中国决定废除一胎政策,允许二孩 [美国媒体]


Chinadecides to abolish 1-child policy, allow 2 children


BEIJING (AP) — China's ruling Communist Partyannounced Thursday that the country will start allowing all couples to have twochildren, abolishing an unpopular policy that limited many urban couples toonly one child for more than three decades.


The decision is the most significant easingof family planning policies that were long considered some of the party's mostonerous intrusions into family life. The restrictions led to an imbalanced sexratio because of a traditional preference for boys, and draconian enforcementthat sometimes included forced abortions.


A communique from the party's Central Committee carried on the official XinhuaNews Agency said that the decision to allow all couples to have two childrenwas "to improve the balanced development of population" and to dealwith an aging population.


jnthom467 1 hour ago
Our country USA is overcrowded too and we needto enforce this law. All of these people come from other countries with MANYchildren and they live off of our government. Also too many Unwed Mothers inthe USAhave too many babies and they LEACH off of the people who pay BIG taxes. Youcan hardly go anywhere because of the POPULATION BOON and our cities andhighways are LOADED with people who live off of my Taxes.


jnthom467 1 hour ago
I think one child idea should remain.


guerintom 1 hour ago
Wow ! One of the most overpopulatedcountries on the planet wants to make it worse? i presume they need all thosepeople to start global domination ?


CMC 1 hour ago
Isn't that nice, the socialist's areallowing each family an additional child. I wonder when how many children Bernie or Hillary will allow Americans to have?

难道那不好吗,这些社会主义者开始允许每个家庭多生一个孩子。不知道Bernie (1941年出生的Bernie Sanders已经74岁了,作为Vermont(佛蒙特)州的联邦参议员,他加入了2016年的总统竞选)或者希拉里会允许美国人生多少孩子呢?

jurmik 37 minutes ago
There are 3 million babies born in the USA every year, one million of them wereaccidents, one million not really wanted, the US should have a law to controlthis somehow..


katrinabennet 33 minutes ago
What they should do is allow 2 childrentotal and one or two of these children should be adopted. There are so manychildren in Chinathat need to be adopted.


nymexdvd 40 minutes ago
Just what the world needs, another billionChinese working for a dollar a day.


Karine 1 hour ago
I guess they realize now that its hard torun a country with a majority of old people ....


cggeorgina 32 minutes ago
they cannot feed those they have. Who willthey go to war with to get food for another several billion Chinese.


mlbj77 46 minutes ago
what will the govt do if a couple has onechild and on their second attempt have twins. Are they going to do away withone or what


dbrockskk1 54 minutes ago
didnt they kill baby girls due to the onechild policy?

