经解密的报告:普京“下令”采取措施,为击垮美国选举信任并帮助特朗普 [美国媒体]


Declassified report says Putin ‘ordered’ effort to undermine faith in U.S. election and help Trump



President-elect Donald Trump talks to reporters at Mar-a-Lago on Dec. 28 in Palm Beach, Fla. (Ricky Carioti/The Washington Post)

当选总统特朗普于12月28日在佛罗里达州棕榈海滩Mar-a-Lago俱乐部前发表演讲(Ricky Carioti/华盛顿邮报)

Russia carried out a comprehensive cyber campaign to sabotage the U.S. presidential election, an operation that was ordered by Russian President Vladi-mir Putin and ultimately sought to help elect Donald Trump, U.S. intelligence agencies concluded in a remarkably blunt assessment released Friday.


The report depicts Russian interference as unprecedented in scale, saying that Moscow’s role represented “a significant escalation in directness, level of activity, and scope of effort” beyond previous election-related espionage.


The campaign initially sought to undermine public faith in the U.S. democratic process, “denigrate” Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton and damage her expected presidency. But in time, Russia “developed a clear preference for President-elect Trump” and repeatedly sought to artificially boost his election chances.


The report released to the public is an abbreviated version of a highly classified multiagency assessment requested by President Obama. Even so, it amounts to an extraordinary postmortem of a Russian assault on a pillar of American democracy.


The 14-page document made public also serves as an explicit rebuttal to Trump’s repeated assertions that U.S. spy agencies cannot determine who was responsible for a hacking operation that extracted thousands of emails from Democratic Party computer networks and dumped them into public view via the WikiLeaks website.


U.S. intelligence agencies released a declassified version of their report on Russian intervention in the 2016 U.S. election on Jan. 6, just hours after President-elect Donald Trump was briefed by American officials. (Video: Peter Stevenson: The Washington Post/Photo: Jabin Botsford/The Washington Post)

美国情报机构于1月6日就俄罗斯对2016年美国总统选举干涉活动发布了一份删节版报告,几小时前当选总统特朗普刚被美国官员传问。(视频:Peter Stevenson 图片:Jabin Botsford 华盛顿邮报)

In the report, the CIA, FBI and Office of the Director of National Intelligence concluded with “high confidence” that Russian intelligence services penetrated numerous computer systems tied to U.S. political parties and then “relayed” the email troves to WikiLeaks.


Trump emerged from a briefing by the nation’s top intelligence officials on the contents of the report acknowledging at least the possibility that Russia was behind election-related hacks. But he offered no indication that he was prepared to accept their conclusions that Moscow sought to help him win.


Instead, Trump said in a statement that while Russia, China and other countries and groups may have sought to breach Democratic and Republican computer systems, “there was absolutely no effect on the outcome of the election.”


The report did not address that issue. It was presented to Trump by officials including Director of National Intelligence James R. Clapper Jr., CIA Director John Brennan and FBI Director James B. Comey.

由国家情报局局长James R. Clapper Jr,CIA局长John Brennan,FBI局长James B. Comey等多位高官提供给特朗普的该报告并未涉及此问题。

Trump also said that “there was no tampering whatsoever with voting machines.” That appeared to be consistent with the findings of the report, although it noted that Russia “obtained and maintained access” to numerous election systems that “were not involved in vote tallying.”


A footnote on the document said that the conclusions contained in the declassified draft were “identical to those in the highly classified assessment but this version does not include the full supporting information on key elements of the influence campaign.”


Obama commissioned the report shortly after the Nov. 8 election, and recently ordered a series of retaliatory measures including new economic sanctions, the expulsion of dozens of suspected Russian intelligence operatives from the United States and the closure of two Russian-owned compounds in the country.


The Post’s Adam Entous reports that U.S. intelligence agencies intercepted electronic communications, known as “signals intelligence,” in which top Russian officials celebrated the outcome of the U.S. election. (Bastien Inzaurralde/The Washington Post)

记者Adam Entous称美国情报机构拦截到俄罗斯高官庆祝美国大选结果的电讯信号。(Bastien Inzaurralde/华盛顿邮报)

The report was met with mixed reactions from senior lawmakers. Sen. Richard Burr (R-N.C.), the chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee, described the Russian activities cited in the report as “a troubling chapter in an ongoing story, and I expect that our nation’s leaders will counter these activities appropriately.”

此报告引起了在资深议员中引起了多种反应。参议院情报委员会主席Sen. Richard Burr(共和党全国委员会)将报告中描绘俄罗斯活动称为“当今社会中糟糕的一章,我希望我国领导人能采取合适措施反制此类活动。”

His counterpart in the House, Rep. Devin Nunes (R-Calif.), used the report to criticize Obama, saying that the House Intelligence Committee “has been warning the Obama administration for years about the need for stronger measures against Russia . . . but our warnings largely fell on deaf ears.”

众议院中也有类似言论,共和党议员Devin Nunes(共和党加州委员会),引用该报告批评奥巴马,并称众议院情报委员会“已经年累月警告过奥巴马政府需要对俄罗斯采取更强硬措施...但我们的警告很大程度上被置若罔闻了。”

The public version of the report does not explicitly mention some of the most sensitive pieces of intelligence that helped analysts reach their conclusions. U.S. officials have said that spy agencies identified certain “actors” involved in the cyber offensive, believe Russia was far more focused on penetrating and exploiting Democratic systems, and intercepted communications making clear that top Russian officials congratulated themselves on Trump’s win.


One of the report’s key judgments is that “Putin and the Russian government aspired to help President-elect Trump’s election chances when possible by discrediting Secretary Clinton and publicly contrasting her unfavorably to him.”


Moscow did so in part because it “developed a clear preference for President-elect Trump,” who as a candidate repeatedly praised Putin and advocated policies in Syria and Europe strongly favored by the Kremlin.


But the report also attributed Russia’s efforts to Putin’s hostility toward Clinton, a former senator and secretary of state whom he blamed for inciting mass protests against his government in 2011 and 2012.


Overall, the report describes a multipronged campaign that involved not only hacking, but overt propaganda on Russian-controlled news platforms and the extensive use of social media and even “trolls” to amplify voter discord in the United States and encourage opposition to Clinton.


Despite those exertions, Russia appears to have concluded that a Clinton victory was inevitable right up until election night. As a result, Moscow focused on finding ways to undercut Clinton’s legitimacy if she won.


One of the more colorful notes in the report describes how “pro-Kremlin bloggers had prepared a Twitter campaign, #DemocracyRIP, on election night,” then had to shelve it when Trump won.


The document traces interference efforts that began with inconspicuous probes of U.S. electoral systems in early 2014, carried through the election, and may still be underway.


Russian intelligence agencies first gained access to Democratic National Committee networks in July 2015, the report says. Russia’s miliary intelligence service, known as the GRU, “probably” expanded its efforts in March 2016, going after the email accounts of Democratic Party officials and other political figures.


By May, the GRU had stolen what the report describes as “large volumes of data from the DNC.” In the ensuing months, chunks of that trove began to appear on websites including WikiLeaks, generating a steady stream of headlines that embarrassed Democrats and kept voter attention on Clinton’s email controversy.


Putin has repeatedly denied that Russia was responsible for the hacked emails. In an interview with the New York Times on Friday, Trump called the sustained focus on the issue a “political witch hunt.”


The intelligence assessment also drew the most direct line to date between Putin’s desire to aid Trump’s campaign and Russia’s policies and objectives in Syria and Ukraine. In both cases, it said, Putin “indicated a preference for President-elect Trump’s stated policy to work with Russia, and pro-Kremlin figures spoke highly about what they saw as his Russia-friendly positions” in those two countries.


Putin is also eager for relief from economic sanctions imposed on Russia for its support of separatist forces in Ukraine and its annexation of Crimea.


As recently as this week, Trump appeared to be siding with WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange — who has denied that his website got purloined emails from Russia — over the determinations of the CIA and FBI.


The report provides new details about U.S. intelligence agencies’ view of WikiLeaks and its relationship with Russia. “We assess with high confidence that the GRU relayed material it acquired from the DNC and senior Democratic officials to WikiLeaks,” the report said. “Moscow most likely chose WikiLeaks because of its self-proclaimed reputation for authenticity.”


The report noted that none of the files passed to WikiLeaks contained “evident forgeries.”


The document said that “Guccifer 2.0,” the online identity of a hacker purportedly involved in the campaign, “made multiple contradictory statements and false claims about his likely Russian identity throughout the election.” It was the document’s clearest indication that U.S. spy agencies believe they have identified him.

“Guccifer 2.0,” 某黑客的代号,据传参与了此次行动,“其作出了多份矛盾的陈述,还在选举过程中就俄罗斯身份发出过伪造证明。”这就是该报告中,美国情报机构相信他们已经锁定此人最明确的表达。

In some ways, Russia’s intervention in the 2016 election is consistent with a long-standing pattern that traces back to the Soviet Union of espionage against prominent politicians and policymakers in the United States. U.S. spy agencies also devote significant resources to gathering intelligence on Putin and his subordinates.


The report suggests that beyond his animosity toward Clinton, Putin may also have been driven by his own conviction that Moscow has been repeatedly targeted with embarrassing leaks that he attributes to the United States, including the Panama Papers files that showed how wealthy individuals close to the Kremlin had hidden their fortunes, as well as material that helped expose the doping scandal among Russia’s Olympic athletes.


Putin’s success in using cyber capabilities and propaganda to disrupt a U.S. presidential race is likely to embolden him to mount similar operations against the United States and its allies in the future. “We assess Russian intelligence services will continue to develop capabilities to provide Putin with options to use against the United States,” the report said.


Karen DeYoung and Julie Tate contributed to this report.

本报道由Karen DeYoung和Julie Tate协力撰稿。

He doesn't think the weekly release of Podesta's emails had any effect on the election? 
And that's putting it charitably.


——Either an imbecile or a Manchurian (Siberian) candidate. 
——Perhaps both, they're not mutually exclusive.  


————Yah, you said it well on Zakaria's column. It almost doesn't matter how much it's one or the other, because the result is the same.
————I agree with you about Pence, btw. He's way more conservative than I'm comfortable with, but at least I trust he's on Team America.  
————Since it's hard to imagine Trump having the patience to last four years in this job -- he still has no idea what is entailed and will hate the unavoidable loss of freedom -- Pence   may well be our next president.


————LOL Urko, do you have anything even remotely intelligent or insightful to say? Calling Democrats "commies" and "socialists" only shows you have no idea what any of those words mean or the important differences that distinguish different brands of socialism, communism, or the Democratic Party.  
————But thanks for playing and showing us you likely were the ideal target for Putin's propaganda machine (Putin, the guy who ran the KGB under the Union of Soviet SOCIALIST   Republic).

————哈哈,Urko,你还有什么更显智商的言论吗?称民主党“GCD”和“GC主义者”只表明你根本不明白这些词的意思,要么就是你分不清社会主义,GC主义,或者民主党这些概念间   重大的差别。

——Deal with it donald, you will never be anything more than President* Trump. Same asterisk as the sports figures get who cheated their way to fame.


————Good observation........But come to think of it, both Barry Bonds and A-Rod are probably more qualified than Donald is for public office.

————好看法.....不过想一想,Barry Bonds和A-Rod(译注:都是有禁药风波的运动员)都比特朗普更适合公职。

————THAT is how I plan to refer to the current President Elect* over the next four years: with an asterisk. Perfect, thank you seenverguenza! 
————President* Trump 
————Please, also refer to Kurt Vonnegut's definition of that symbol in "Breakfast of Champions". Fleshes out the meaning of the printer's mark nicely, in this case

————也请提及Kurt Vonnegut在《Breakfast of Champions》(译注:一本用很夸张手法讽刺当代政治的书)中对该符号的定义。此时,纸面上的符号能很好传达蕴含的意思。

————Fred Natural
————Minor difference between not getting into a Hall of Fame and having your gross incompetency precipitate a global nuclear exchange. 
————Just sayn.


——He knows all of those leaks helped him. I think people are being silly because they are somehow believing that Trump wasnt in on all of this. Of course Trump isnt going to admit that it worked. Duh. There can be no question by anyone with an ounce of integrity that Russia and our elected President worked together to get him elected. Trump and Russia decided how to get the information to Wikileaks and when to leak it to the newspapers and media. If you cant understand this then dont bother trying to understand what has occurred. I just think people are too weak to acknowledge the truth. Our President worked with Russia to get himself elected.


————I wouldn't go that far. Trump is foolish enough to have coordinated directly, but Putin is not.  
————Some of those Trump guys with Ukraine/Russia connections were probably assured something wonderful would occur, but I seriously doubt they were involved in making it     happen. No one on that side could hope to rely on Trump keeping his mouth shut. 
————Putin has spent decades refining the the art of "plausible deniability" and indirection. That's why we can't find his money.


————There is nothing at all "foolish" about what Putin and Russia have done. There is nothing the world can do so your statements seems incredibly bizarre. The notion that Trump cant keep a secret is just absolutely ridiculous. Im sorry but people in our Nation are just beyond naive.  
————Russia helped Trump win an election now the USA and the Republican party are drifting very quickly to pro-Russian stances in the Middle East and Europe (and with oil, very     very important). If anyone out there think this is just a coincidence then I would suggest they are easily as naive as the average Trumper is.

————普京和俄罗斯的所作所为一点也不“愚蠢”。反而国际社会才是无能为力,你的言论听起来太过离奇。特朗普无法保守秘密的看法也可笑至极。很抱歉,我国人民不会这么天真 。  
————俄罗斯帮助特朗普赢得选举,所以现在美国以及共和党在中东和欧洲问题上正迅速滑向亲俄的立场(哦,还有相当相当重要的石油问题)。如果谁认为这只是巧合,那我只     能说这人的智商和特朗普拥趸的平均智商接近了。

————I'm going to assume we are talking past each other, since I agree with almost everything you wrote. I just think Putin is too experienced at this kind of thing to have allowed   his people to directly coordinate with Trump's.  
————And it's not like Putin needed Trump's coordination anyhow.  
————It was the American press whose assistance Putin needed, and manipulating them is as difficult as getting Pavlov's dog to salivate.

————是美国的传媒业在迎合普京的需求,操控他们就和让巴甫洛夫的狗流口水一样难。(译注:着名实验,用来形容一个人反应不经大脑思考,如意识形态的先入为主、对逻辑     思辨的抗拒。)

Trump said in a statement issued just minutes after the high-level meeting ended that whatever hacking had occurred “there was absolutely no effect on the outcome of the election.” 
I bet that's not what the intelligence agencies concluded, and I bet that's not what was presented to him. We know that Trump lies incessantly, particularly when it's in defense of his egg-shell thin ego. He's a fraud.


——The only people who lie more than Dumpf are his loyal Toiletbowl Full of Reprehensibles. Human garbage, the whole lot of 'em...


——More importantly, that "statement" was not written in the language of Trump. 
——Much like Trump's TelePrompTer speeches that were wholly baked by the RNC and then poorly read by Trump (who frequently stopped in the middle and commented about having just spoken something about which he was unaware), the "statement" is fiction. 
——It's going to be a challenge but journalists and editors need to be very precise going forward. 
——Did Trump speak or tweet those words ? 
——Who transcribed it?  
——Was this a prepared statement?  
——What authority issued that statement?  
——Did language used reflect Trump's vocabulary or a third party?


——He used the hacked emails extensively in his campaign. He cannot escape all of those hours of videotape.


The country has elected a fool for president.


——No, we (er, they) elected a crook. Crooked Donnie.


——Correction: The country was fooled by a conman and Russian propaganda into electing Trump. Good luck getting Trump voters to admit it.


——Fred Natural
——Each populace gets the government they deserve.
