第二架j31原型机可能接近首飞 [美国媒体]


Images attributed to the second Shenyang Aircraft Corporation (SAC) J-31 prototype suggest that the unit is imminently ready to conduct its maiden test flight.


Reports from Chinese analysts surrounding the nearing completion of the second prototype have been mounting since Air Show China 2016, which took place in Zhuhai in November. British aviation journalist Alan Warnes reported that the second J-31 prototype would fly in December.


Specific details of the aircraft, such as its turbofan engines and onboard systems, are not yet known.


Aviation Industry Corporation of China (AVIC) began its concerted marketing push for the J-31 (i.e. FC-31) during the 2015 Dubai Air Show. At that time, AVIC promised to refine the J-31 technology demonstrator with numerous design improvements to the airframe.


The production-ready FC-31 will also utilize an active electronically-scanned array (AESA) radar, helmet-mounted display and sight (HMD/S) system, infrared search and track (IRST), integrated electro-optical targeting system (EOTS), and single display-panel cockpit (with a side-mounted flight-control stick).


The FC-31 is to have capable load-out options as well, such as the capacity to internally carry six medium-range air-to-air missiles (with another six externally) or four 500 kg guided-bombs internally, among other possible configurations using the fighter’s internal and external hardpoints (IHS Jane’s).


At the 2015 Dubai Air Show, AVIC stated that the FC-31 will have a maximum take-off weight of 24,947 kg, payload capacity of almost 8,000 kg, service ceiling of 16,000 metres, and top speed of Mach 1.8. It will have a combat radius of 1,200 km.


Notes & Comments:
AVIC is marketing the FC-31 principally for export, though it hopes to secure domestic orders from the People’s Liberation Army Air Force (PLAAF) or People’s Liberation Army Navy (PLAN).


Pakistan has been pegged as a strong candidate for the FC-31, but the fighter could see traction in other countries as well, especially since the fifth-generation fighter market has no other serviceable or near-serviceable options beyond the Lockheed Martin F-35 and Sukhoi T-50.


The production-ready FC-31 is expected to fly in 2019. If ordered in time, it could reach initial operational capability by 2022 and full operational capability by 2024.


Shershahsuri • 4 days ago
Pakistan has no other option than to go for J-31FGFA. Because Pakistan has no other platform in the pipe line. The only option in the pipe line is JF-17 Block 3. while India has inked the deal for Rafale and also investing in Pak FA T-50. So J-31 is the only available platform to go for.

巴基斯坦除了歼31没有其它的五代机选择。因为巴基斯坦没有其它平台途径。唯一的选择途径是枭龙block 3。同时印度签署了购买阵风的协议,并在pak fa和T50项目上投入资金。所以歼31是唯一可用的平台。

Nate • 3 days ago
Ill be honest, i find the pic confusing.
They are clearly 2 very different platforms. The left platform has perpendicular vertical stabilisers, looks somewhat like a Sukohi, and the platform on the right looks like the FC-31, judging by its outwardly slanted stabilisers.
Im not sure how these are being interpreted as a second platform being readied?


Hashim Rasheed • 3 days ago
I believe, and this is purely my opinion, that Pakistan will primarily focus on the JF-17 Block-III, and improve it enough to make it the backbone of the PAF for the near future. The purchase of the J-31, while on the cards, will be delayed until they have a clearer picture of the Turkish TFX, a program in which Pakistan might be a partner as well. PAF might purchase a limited number of J-31 aircraft initially, and see what the TFX is capable of. Only then they would go for buying another platform to replace the aging F-16s in their inventory.
Again, purely my opinion.

纯粹只是我个人观点,我相信巴基斯坦会首要专注于JF17 blokc 3,将它改进到足以成为近未来巴空军的骨干力量。贷款购买歼31会被推迟,直到土耳其的TFX项目有一个清晰的图景,这个项目中巴基斯坦可能作为一个合作伙伴。巴空军最初可能只会买有限数量的J31,然后看看TFX到什么程度了。只有这着他们才会买其它的作战平台取代机库中老旧的F16.

bill • 4 days ago
Chinese are known for surprises and secrecy, considering PAF anxiousness to get a latest platform to counter IAF latest acquisitions, one should expect that if the new prototype is acceptable to PAK then hopefully we may see it's production quite earlier than timeline given above.
It may form a capable combo with JF17 block-iii to counter IAF and other challenges with existing F16s fleet may act as gap filler or second tier jet along with modernized previous version JF17s.

它将和JF17 block 3 型相互配合对抗印空军,外加现存的F16和现代化升级和早期型号的JF17s作为补充力量或二线力量对抗其它威胁。

Sami Shahid • 4 days ago
Amazing....FC-31 would be a good option for Pakistan but Pakistan should also consider Russian MIG-35 as it is also an alternate of F-16.

令人惊讶,  FC31会成为巴基斯坦的好选择,但是巴基斯坦同样应该考虑俄国米格35来替代F16.

Saptarshi Dasgupta Sami Shahid • 4 days ago
brother i would love pakistan to have russian jets, do you think russia will sell pakistan mig-35, specially when india is going ahead with super -30 upgrades for su-30mki, pak-fa, akula submarine ,s-400, Admiral Grigorovich frigates,T-90MS TANKS and ka-226 helicopters...
even if russia wants to sell to pakistan considering that india's diplomatic efforts fail miserably then also Pakistan would not get them becase india will buy something that is of more value than that deal. Even though PAF is a very good force , Indian Armed forces have the financial backing and have the liberty to spend huge amounts to bring about a huge deal with russia only to block any sale to PAF.
So i guess a russian fighter in PAF is and will never be a possibility. Russia can start good economic relations and military to military exchange but strategic defence partnership only with Indiacause India and to some extent China keep russia's defence industry running

兄弟我将乐见巴其斯坦获得俄国战人,你们认为俄罗斯会卖给巴基斯坦米-35吗,特别是印度将为苏 30mki,pak-fa,阿库拉级潜艇,s400,格里格洛维奇将军号护卫舰,T90ms坦克和卡226直升机进行30项大升级。
即使俄国想卖给巴基斯坦,并且印度的外交阻力不能得逞,巴基斯坦也不会得到 它们因为印度将会买比那价值更高的东西。尽管巴空军是一个非常强的力量,但印度武装力量有财政的支持,可以任性地花巨资与俄罗斯达成巨额交易来封锁对巴销售。

Al • 4 days ago
It's a fighter that would be too expensive for nations that cannot afford fifth-generation fighters and yet at the same time unattractive for nations that do (when compared to the F-35).
The only hope for this aircraft would be if the US upholds its "no-F35" policy regarding Arab nations.

