以色列人怎么看待中国和中国人? [美国媒体]



What do Israelis think of China and Chinese people?



Eylon Aviv A chain of opportunities led me to live here I like it so far.
Written Dec 18 2015
So I'm an Israeli and I live in Beijing. Lived here for the past 6 months or so and it looks like I'm going to stay here for a bit.


I can tell you what I thought about China before I came here and what I think about it now after I got a bit more familiar with the country and the people.


The perspective of a Jew in the most populated country in the world :)



China for an Israeli


Growing up in Israel you don't really regard too much attention to China and the Chinese people. The Israeli Culture is not really affected by China. We do have a lot of Chinese restaurants (They are not at ALL Chinese but we'll get to that later).


I knew that the vast majority of the items I buy are made in China clothes toys etc. China has bought some Israeli companies in the past few years one of them is Tnuva - one of the biggest cooperatives in Israel.


When traveling abroad I did stumble across Chinese people always traveling in large groups out of nowhere taking thousands of photos everywhere they go. I think that they're the better type of tourists compared tourists from to the rest of the world and they do seem to be nice people.



Meeting Chinese People


My first encounter with Chinese people was when I started working for an Israeli Internet company (which is also the reason I live in Beijing right now). We had a very small Chinese office and I was speaking to the Chinese co-workers business partners and clients pretty much on a daily basis. As is turns out there's a lot of business to be done in China and I was spending more and more time with Chinese clients. At some point the company decided to bring the founders of a small company I was working with to Israel (This is not unusual). When they arrived I spent a few days with them in Tel Aviv 4 guys ages 25-30.


I'll leave business aside but we were doing a lot of money together so it was all very fun :)


When we went out to eat it was quite funny seeing them trying to use a knife and fork it seemed like it was their first time and they did improve in time. I did note that they are not on the strong side when it comes to Alcohol and drinking.



So outside some of the club areas in Tel Aviv there are usually some business cards lying on the ground with girl pictures and a phone number you can assume for what. I never thought about even picking one of those so I was pretty shocked when one of them brought it to me and asked if he should call it tonight. (I said that he shouldn't {he was married})


At some point one of them said that he read that Jewish people read more than 40 books a month and that Jewish people are the smartest in the world stuff like that not sure where he got the 40 books stuff but I nodded in agreement.


We also spoke about the fact that Israel and China are one of the few countries where our history goes a long way back dating back over 3000 thousand years ago they are very proud of their culture.


Summing up my first encounter - nice people pretty shy intelligent and very very curious.

总结我与中国人的初次相遇 - 人很好,相当害羞,聪明,以及非常非常重的好奇心。


Living in China
About 6 months later I'm working from our Company's Chinese office.


First of all - I like it here.
What do I think about it now?
Chinese government
As a foreigner you don't really have too much interaction aside from a lot of bureaucracy.

首先 - 我喜欢这里。

In my opinion China is a great example that Democracy isn't the best way to run a country. The little person might be disregarded and not everyone has a voice but it seems like the greater good of the people is on the government's priority. Hypothetically - If there's a "small" town with 50000 people and there's a train track that's meant to go through that town commuting over a billion people a year. Well the town will be relocated.

在我看来,中国是一个很好的例子说明民主不是运行一个国家的最好方式。小部分人可能被忽视,并不是每个人都能发声,但是政府的优先权似乎对人民来说更好。假设 - 如果有一个“小”城镇有50000人,有一条火车轨道经过,这意味着通过该镇的流量每年超过十亿人次。好吧该镇将被迁走。

The Chinese government has done impossible things in a span of 20-30 years no other country could do especially compared to a democratic state where someone will oppose whatever you try to accomplish.



A few examples:
China's economy grew 7 times as fast as America's over the past decade (316% growth vs. 43%)


Illiteracy rate in the 15 to 45 age group has been brought down to 3.58 percent from more than 80 percent for Chinese adults when the New China was founded. (In 1949)


In a time span of just five years China’s high-speed train network has grown to be larger than that in all of Europe which got its start in 1981 in France.


And there is a lot more Good things that the government is doing and doing very well but obviously it comes with a price I think freedom of speech is the biggest one.



How do I find the Chinese people
Chinese Culture
In Beijing the people are very fast paced and the center of attention is work oriented. As most of Chinese young adults are from the time of the One-child policy. They usually have 6 people which they will need to financially take care of in a few years - Two Grandparents from both sides and two Parents. It seems like the burden of income is very high for them.

在北京,人们生活节奏非常快,关注的中心是工作方向。因为大多数中国年轻人生于独生子政策的时代,几年后,他们通常有6个人需要他们的经济支持 - 双方两个祖父母和两个父母。对于他们来说似乎收入负担非常高。

Friendship is something that's very different compared to home after a while of knowing a few of my co-workers I might be able to call them friends but it's still not the same of what I'm used to. It seems like when I ask someone how was his weekend for example he's expecting me to ask for something afterwards as if I needed something and that is why I asked and I'm genuinely interested to know how did he spend his time over the weekend.



The Chinese people are shy but when I was outside of the main cities people would stare at me endlessly without stopping they would even point fingers at the "Lawai" to make sure their friends see this usual occurrence. In landmarks and touristy areas people would actually ask to take photos with me. It's a bit awkward but they are always friendly about it and very excited when I agree.


Whenever I meet Chinese people and they learn that I'm Israeli or Jewish they are usually very fascinated by me claiming I'm really smart and talented mentioning popular Jewish scientists and important Israeli figures. It's nice :)

每当我遇到中国人,他们知道我是以色列人或犹太人之后通常会被我吸引住,说我真聪明,有才华。并提到有名的犹太科学家和重要的以色列人物。这真好 :)


Chinese Cuisine
First - It tastes nothing like any "Chinese" food I ever ate in the US Europe or Israel. There are over 80 different types of cuisines in China So I may have missed it but I doubt it.

首先 - 它不像我在美国欧洲或以色列吃过的任何“中国”食物。中国有超过80种不同类型的烹调法,所以我可能错过了它们,但我对此表示怀疑。

So far I like the vast Majority of the foods. I came to China with the mindset of YOLO! So I will try and experience is much as I can especially with food. Thankfully my Libyan-descent mom made sure I can eat a lot of spicy food and the Chinese are surprised that I can handle some of their spiciest dishes like Hotpot.


One of the most common ingredients of the Chinese food you'd eat in restaurants is Monosodium glutamate. They pretty much put it in everything.


The bugs insects and dogs is not really common but I have met people who ate those.



Happy to share my personal experience as an Israeli I think China is an amazing place with good people And that's one of the reasons I live here.


Just the Facts: Where China Beats the Entire World - The Globalist
Facts & Figures: China's education
17 Facts About China That Will Blow Your Mind

只是事实:中国再此打败整个世界 - 《全球主义者》杂志

Elke Weiss Israeli-American
Written May 20 2015
China-Israel relations are bound to blossom H.E. GAO YANPING is a great summary we think very highly of China and are eager to become trade partners.

(高燕平,外交官,2011-2015年, 中国驻以色列国特命全权大使)

Israeli tech set to quench China’s growing thirst is one such amazing project.



Yotam Gutman Born in Israel lived her my whole life
Written May 28 2015
Yotam Gutman生于以色列,毕生都在以色列
A mixture of respect and fear... China's growth is impressive yet people fear it's political influence and resent its ties with the Iranian regime. On the business level there's a desire to sell to China yet fear of IP loss.


Shmuel Aharon Kam Born and bred Israeli and proud of it.
Written Dec 8

Shmuel Aharon Kam 生长于以色列,为此感到自豪。

That it’s BIG. No I’m serious.
I think that to most Israelis China is this big mystery. Many Israelis visit China as tourists. We see many Chinese tourists here. There is a LOT of increase of direct trade even people buying everything you’d need for a new home (a friend bought an entire shipping container full) and companies IN China that specialize in this.


But despite all of this China remains a big unknown. A VERY big unknown. Most of us can’t relate directly to the culture or language. So this powerful “sleeping giant” just IS there hanging overhead. Looming.



David Dahan Watchki.com - The smallest & smartest Kids GPS watch; Every Parent Peace Of Mind
Written Feb 11 2016
Well I actually just discussed this subject with over 40 people in Israel after I came from a visit in China.


Let me start by saying Israelis know a LOT more about Chinese people and China in general than Chinese know about Israel or Israelis.


In China - 95% of the Chinese I met had NO clue who is Israel... had no clue Israelis or our History... they were VERY narrow minded and not caring about anything above their eye sight. IF you go to a random Chinese person in the street and ask him about Israel - most will know really nothing about it - some have even never heard of it - and a few will know something but it's very wrong... 


Some Chinese knew Israeli is a land of Jewish people - what are Jewish I asked ? no clue... do you know anything about Jews ? not really...



Israelis are just the OPPOSITE - they know a lot about China they know a lot about Chinese in general - and most of them watch Chinese movies as well...


I mean there isn't a person in Israel who doesn't know who was Bruce Lee... or who is Jackie Chan ... and most Israeli guys are watching Chinese Kung-Fu movies all the times... they SEE China in those movies - they learn a lot from it.


Now the General view of Israelis about China is that it's a POOR country... and VERY crowded country. That's what the movies are showing them. But it's not always true... it is very crowded in most cities - compared to Israel but it's not so poor anymore...


Israelis think China doesn't let Chinese people have more than 1 kid... some of them cannot believe this can happen... so they think it's just a joke... but most Israelis do FEEL BAD for Chinese people living in China... not sure why exactly...



They respect the Chinese tradition - they love Chinese art - they even Tattoo Chinese letters on their body... they watch Chinese shows... It fascinates them as it seems very ancient to them.


Israelis also think Chinese are very smart & disciplined and they feel that's why China is the "FACTORY OF THE WORLD"... it's because of those qualities... but they also are aware that "everything is made in China" because it's CHEAP... and this means Chinese people are not making enough money... they feel BAD for China.


I personally love China I love the people and the mentality and I think most Israelis do love China and respect it. I mean Bruce Lee & Jackie Chan are LEGENDS in Israel... it must mean something...


And lastly - Israelis think that ALL Chinese are Kong Fu masters... that's funny to me...



Ezer Miller works at Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Written Jan 15
I am an Israeli work in the agri-tech field and I am interested in China very much.


It seems to me that China will be the next leading empire of the world substituting the US and western Europe. As a citizen of a tiny country this occupies me a lot. I think there can be a lot of good cooperation between the two countries and I must admit I am looking forward for it. At the moment we have a lot of problems with western Europe especially about issues related to our enemies the Arabs in general and the Palestinian in particular. I have a feeling that when China lead the entire world economy (instead of the western world) we will have much better times. Although we are a small country we have a lot to offer in the fields of IT and agriculture. Personally as an entrepreneur I am willing to cooperate with China in any respect to help you fulfill your ambition - become the #1 leading power in the world economy.



Gilad Sabo Israeli
upxed Dec 15
Originally Answered: How does Israel think of China?
One of the most interesting places. Economical superpower. Having the second strongest army in the world (after that of the US I don’t believe the Russian army is match or stronger than the Chinese one). Having vibrant scientific community: Today I think one in every 3 peer reviewed scientific papers have at least one Chinese name in its list of authors. China publish more scientific papers than any other country aside for the US. Israel is very scientifically advanced country tooand we publish a lot compared with our size. Also China is very organised country- once change is needed a quick decision will be made and it would be implemented.


We know that Chinese people admire the Jewish intellect. This intellect is very old Theophrastus and Clearchus disciples of Aristotle speak of the Jews as a nation of philosophers. We know that Chinese civilization is very ancient too and have a lot of intellectual achievements- with most of its history China was more developed than the West. We are both ancient civilizations formed in Asia Jews in the west Chinese in the East. Though I’m believer and adherent of Judaism of course and in my opinion the greatest and most important achievement of us Jews is monotheism.



Many Israelis though not necessarily all heard about that warmly remember to you that you gave shelter to us in Harbin back then when we were persecuted in Europe. Some of us even know about Kaifeng Jews.

虽然不是所有人, 但许多以色列人都听说过并且温暖的记得你们,当我们在欧洲遭受迫害时,你们在哈尔滨给我们庇护。我们中的一些人甚至知道开封犹太人。

Unfortunately this community formed by Jewish merchants from Iraq was lost after nature disaster hit China. Though as you can see in the picture below today their decedents are returning to the Jewish faith.


Most Israelis would like Israel and China to have much stronger relations and that China would cooperate less with our enemies like Iran.


Personally I’m worried that while China is very busy in economical development it doesn’t pay much attention to its ecological environment. Just get a decision to preserve it please :)

个人层面上,我有些担心,当中国在经济发展上非常投入时,其对生态环境的关注却并不多。请做个决定(好好)保护它 :)


Neora Gong lives in Israel
upxed Feb 2
I am Chinese living in Israel for five plus years - I speak hebrew as well so I can understand what Israelis really mean.


Its only recently in the last 3 years that Chinese started to invest in Israel generally speaking Israelis who had not been to China don’t know about China.


Most Israelis thought I was Japanese (and for me it was really an offense) only recently they stated to say “"china china” instead of “"Japan””Japan”…


Israelis think ‘Made in China’ is “cheap with low quality” the reason is that Israeli businessmen always imported very low quality product (I am from a big city in China so I know what is quality) and sell them 3–4 times more expensive in Israel. In short in Israel it is almost impossible to find ‘Made in China’ stuffs with high quality…(except for mobile phones and other electronic appliances)



Most Israelis know only about Nazi and Jews but not China and Japan there was Israeli awareness of the “China saved Jews” story only recently


Many Israelis asked me (in hebrew) why China supports Iran and such questions…


the people in Israel that really know China well are the following:


Jews used to live in China during the war and their descendants


scholars majored in China study


Israelis that used to live in China for a long time


Business people


Nowadays due to Chinese capital rushing into Israel and the propaganda between governments more and more Chinese come to Israel and vice versa but it is a new phenomenon.



Uri Tidhar been an Israeli for my whole life.
Written May 20 2015
I can only answer for myself.
Personally my opinion regarding China has shifted during the years.
When I was younger I wasn't quite fond of China.  I thought it's pretty evil.  It was assisting Israel's enemies.  It was violently suppressing human rights activists.  Rumors had spread regarding all kinds of abusive things are being done by the Chinese army (BTW: There are still rumors..).


But as time passed and as the Chinese government implemented economical reforms and became the world leader in manufacturing of just about everything I couldn't stop myself from thinking: "These people must be doing something right". 


While most non democratic regimes are also very corrupt and gives sh*t for their citizens the Chinese regime actually seems to care for its citizens.


A country that was undeveloped huge poor with so many people taught the world some important lessons on how to successfully lead itself to prosperity. 


So while I'm pretty ignorant regarding China and Chinese people I know who manufacture 95% of whatever I buy.  And I also see a constant improvement in the quality of the products that come from there.


They seem to learn and to improve they seem to develop themselves and while Europe and US seem to me like decaying cultures China seems like going in the right direction.

