Why Trump Can't Break RussiaAway From China
The conditions just aren’t right forKissinger-style triangular diplomacy.
By John S. Van Oudenaren February 23, 2017
The 2014 Russian military intervention inUkraine resulted in Western sanctions and strategic pressure that drove Moscowtoward greater cooperation with China. Since then, the mercurial Sino-Russian“marriage of convenience” has evolved into a genuine strategic partnershipbased on overlapping interests, and mutual antipathy toward the United States.Although Russia and China are unlikely to declare a formal alliance, it is notin America’s strategic interests to confront a de facto Sino-Russian entente.
Donald Trump’s election generated hope insome conservative foreign policy circles that U.S. rapprochement with Russiacould create distance between Moscow and Beijing. Proponents ofrapprochement hearken back to Nixon and Kissinger’s “triangulardiplomacy,” which exploited the Sino-Soviet split to achieve an opening toChina, and positioned Washington for better relations with both Communistgiants than they had with each other. Cato Institute fellow Doug Bandow espousesthis viewpoint in a piece entitled “A Nixon Strategy toBreak the Russia-China Axis.” He argues that improving relations with Russia“would have the salutary side effect of discouraging creation of a commonRusso-Chinese front against the United States.” America’s leading offensiverealist, John Mearsheimer, likewise claims that if “Washingtonhad a more positive attitude toward Moscow,” this would engender betterrelations that would eventually lead Russia to join “the balancing coalitionagainst China.”
Bandow and Mearsheimer’s arguments arebased on a realist explanatory model, wherein relations between America,Russia, and China are conceived as a “strategic triangle.” According to thisframework, it is logical for Trump to pursue Kissinger-style triangulardiplomacy to seek an opening to the weaker power, Russia, in order to balanceand attain leverage over the stronger power, China.
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In the current international context, thisapproach is problematic for several reasons. First, the deep ideologicalfissures that drove the Soviet Union and China apart during the late 1950s and1960s are nonexistent today. Furthermore, Sino-Russian geopolitical competitionhas lessened because Russia, unlike its Soviet predecessor, is a secondarypower in Asia. As a result, there is little indication that Trump, despite hisrapport with Vladimir Putin, can drive a wedge between Russia and China.Certainly there is room to improve U.S.-Russia relations from their currentnadir, which could yield selective cooperation on mutual challenges such as theIslamic State (ISIS). However, there is little indication that achieving themodest improvements in U.S.-Russia relations that are politically andpractically feasible would drive Moscow and Beijing apart.
The situation that Nixon confronted in Asiais not analogous to the one Trump deals with today. Unlike China and Russia atpresent, the Soviet Union and the People’s Republic of China (PRC) were lockedin an intense ideological battle for leadership of the Communist world. As Lorenz M.Lüthi details inhis cogent book, The Sino-Soviet Split: Cold War in the Communist World, theSoviet and Chinese Communist parties developed intractable ideologicaldifferences in the 1950s over which socialist development model to pursue. MaoZedong rejected the Khrushchev era model of Bureaucratic Stalinism in favor ofa Revolutionary Stalinist model with Chinese characteristics that produced thecatastrophic “Great Leap Forward.” Ideological rivalry contributed to an acute securitydilemma, particularly after China conducted a successful nuclear test in 1964.The convulsions unleashed by radical Maoism during China’s Cultural Revolutionfurther exacerbated Sino-Soviet enmity and deeply unnerved the Kremlin, whichthrough 1970 deployed approximately 39 divisions along the Sino-Soviet border.The existential threat of war with the Soviet Union drove Mao to seekrapprochement with America.
尼克松当时在亚洲面临的情况与现在的这桩买卖生意不太相似,无法套用在目前的中俄,(之前)中苏间问题实质是共产主义世界中的意识形态斗争。Lorenz M. Lüthi在他的着作中详细描述道,中苏分裂:在共产主义世界的冷战中,苏联和中国共产党在50年代形成了顽固的意识形态分歧,这是在追求社会主义发展模式所导致的。毛泽东拒绝了赫鲁晓夫时期的斯大林模式,拒绝了一个带有中国特色,产生灾难性“大跃进”且有利于斯大林官僚主义的模式。“意识形态之争导致了严重的安全困境,尤其是中国在1964成功进行了核试验。毛下的文化大革命所引起的动荡进一步加剧了中苏间敌意。深深焦虑的克林姆林宫,在1970年在中苏边界部署了约39个师。与苏联交恶,迫使毛与美国握手言和。
Realists give short shrift to the roleideological factors play in fostering comity between Russia and China. Incontrast to the days of the Sino-Soviet split, ideology is now a unifyingfactor in relations. Both countries harbor intense authoritarian nationalistopposition to Western and globalist ideologies, but no longer share the common Marxist-Leninistpolitical orientation that produced the divisive ideological schisms of theCold War. Despite their distinctive brands of authoritarianism (personalistdictatorship versus one-party Leninist state), Putin and China’s rulingCommunist Party have similar views of the threat posed by Western “universalvalues” such as democracy and human rights. They see “foreign influences,”which they believe have penetrated their societies through globalization, theinternet/social media, and NGOs, as the primary threat to their domestic gripon power. For China and Russian governing elites, these influences are a Trojanhorse designed to spark destabilizing “color revolutions” that produce regimechange in “non-Western” (i.e. authoritarian) political systems.
Since the 2011 Arab Spring, Moscow andBeijing’s perception of this threat has only grown, as movements demandingdemocracy and reform have swept the globe and reached Russia and China’sdoorsteps through Ukraine’s 2013-2014 Maidan protests and Hong Kong’s 2014“Umbrella Revolution.” Western observers often discount Russian andChinese state media’s obsession with color revolution as authoritarianpropaganda. Nonetheless, as long as Russian and Chinese elites operateunder the assumption that the West is subverting their political systems anddomestic legitimacy, they will be reticent to put much distance between oneanother.
Russia-China relations today aregeopolitically dissimilar to the relationship in the 1960s and ’70s. Duringthat time, Moscow and Beijing saw each other as major security threats. Bycontrast, Russia and China’s current strategic objectives are much more impededby the U.S. and its European and Asian allies than they are by one another. China’score strategic objectives are focused on East Asia, restoring control overTaiwan and favorably settling maritime territorial disputes in the East andSouth China Seas. Beijing’s primary obstacle is American naval power, and theweb of U.S. bilateral alliances (the “hub and spokes” system) with regionalpowers such as Japan and Australia. The main obstacle to Russia’s efforts tosecure spheres of interest on its Eastern European, and South Caucasianperipheries is the U.S.-led NATO alliance. The European Union Institute forSecurity Studies recently published a study of China-Russia relationscontaining an interview with a Chinese security expert that epitomizes thisshared threat perception: “China feels pressure in the South China Sea, andRussia feels pressure from NATO in the Baltic Sea. Russia faces anti-ballisticmissiles systems in Romania and Poland, and China faces the same in South Koreaand Japan. While NATO expands to the East, the U.S. is strengthening itsmilitary presence in Asia.”
Driven by ideological and geopolitical fearof the West, Russia-China alignment has engendered close collaboration inmutually beneficial areas. Cooperation intensified following Western impositionof sanctions on Russia in 2014. The most high-profile example came in May 2014,when after nearly a decade of negotiations, Moscow finally cut a deal withBeijing to export Siberian gas to China. This followed the 2013 announcement ofa joint venture between Russian oil conglomerate Rosneft and China NationalPetroleum Corporation (CNPC) to develop Eastern Siberian oil and gas fields. Inthe short to medium term, it will take time to overcome economic and logisticalchallenges to develop stronger energy linkages. However, over the longer term,the deals should prove mutually beneficial. Russia secures Chinese investmentand locks in comparatively high prices; China diversifies its energy mix andgains access to new overland energy supplies, which Beijing considers lessvulnerable to geopolitical turmoil and blockade than energy imported from theMiddle East via maritime routes(bluebit).
The arms trade provides another example ofsymbiosis in Russia-China relations. The trade helps Russia ameliorate itsbiggest weakness — a feeble and energy export-dependent economy — while helpingChina sustain its ongoing military modernization efforts. Historically, a majorimpediment to this trade was Chinese reverse-engineering of Russian/Sovietarmaments, most notoriously Chinese development of the J-11B fighter, whichis “a direct copy of the Su-27, aone-seat fighter that was developed by the Soviets through the 1970s and 1980sas a match for the U.S. F-15 and F-16.” The problem of Chinesereverse-engineering was so severe that Moscow placed an informal ban on exportsof high technology military equipment to China in 2004. However, Putin’s recentapproval of advanced weaponry sales to China such as the Su-35 fighter and theS-400 Surface-to-Air Missile system indicates the moratorium has been lifted.Notably, both parties agreed not to include technology transfer licenses inthese deals, which should reduce the feasibility (and resultant friction) ofChinese reverse engineering. The trade will remain mutually beneficial so longas Russia’s economy leans on arms exports (defense manufacturing employs 2.5-3million workers, around 20 percent of Russian manufacturing jobs), and China’smilitary industrial complex remain suboptimal at indigenously producing keytechnologies such as high performance jet engines and advanced conventionalattack submarines. Russia will also increasingly rely on China as a keycustomer, as India, long the biggest buyer of Soviet/Russian arms, diversifies itssuppliers and develops its domestic defense industry. China’s dependence onRussia for advanced military technology is further reinforced by lack of accessto European and American technology due to a Western arms embargo on China inplace since 1989.
Western observers often highlight thetensions lurking below the surface of Sino-Russian relations, particularlyChinese economic expansion into Central Asia, and Russian arms sales to China’sregional rivals, primarily India and Vietnam. Nonetheless, these sources offriction are manageable, and, furthermore, the United States has limitedability to exploit them. For example, it would not be in U.S. interests forSino-Russian competition to intensify in Central Asia, as this would contributeto regional instability and hamstring regional cooperation against Islamistextremism. If the U.S. and Europe succeed in breaking Russian dominance of thearms trade with India and Vietnam, this would actually have the effect ofreducing a source of tension between Moscow and Beijing(bluebit).
Since Washington will have difficultyexploiting divisions between China and Russia, it makes little sense to “freezeout” one party and pursue rapprochement with the other in the hopes ofachieving the sort of realignment that Nixon pulled off in the early 1970s.This is evidenced by previous President Barack Obama’s experience with Russiaand China. Although relations with both Moscow and Beijing became strainedunder Obama, the U.S.-China relationship, despite a growing rivalry in the Asia-Pacificregion, remained more functional. It could even be said that Washington andBeijing have developed a peculiar sort of “special relationship.” This is bestexemplified by continuing high-level engagement through the annual Strategicand Economic Dialogue (S&ED), an intensive, routinized series of bilateralsummits, where American and Chinese leaders engage on an array of internationalissues. Despite many disagreements, Beijing has a working relationship withWashington, and Moscow does not. As a result, China now occupies the positionthat Nixon’s America enjoyed during the 1970s: Beijing enjoys closer relationswith the two other powers in the strategic triangle than they have with oneanother.
An effective strategy for Trump toforestall consolidation of a Sino-Russian bloc would be to opt for selectiveengagement with both Beijing and Moscow. Obviously, engagement would have to becoupled with continued hedging against intensifying security competition withRussia in Europe, and China in Asia. Nevertheless, the Trump administrationshould also recognize that the shared perception in Beijing and Moscow thatWashington aims to subvert and internally weaken its non-democratic rivals isdetrimental to relations with both Russia and China, and strengthensSino-Russian cooperation. Consequently, special efforts should be made toassure Moscow and Beijing that Washington has no interest in interfering intheir internal politics. This, rather than tilting toward Moscow, would go along way toward assuaging the anxiety that Russian and Chinese elites feelabout the United States. If Beijing and Moscow begin to see the United Statesas a normal state with its own interests and goals, rather than a fadinghegemon bent on ideological dominance, it would help make triangular diplomacypossible once again.
John S. Van Oudenaren is a research assistant at the National Defense University’sCollege of International Security Affairs. The views expressed in this articleare solely his own.
JohnS. Van Oudenaren 美国国防大学,国际安全事务学院,研究助理(bluebit:我一直以为是个日本人)。本文内容为作者个人观点。
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