Should the Chinese people learn to appreciate the helpfrom other countries?
My observation of thenationalism of the Chinese people is that, they think the nation is a greatcountry now, and they attribute the achievements to Mao Zedong’s leadership,Deng Xiaoping’s reformation, as well as the rule of the communist party. On theother hand, whenever mentioning other countries.. they talk about thehumiliation in the history, such as the burn down of the Qing Summer Palace(Yuan2 Ming2 Yuan2).
In fact there were numerous helps to China from other countries. In 1945, USAand USSR fought Japan to make it unconditional surrender. During 1950s, USSRhelped China on economic recovery and industrialization. Most of the importantindustries were built with the technologies from USSR. USSR also helped Chinain making its nuclear bomb in the earlier phase until USSR later changed itsmind. China did never mention that many of its nuclear professionals wereeducated in the USA and they were the critical contributors of the capabilityto have the bomb in 1964. Later on, during the Sino-Soviet border conflict in1969, USA warned USSR not to use its atomic bomb to China that may have changedthe USSR decision to invade China. After 1978 China started the economicreformation and 1979 Deng Xiaoping visited USA, all major western countriesinvested in China with a giant amount of money and technology. Even Japan madea significant contribution to China’s development. After 1989 event, most ofthe western countries froze the economic assistance to China, but Japanrestarted its cooperation with China very soon. Within the recent 20 years,China has learned almost all advanced technology from USA and other countries.It is to happen only with the help of hundreds of thousands foreign Universitytrained experts, many of them are originally Chinese, but many are justforeigners who went China to help Chinese people sincerely.
For an individual, if you want to have friends, you need to know how toappreciate their help when you were in hard time. You cannot just take it asgranted, or just take advantage from your friends and then throw them away likeold shoes. Don’t you think it works the same way for a country? How could theChinese people understand this issue?
Henray Ren, PhD @ London
WrittenApr 25, 2015 · Upvoted by Qaiser Khan, Master inInternational Relations
The parochial level of this question is an eye-openerfor me, even it is naturally difficult for a Chinese :)
1. China has the second largestnumber of military deaths of 3,000,000 to 4,000,000, which caused casualties of2,120,000 for Japan (second largest deaths in Axis countries), and Chinashould, in turn, feel grateful to US or USSR? Shall China ask for someappreciations from Singapore, Korea, Combodia etc. ?Aren't we so calledanti-fascist alliance?
2. Ending the WW II is a commonwillingness for all major belligerents, and the process of the war obviouslyindicated China would definitely survive even without "selflessassistance" from US or USSR. The military assistance, including theexplosion of atomic bomb (personally opposed), only hasten the process of thevictory. Chiang Kai-shek might acquire more respect and even an"invitation ticket" to the Yalta Conference if US and USSR kept alooffrom the war in the Asian-Pacific region.
3. Yes, US did put heavy pressurefrom public opinion to USSR and help China out of the crisis. During the coldwar, US nearly "veto" all the activities that USSR adopted, and apowerful China located next to USSR playing a restrictive role was an essentialcounterbalance , which is also welcomed by US.
5. For nuclear professionalseducated in US, if similar logic pushed backwards, did US ought to show somegratefulness to Germany where Albert Einstein get educated? And did the worldought to bow to China where the black powder was invented and "educated"the rest of the world?
Science and technology are precious wealth of all the mankind, does not belongs to any individual nation or race.
6. No much comments for theeconomical "support" or investment from western world, which isabsolutely mutually-beneficial, not a charity behavior. China also got involvedin European debt crisis, and investing less developing countries, but I amquite sure it is not a simple free lunch for those countries. "Acountry does not have permanent friends, only permanent interests."--WinstonChurchill.
7. For technology support, pleasesee the following pictures for more information.
These pictures are only afew illustrations out of the whole picture. For more information, you couldfind on 2015 report from official website of World Intellectual PropertyOrganisation: http://www.wipo.int/ipstats/en/
For publications:
The comment is similar as point 3. Additionally, Chinese scholars are alsogiving lectures to foreign students in the world leading universities. e.g. inmy department, there are 25% lecturer/professor holding Chinese passport,teaching or supervising students or researchers from all over the world, I didnot see any point that those students should feel grateful to China.
Robin Daverman, World traveler
WrittenApr 22, 2015 · Upvoted by Qaiser Khan, Master inInternational Relations
This is the most ridiculous piece of revisionistpropaganda I have seen about China so far on Quora. If you publish this pieceof history on New York Times, the whole civilized world will laugh its headoff!
China does appreciate other country's help, the mostconstant and dependable one coming from Pakistan. The relationship betweenChina and Pakistan started in 1950, and withstood the test of China'sdiplomatic isolation, famine, internal turmoil, and later economic development.Pakistan is the only country that stood by China through it all. China in turnsupported Pakistan through the war in Afghanistan, sided with Pakistan inregional issues, supported Pakistan's economic development, China–Pakistan relations and justinvested $46 billion to further infrastructure development there. China and Pakistan launch economic corridor plan worth $46 billion
China has also stepped up to its plate in the 2012 EUfinancial crisis, leading the BRICS countries in boosting IMF's firewall to$456 billion. China alone contributed $43 billion. China Leads Nations Boosting IMF’s Firewall to $456 Billion Think aboutit - China had a GDP of $6500 per capita, about the same level as Iraq andCuba, helping to bail out EU, with a GDP per capita of $34,000. I don't knowwhat you would consider to be the reasonable responsibility of a country tocontribute to the financial stability of the world, when she still has ~ 100million people living in extreme poverty of <$1 a day. But no one would saythat China was not stepping up. China has been contributing to otherinternational responsibilities such as UN peacekeeping, fighting Ebola, climatechange, clean energy, and anti-piracy.
Now let's take a look at your claims of how the US,Russia, and Japan helped China.
On the Japanese invasion of China: Japaninvaded China in 1931. Japanese invasion of Manchuria Despite the Nine-PowerTreaty which guaranteed China's territorial integrity by, amongothers, the US, Britain, Russia, and Japan, nobody did anything. In 1937, Japanlaunched full-scale invasion of China in the SecondSino-Japanese War. China waslargely fighting by herself, and by 1939, China largely fought the Japanese toa standstill. In 1939, WWII started in Europe, and the next year, the US statedeconomic embargo on Japan. Japan attacked the Pearl Harbor in 1941, and US wasnow fighting Japan. At that time, most of the Japanese army was fighting in China,including 27 divisions in China proper and 13 divisions in Manchuria againstUSSR. If China stopped fighting, those divisions would be shifted to thepacific theater against the US, or go up north against Russia. That was whyboth the US and USSR wanted to keep China fighting!
China's nuclear power: Should China begrateful for the US that it trained Chinese nuclear scientists? Well, do youknow what happened if some Chinese American scientist was suspected of beingsympathetic to China? He got fired, arrested, put on an ankle bracelet and keptin house arrest for 5 years, even when he was entirely innocent of the charge. Qian Xuesen, Qian Xuesen: Scientist and pioneer of China's missile and spaceprogrammes When Qian left the US after his ordeal, he said, "I donot plan to come back. I have no reason to come back.. I plan to do my best tohelp the Chinese people build up the nation to where they can live withdignity and happiness." I'm sure China was grateful that theUS treated its own people like shit and alienated a lot of them. How would youlike China to express its gratitude, sending flowers to Senator McCarthy? Thewhole reason that China wanted to develop nuclear weapons was because she wasthreatened by the US with nuclear annihilation on an almost annual basis, and eventuallyshe got fed up. How many times did the U.S. and the U.S.S.R. threaten to nuke China?
China's economic development: BeforeNixon's visit to China, China was under the most extreme economic embargo bythe US and its allies, including Japan, for 21 years. U.S. Ends Ban on China Trade When theembargo was lifted by Nixon, the first wave of foreign investors in the 80'swere almost entirely ethnic Chinese from the overseas Chinese diaspora -Singapore, Malaysia, Vietnam, Indonesia, etc. FDI from major western countriesdid not come in until a decade later, when China built up some history anddevelopment record, which gave foreign investors the confidence to participate.In 1980 the average wage for the Chinese were $1 a day, which made foreigncompanies eager to move to China in order to save on labor cost. It was notcharity. For each Iphone made by Apple, an American manufacturer would charge$65 to manufacture it, and China would charge $7 to do so. Robin Daverman's answer to According to Western/Indian media accounts,the Chinese Labour Code bears no relation to the awful working conditions ofmany, many Chinese people. Why does the government allow its own people to betreated so badly? So - should China be grateful that the US let them worktheir ass off and provide the cheapest qualified labor around? Sure. The sameway you should expect your maid and your trash collector to send you Christmaspresents for allowing them to clean your house and collect your trash.
Frank Chen, China; study abroad
WrittenApr 22, 2015
First, please don't generalize ALL the Chinese people.Not everyone in China thinks like what you said. Actually, never generalizeanything, especially not in a judgmental and condescending way.
Besides, I do admit that China has got a lot ofassistance from other countries, but aren't we also helping others as long aswe have the ability?
The most importantly, in the field of internationalrelations, there is NO such thing as pure help. It's only about interest. U.S.and other countries "helped" China mainly for the political andeconomic interests. Just like what China now is doing with many countries.That's why we call it "Cooperation" instead of "aid".
Why would you even think your country is soaltruistic and Chinese people are so ungrateful? Probably that's because youonly heard one side of the story, just like many ordinary Chinese people didfrom the national media. But one thing is true, that is many Chinese, if notmost, are not as arrogant or ignorant as you portrayed.
Gordon Hsu, Financial Professional at a majorInternational Firm
UpdatedDec 28
Could your question possibly have more of a"white savior" tinge to it? You act as though other nations that haveassisted China in one way or another did so purely out of the kindness of theirhearts which is basically a heap of cow manure.
Take your WW2 US "helping" China fight offthe Japanese as an example. Yes the US did defeat the Japanese in the Pacificbut the help they gave China on the mainland was limited at best. It wasn'tbecause FDR didn't want to. He did quietly work behind the scenes to fundChennault's AVG expedition to China as a private mercenary group well beforePearl Habor. Even so, for being the most visible example of the US helpingChina during the war, the AVG's impact was more of a morale booster as opposedto being a strategic game changer within the threatre. As for the US supplyingChina with war materials, well let's just say that due to geographicalobstructions that was rather limited as well. On the other hand Japan had todevote millions of troops in the quagmire that was their China campaign andsuffered between 1.5-2 million total casualties. I'm sure those soldierscouldn't have been used elsewhere to inflict more US or Australian casualties?Let's not overstate the role of the US in the China theatre of WW2 shall we?
Now what about the technological assistance outsidenations gave China in the past three decades that you mentioned? Are you naiveenough to believe that they didn't get anything out of it? The whole reason whythey transferred technology is because they desired access to the massiveChinese consumer market. You may wish to send emails to the senior executivesof Samsung, Apple, McDonald's, Yum!, Starbucks, Coca-Cola, BMW, Audi, GM, everyEuropean luxury label imaginable and ask just how much profit they have made inChina and how much they depend on that revenue on an annual basis. Did you knowthat a bad quarterly report from China alone is enough to send those companies'stocks plunging? This is not to mention the cheap goods China provided thedeveloped world with which in turn allowed the households to spend theirdisposable income on other things besides the necessary expenses. Economistscan't overstate how much this has helped the overall global economy grow fromthe 1990's on so shouldn't the world be grateful towards China? No, instead youget vitriolic complaints of shoddy product quality and "stealingjobs". This is how global economy works, the supplier and consumer bothget something out of the deal.
If you believe that China should be relegated to arole of being forever "grateful" towards the western world forwhatever sporadic help it received from them during the past century, thenChina doesn't really need cancerous "friends" like you to begin with.Yes, you would be that petty and obnoxious guy who is constantly remindingthose around you how much help you gave them in the past as a not so subtleattempt to curry favors in the present. Let us see how many people would bewilling to stay friends with you.
PS:There’s another thing that China critics like you always say that makes mystomachs churn with disgust. Each time some territorial or historicalgrievances pop up between China and Japan, Vietnam or whatever western nation,the “oh those are in the past so just get over it” counter argument usuallycome up. Yet in your case the intent is to clearly hold the “foreigners helpedChina too so they should be more grateful” position over Chinese heads and notlet that past go. That hypocrisy and double standard is simply egregious andcertainly is also something that China can do without as far as having“friends” goes.
Stuart Tannehill
WrittenApr 23, 2015
Periodically you see questions like this on Quora andI always wonder at the motivations of those behind them because they seem quite"off", intellectually.
To be blunt, your opinion and observations are onesided, myopic and lacking in any real depth of thought. Can you seriously notthink of any example of the Chinese being grateful for assistance on one sortor another? If you can't then you aren't trying very hard. Regardless, do youreally think the Chinese owe it to anyone to express some level of gratitudefor some thing that you would deem sufficient in the first place?
The fact that thoughtful people are even bothering toanswer you shows how annoyed they are by this sort of limited perspective.Where would one even being to discuss this with you? You are clearly askingthis question not to find out any real truth, rather you are looking to make apoint and you do this with a question that is over laden with ignorance anduninformed, one-sided assumption.
As one small example you say, "Even Japan made asignificant contribution to China’s development" as if this requires somesort of reciprocating kowtow from China? Should any expected gratitude beweighed against the hell that Japan put China through in the 30's and 40's?There are so many gaping holes in the logic of your question that it would belike a biologist trying to field a similarly uniformed and poorly framedquestion from a religious Creationist about the age of the earth. No real pointin doing so.
Michel McGill, Born, lived and worked in China.
WrittenDec 27
China never forget any international helps.
For example, Dr. Norman Bethune, a Canadian, had fightside by side with Chinese against Nazi Japanese invasion, for which he lost hislife in China. There are many hospitals in China named after him. The Chineseschool text book has a text telling his story so that every Chinese know thereonce was a Canadian who lost his life for China.
On September 3rd, 2015, China celebrated the 70thanniversary of Victory of World Anti-fascist War, one square of parade troop inthe military review was named Bethune Square.
Photos of Bethune Squares on 70 anniversary of Victoryof World Anti-fascist War.
Mao had a famous article In Memory of Dr. Bethune. Inthe article, there is a elegant sentence every Chinese enjoy[1]. Only Mao hadsuch literature attainment to write such rhetorical wording.
Bozhao Liu, Native Chinese
Written Apr 22, 2015
We Chinese provided plenty of cheap and finecommodities for the world for nearly 30 years, meanwhile, we have apopulation of over 1.3B and we did our best to feed ourselves instead ofimporting vast amounts of foods and goods from abroad or outputting poverty andturmoil to the world. These are the very big reasons why you guys can maintain apeaceful and comfortable life.
Do you feel grateful for the hard-working Chineselabors and manufacturers who proffered commodities to you and earned a feebleprofit? That's unessecery, because all the things between countries arebusinesses, one has need, and one can offer, so they make the joyful deal--ALLABOUT INTERESTS! And if a country helps another without conditions , it shouldbe alert to, because it'll ask for other things insidious.
American said "Make love, not war!"Chinesewould say:"Make a deal, not a fuss!"
Gwydion Madawc Williams, A lot of background reading
Written Apr 23, 2015
China made most of its progress when it started beingselective in what foreign help it would accept. Contrary to theimpression you get from most Western sources, China progressed a great dealfrom Mao's go-it-alone strategy. I've explained this in detail inan article available on-line, How Mao Greatly Strengthened China.
从中国开始精心选择国外的帮助开始,中国才取得了大部分的进步。跟你从西方媒体得到的信息相反,中国从毛泽东“自力更生”的方针中取得了巨大的进步。我在一篇文章中详细的解释了这个问题,How Mao Greatly Strengthened China.
Deng was in a strong position and able to accept onlysuch help as he saw fit. This has been highly successful, whereascountries that accepted Western advice or yielded to Western pressure mostlysuffered. Russia saw its economy shrink and its death-rate rise massivelyin the 1990s, under Yeltsin's pro-Western government. Japan has beenstagnating since the 1990s when it changed its successful economic formulaunder Western pressure.
S. Liufu, Time flies.
Written Aug 8
We appreciate a lot.
My hometown Maoming is a city designed for refiningoil. It was built with the help of USSR engineers in 1950s. Today we stillappreciate their well-designed formulation and prevision. Even we had anunpleasant period with USSR in 1960s, it was still the respected Big Brother incommunist faction.
Zhu Ning
Written Apr 30, 2015
1. I totally agree with Robinson's answer.
2. I have to say: 题主傻逼
3. There is no forever friends but immortal profits.If it's not related to their own profit, which Western contry would investChina? For charity?
1. 完全同意Robinson的答案。
2. 我想说:题主是傻逼
3. 没有永远的朋友只有永远的利益。如果不是为了自己的利益,那个西方国家会来中国投资,出于慈善?
Mu Chang, lived in Beijing, China
UpdatedJun 3, 2015
Robin's answer is great.
Here I want to share a story that shows that we are grateful for other countries' help.
A few decades ago, My grandma was a doctor in Harbin,a city in northern China.
That was the time when Russia helped us in manyrespects. They also sent specialists to hospitals to help us improve thetechnology and equipments.
One night the specialists form Russia got an urgentorder that they must return to Russia the next day. And they were asked tobring back all the documents they brought to China which contained treatmentand the advanced technology.
Those Russian specialists told my grandma and herco-workers to copy that as soon as possible before they had to bring them back.
The Chinese staff in that hospital were deeply moved.Though they only had time to copy a part of it,they were still very gratefulabout that.
My grandma told me the story once and wanted me toknow that even if they withdrew their support, we should still be grateful fortheir help.
The asker is ridiculous...
PauLo Huang, Chinese
Written Apr 22, 2015
Foreign University trained experts?
It's not likely that those trainings are free.
Foreign investment?
It's business, not aid.
USSR aid?
It was an partial aid at first, and we arealways grateful for that. But in the end, China payed for everything we bought,and very dearly.
Katie Pedro, lives in Beijing, China
Written Dec 28
The way you ask the question “should the Chinesepeople learn to appreciate the help…” has a very condescending tone and has anunderlying assumption that Chinese people are not apreciayimg help and do notlearn to appreciate. Patronizing others don't earn respect and appreciation, sowe learned from our daily life. And your assumption is very wrong. There areother answers illustrated well how we appreciate any genuine help from othercountries.
Appreciatehelp and wanting to pay back is basic human nature. Chinese are part of humanspecies. I have to point out, if a giver helped a person and then treat theperson in a condescending way is perceived by the taker that the giver has beenpaid back with self glorification, thus the favor is returned.
Evgeny Bakhtin, its weired.
WrittenApr 22, 2015
I do meet in China a lot of people of older generationwho sincerely grateful for USSR help. When they learn I am from Russia, theytry to bring up any word they remember in Russian and any melody of Russiansong they could recall.
Hanyi Lu, One of 1.3 billion.
Written Aug 7
When we are investing in Africa, you say we areimperial colonists raiding African resources.When westerners and Japanese were investing in China,you say they are sincerely helping us with a heart of charity and that weshould show utmost gratitude.
Seethe hypocrisy here?
Ray Wood
Written Jul 6, 2015
There are statues of an American and a Germanat one of China's most revered memorials...The Memorial Hall for Victimsof The Nanjing Massacre. The statues commemorate their assistance duringthe slaughter. The statues are prominently displayed and have been seen bymillions of Chinese.
Felix Lou
Written Apr 30, 2015
The 'Chinese people' are not stupid. Yes a lot of thembuy into propaganda, just like how Americans believe the 'Greatest country onearth' crap. I still have faith in the well-educated population to be perfectlycapable of rational and independent thinking.
I don't think anyone in China placesany real value in either communism or Mao anymore. What the Chinese as wellas the nation as a whole see value in the communist government is it managed to producenational unity and most importantly, independence fromAmerican influence.
我认为任何人都无法比拟共产主义或者毛泽东思想的价值。 中国人认为共产主义政府的价值是:这个政府创造了民族团结,最重要的是,不受美国影响,独立于世。
You have to understand that the world of internationalgeo-politics is a game for cutthroats and backstabbers. There is no friendor altruism or real 'help'. No country would help any other country out ofthe goodness of their hearts, there's always something someone wants. WheneverAmerica or western countries "help" some poor developing country,they get political and economic power and influence in return.
San Duo, lives in Shenyang, Liaoning,China
Written Apr 23, 2015
Too simple, sometimes naive. lol.
Well, Many of the things you said weren't true.Nearly all Chinese know that it is the USA who helped China drive the Japaneseaway. We all know it. And everybody in China knows that our experts in nuclearweapons were trained in USA. The things you said doesn't apply to allChinese.
As a Chinese, I never thought that our growth was ourown doing. Actually I never thought about this. Growth is all about cooperationand communication and I am surprised that someone brought up the topic in thisperspective.
I think you need to ute things at a moreobjective level.
Ming LI, Chinese working in London
Written Apr 22, 2015
you'd be naive to think international relationship asinterpersonal relationship.
China as a country is still very isolated, but notbecause it doesn't appreciate aid from other countries, instead it's becausecountries like US refuses to accommodate China. For example, internationalspace station, China applied several times to be part of the programme. US saidno. So it has to do it on its own.
Eason Ye, lives in China
Written Aug 9
I’m Chinese, here is my view personly.Chinese doappreciate the help of other countries. Without the help from USA and USSR inWW2, Japan would conquer China. Deside that, there are two facts we mustunderstand.
firstly, everyone is selfness. maybe there are somesmall marcies,but the big deal can be make because it benefits each other.After1978, countless foreign companies invest in China in oder to make money, not todo charity. both sides are in equal position in fact, although China benefitmore.
secondly,appreciate is one thing,urge is another. lots of argument are just in a bid tograbbing more interest.so wecould not take the talks of government and company seriously. they aren’trepresentive all Chinese people.
John Carter, Mostly harmless
Written Apr 24, 2015
China has been the superpower of this planet for thelast 5000 years. The western world are just a seat warmer for the last 200years with the downfall of Qing Dynasty from the influence of western powers.Now that China is rising up again, you people talk as if you helped China getback to its feet. Ridiculous.
作为候补人员而已。现在中国重新崛起了,你们竟然认为是 你们帮中国回到了以前的地位?真是可笑。
How about the western world show some appreciation ofChina for inventing the paper, fireworks and silk for them?
Conrad Laun, professional gambler
Written Aug 7
Icannot believed people like you still exist in the world, may be you are fromsomewhere uncivilized and undeveloped at all, do you really know anything abouthistory? do you know anything about world economics? anything at all? I wonderhow you survived in this world, you are embarrassing and downgrading yourselfby asking questions like this, you not only failed your intentions but fullyshows how ignorance and unenlightened you are.
WrittenJun 30, 2015
In the last few decades,Chinese workers made cheap products, letting people in the earch enjoy theirlives without spending too much money, while these workers earns only $12 aday. Isn't it a great appreciation to the world?
Irene Young
Written Apr 23, 2015
You mentioned that as an individual, if I want to makefriends with others, I should be gratuful to other persons' help. Thus I waswondering if you believe there is real friendship between countries? If China were US and US were China, would you expectpure aid? And when it comes to Japan's investment, what info I get fromhistory is the reason why Japan imvested in China at that time was that Americaestablished diplomatic relation with China and Japan just followed it. So itisn't China is not grateful but it is clear to China that this kind of helpfocusing on interests and when China has ability to return, it will.
Vince Wei
Written Aug 8
If you have ever acknowledged a little of Chinesehistory, you would not be curious of the attitude of China to the west.
Before the western countries stared the evil,shameless, inhuman invasion war upon China, China has never done harm to thewestern countries and never thought about to invade them for thousands yearsbecause China wanted nothing from the foreign countries. Yes, we were veryarrogant toward the other countries and refused to trade with others, of coursethis action seemed ridiculous and rude but it was our freedom, we had thelegitimate right to choose our business partners . And you cannot deny the factthat it was the western countries that destroyed the peace between China andthe west.
In 1840, the UK started the first Opium War and triedto force China to buy UK`s opium, after 3 years fighting against the invaders,China lost the war and was forced to buy opium to harm ourselves. Meanwhile, UKrobed millions of silver coins and the island of HK.
In 1860, when China was strapped in a civil war, Qingagainst Taiping Tianguo(the God`s Kingdom of Peace), the ally army of Franceand Britain attacked China in a sudden , robbed the most significant royalpalace——Yuan Ming Yuan and burned her to the ground, humiliated our emperor. Atthe same time, Russians forced China to abandon the outer Manchuria.(Do youknow how large is the outer Manchuria?She is as big as France plus Germany.)
In 1894, Japan shameless attacked China`s Royal Navybefore it declared the war upoon China just like Japan would do that again inpearl harbor in 50 years. During this war, Japan slaughtered the innocent tensof thousands Chinese citizens in Lv Shun harbor. What is more, Japan took overthe Taiwan Island and thousands of millions silver coins of China.
In 1901, the eight countries( the UK, France, Germany,Russia,Japan, the United States, Italy, Austria) invaded China and occupiedChina`s capital in the first year of 20th century. More shameless, the invadersclaimed it was China started the war and forced China to pay their war fee——fourthousand millions silver coins!!! I beg your pardon!!! This amount of moneymight be enough to start a world-wild war!!! Shameless!!!
In 1911, Russia forced China to abandon the outerMongolia.
In 1931, Japan started the the invasion war againstChina. The League of Nations had done nothing to prevent Japan. Since then,China alone fought against Japan for 10 years! How do you have the cheek to sayChina should thank the other countries for the “help” ? Where were you whenJapanese slaughtered 300 thousand people in Nanjing? Where were you whenJapanese bombed Chongqing? Where were you when Japanese conducted the mosthorrible medical experiments on Chinese people in 731 troop? Where were youwhen Japanese raped, murdered, burned, slaughtered everywhere in China? Wherewere you when our soldiers had no choice but fought with cold weapons becauseof the shortage of bullets?( the United States even cut off the weapon supplyto China just after the war begun, unbelievable, isn`t it?) You should thank usto help you resist Japanese for the first 10 years of WWII, and we werefighting alone!
Of course we remembered and thanked the foreign friendswho came to our help when we were in darkest situation. For example, the FlyingTigers, they defended China`s sky with their sweat and blood; Norman Bethune,he sacrificed his life to help Chinese to defend our land; and so on.EveryChinese remembered these great men and we thanked them. From generations togenerations, their tales will be told across the whole China.
But toothers who invaded us, robbed us ,slaughtered us like animals and neverapologized, why should we appreciate them? Just because they offered us “help”?Don`t be ridiculous. This help is not enough at all! This help cannotcompensate for what they have done to China! Until they paid their debt, Chinawill not regard them as sincere and believable friends.
Zhai Summer
Written Apr 23, 2015
rage to answer the question. First, your descriptionisa terrible mistake. Many countries invest in China, not out of help, mercy, butthe profit. the relationship between invest and income should be understandablefor anyone.
second, when it comes to the cruel behavior thatJapan has done to us, it's beyond your imagination. it's never tooexcessive to call them beast. but we still hold the forgiving to them now.
third, we don't grateful to the friendlycontries? come on.A big joke. you can serch the donation we made to thesecountries. Dont say these words without any certifications.
and we will never forget to pay a debt ofgratitude. Because we are educated to hold these merits in mind when.we arestill children.
Jeffrey Zhang, A bird that lost motivation tofly
Written Dec 2
The problem with people like you is that because youdo not get updated information about China you think the development of thecountry stopped there. What you think about China is like what you see from theChinatown of your country that everything is old, tedious and boring, with somepolitical restrictions. What you know about Chinese people is much or less whatyou know about HongKong or Cantonese people. Plus most Chinese people overseasdo not speak decent English half of the time when you ask something, theremight be grammatical mistakes to misguide you. In the west, some suburbs arefull of Chinese and they live like a tribe, which is nothing like people inChina.
And itis almost 2017 why you care about things happened in China in 1950? Why do notyou focus on things that went wrong in BC 1000? Why are you only care about thepolitical influence? Why are you care about the human right while it is 2017everyone is okay with the government.
Chris Zuo, lives in Beijing, China(2012-present)
Written Dec 25
We truly appreciate the help from other countries. Butpersonally, I would take it as the investment instead of the truly help from afriend.
There is a quote attributed to Mao Zedong,帝国主义亡我之心不死。And I never doubt that ifccp was collapsed now, there would be another civil war which is supported bythese countries, US, Japan, Russia, etc.
One more thing, do you know China have gave up the warindemnity Japan needs to pay. And do you know the reason? We truly appreciatethe help from US. And you know why PLA invaded Vietnam in1979?we truly appreciate the help fromUSSR.
You take them as friends. But they take you astools/sword and they only wish you will be sharper while they need but destroyyou while they don't need.
By theway, actually, I think most Chinese don't attribute many achievements to CCP.But I think you have beenbrainwashed by CCP :).
Why do most people who have a positive view of China have been to ...
Why do most people who have a positive view of China have been to ...