produce of mobile phones.
Chandravadan Trivedi3 votes Show
China belonging to NAM? - what crazy stuff.
SUN Xiang Yu
Actually I think the reason why China would defend North Korean regime is that we can't imagine like half a million refugees of war who have been systematically trained with military skills flooding across China’s border. There was some news saying that defected DPRK soldiers killed Northeastern Chinese villagers near the border.
Maximillian Adrian
I think China is not that always a friendly diplomacy. Exceptional is Japan I think. But thats a complicated case in east asia region.
I think it's from the WW2 history. But as I didn't research on this I also not sure how their each other view on this.
Some similiarly asian countries like China and Japan or India and Pakistan or Indonesia and Malaysia etc are somehow dislike each other and compete each other. Even though they are 'similiar'..
Why do most people who have a positive view of China have been to ...
Why do most people who have a positive view of China have been to ...