在我们国家最招人讨厌的国家是哪些(欧洲及非洲篇)? [美国媒体]


Question:What are the most hated countries in your country?


▼Anne-Marijke Podt:(荷兰)
Traditionally, the Dutch always had issues with the Germans, caused by WW2. I know cars with German number plates would sometimes get egg-treatments still in the 80ties, but I guess these days you'd be challenged to find people from my generation that are bothered by Germans in any way. The rivalry does flame up during soccer matches though. This is where you will also see people holding signs jokingly claiming "Grandma, I found your bike!" (German soldiers used to confiscate bikes during WW2).



▼Mikael Bengtsson:(瑞典)
What was the most recent sports event?


Soccer? Then it's the Danes. (Why is your beer so much cheaper? It's not fair!)


Skiing? Darn Norwegians! (You're just so cocky because you got the oil...Hrumpf!)


Hockey? Effin' Finns!  (And I can't even come up with a good reason! At least we tend to win, right?)


Oh, and Switzerland because people mix us up.


And Russia because we never conquered it (and we have to deal, today, with certain nationalistic dimwits who still thinks the attempts were "the bestest and intelligentest thing EVAH").


US for being so slow but heavy-handed with the rest of the world.


Anyone involved in an armed conflict, for being so bothersome. Possibly because we have that obnoxious law that prevents us from selling weapons to them, so if you please could put down your weapons for a moment? Thankyouverymuch, what do you want to buy? Just make sure that you don't actually use them, because that's not nice, mkay?



▼Sami Kukkonen:(芬兰)
A Finn, an Estonian, a Swede and a Russian share a hospital room. A heart monitor alarm goes off at night and the Finn has to decide what to do.


Estonian: call the nurse.
Swede: observe silently.
Russian: unplug the alarm.


Finland has been the battleground between the Swedish and the Russian empires for 800 years and it has been ruled by both. Estonians are linguistic and cultural brothers who have been similarly oppressed.



▼Kristian Fagerlund:(芬兰)
Disclaimer: This is not my opinion of these countries, but a generalization.


Russia - The big and potentially dangerous eastern neighbor, who stole Karelia from us.

俄罗斯 – 巨大的有潜在危险的东边邻居,从我们手中偷走了卡累利阿。

(译注:卡累利阿共和国:是俄罗斯联邦的一个自治共和国,位于俄罗斯的西北部。1939年,苏芬战争爆发后,苏联在其占领的芬兰领土上成立了以芬兰共产党领袖库西宁为首的“芬兰民主共和国政府”,准备在占领芬兰后将其作为芬兰的傀儡政府,但是由于入侵芬兰的行动受到挫折,这个目标没有得到实现。作为替代措施,苏联在1940年3月31日将卡累利阿苏维埃社会主义自治共和国升格为卡累利阿-芬兰苏维埃社会主义共和国。1956年7月16日,苏联最高苏维埃宣布撤消卡累利阿-芬兰苏维埃社会主义共和国,将其并入俄罗斯苏维埃联邦社会主义共和国,并改名为卡累利阿自治共和国。苏联解体后,卡累利阿共和国作为自治共和国保留在俄罗斯联邦中。/ 来源:百度百科)

Unstable middle eastern countries - Generally thought to cause problems with their terrorists and refugees.

动荡的中东国家 – 人们普遍认为他们的恐怖分子和难民造成了很多问题。

Sweden - The annoying brother we always fight with. We tend to say that all Swedes are homosexuals. They’re also horrible ice hockey players.

瑞典 – 总是和我们吵架的烦人的兄弟。我们芬兰人会说所有瑞典人都是同性恋。他们同样还是讨厌的冰球运动员。


▼Lara Novakov:(塞尔维亚)
I think that hate is a strong word in this case. I wouldn’t say that we hate Croatia but we have negative emotions and we dislike the country and the people.


Given our history and the fact that 250,000 Serbs were ethnically cleansed from the country, it is not surprising that you don’t like someone who did that to your people. Especially because your mother is a refugee from that operation. I don’t think that we will have any positive emotions towards them, at least, not as long as they are celebrating that and reviving an ideology similar to Nazism in the 21st century. Just don’t be confused - Croatians hate us. Numerous incidents that happened to Serbs all the way from writing Serbs on willows on their cars, to yelling insulting things, calling for killing of Serbs and whatnot. It’s to the point where Croatia would be the last country a Serb should visit due to the hostility towards us there. While a Croatian can come to Serbia and nothing will happen to him nor to his car with Croatian plates, a Serb going to Croatia will experience something different - harassment and in most cases, they will destroy your car as soon as they see you have Serbian plates. Think about that.

鉴于我们的历史和25万塞尔维亚人被克罗地亚种族清洗的事实,这也就不奇怪为什么你会不喜欢一个对你们国家人民做出这种事的国家了。尤其是当你的母亲还是从这场种族清洗运动中逃出的难民的时候。我不认为我们要对他们有任何的正面情绪,尤其是他们今天还在庆祝那场种族清洗运动,并且在如今21世纪中叶还去复苏类似纳粹的意识形态。不要疑惑 - - 克罗地亚人也恨我们。数不清的事件一直发生在塞尔维亚人身上,从在塞尔维亚人车窗上乱涂乱写,到对塞尔维亚人大骂一些侮辱的话,喊着要杀了塞尔维亚人等等一些乱七八糟的东西。这就是为什么克罗地亚会是塞尔维亚最后一个才会选择去旅游的国家,就是因为他们对我们的敌意。当一个克罗地亚人到塞尔维亚来的时候,他会安然无恙,哪怕他开着克罗地亚牌照的汽车。但是当一个塞尔维亚人到克罗地亚去的时候,体验就完全不同了 - - 饱受骚扰,在很多情况下,只要他们发现你的车是塞尔维亚牌照的,他们就会毁掉你的汽车。你可以想象一下这是什么场景。


▼Paulo Zoom:(葡萄牙)
Due to historic reasons, the Portuguese tend to dislike the Spanish. One of such episodes was the loss of independence between 1580 to 1640. During that time, due to the Portuguese succession crisis of 1580, the King of Spain was simultaneously King of Portugal. Up to this day, December 1st is still a national holiday known as the Restoration of Independence Day.


(译注:1578年,年轻的葡萄牙国王塞巴斯蒂昂在征讨摩洛哥的三王战役中战死,由于没有子嗣,其正在担任红衣主教的叔祖父恩里克还俗继任王位。1580年,恩里克国王去世,葡萄牙发生王位继承危机,西班牙国王腓力二世趁机宣称他作为葡萄牙国王曼努埃尔一世的外孙拥有葡萄牙的继承权,发动葡萄牙王位继承战争,派遣阿尔瓦公爵率军入侵葡萄牙,腓力二世宣布兼任葡萄牙国王(称腓力一世),葡萄牙及其殖民帝国至此由西班牙哈布斯堡王朝统治。1640年,葡萄牙发生革命,在英法的支持下,西班牙势力被驱逐,布拉干萨公爵若昂被推举为国王(即若昂四世),葡萄牙王国从西班牙独立,伊比利亚联盟解体。 / 来源:百度搜索)

In more recent years, due to Europe's economic and political issues, and the recent bailout which forced the government to apply austerity measures, much of the antipathy is being aimed at the Germans and their Chancellor.




▼Bener Mulla:(科索沃)
I’m from Kosovo.


Serbia - It is seen as a worst enemy of the whole Albanian ethnicity throughout history until today. Hundred thousand Albanians killed by them . More than 20o.0oo Albanians were expelled to Turkey, more than 800.000 Albanians forced to leave Kosovo in Kosovo War 1999.

塞尔维亚 – 从古至今,塞尔维亚就一直被视为全体阿尔巴尼亚族最恶劣的敌人。成千上万的阿尔巴尼亚人被他们杀害。超过20万阿尔巴尼亚人被土耳其驱逐,在1999年科索沃战争中有超过80万阿尔巴尼亚人被迫逃离科索沃。

Greece .- Same as Serbia, one of the worst enemies of Albanian ethnicity that we have many contentious topic about history, culture. Genocide of Cham Albanians and Greek control over Albanian Autochepalous Orthodox Church are still warm topics in Albania. Mistreatment of Albanians in Greece is already a warm topic.

希腊 – 和塞尔维亚一样,阿尔巴尼亚族最恶劣的敌人之一,我们在历史、文化上有很多争议的话题。对阿尔巴尼亚族分支沙姆人的大屠杀和希腊人控制的阿尔巴尼亚境内自治的东正教教堂依然是阿尔巴尼亚的热门话题,阿尔巴尼亚人在希腊遭受虐待也是一个热门话题。

Russia - Seen as a supporter of Serbs and Greeks in every act of theirs towards Albanians. Russia was the main power that wanted to give nearby the rest of Albanian lands to Serbia and Greece in 1913. They still do not recognize Kosovo but used Kosovo as a precedent for Crimea’s independence.

俄罗斯 – 被视为塞尔维亚人和希腊人每一次针对阿尔巴尼亚人的行动的支持者。在1913年俄罗斯是当时企图将阿尔巴尼亚附近地区割让给塞尔维亚和希腊的主要力量。他们至今不承认科索沃独立,但是却把科索沃独立视为克里米亚独立的先例。

Israel - Overhighmingly Muslim population stands with Palestinians and supports their heroic struggle against Israel.

以色列 – 相当多的穆斯林群体都和巴勒斯坦站在一起,支持他们反抗以色列的英勇行为。


▼Petter Brenna Rian:(挪威)
Norwegians show the least liking for:


Israel - Norwegians are more inclined to sympathize with the Palestinians. A significant portion of Norwegians equate Israel’s treatment of Palestinians with the Holocaust.

以色列 - 挪威人更加倾向于同情巴勒斯坦人。大部分挪威人把以色列对待巴勒斯坦人的做法等同为大屠杀。

Most conservative Islamic countries, like the Gulf Countries, especially Saudi Arabia and Iran - These countries’ values are the antithesis to our own.

大部分的保守穆斯林国家,比如海湾国家,尤其是沙特阿拉伯和伊朗 - - 这些国家的价值观简直就是我们挪威价值观的对立面。

Russia - Putin, with his macho image, is as anti-Jante Law as it gets. Also the anti-LGBT stuff pisses us off. We share borders with them and sometimes a Russian vessel will wander close to our shores. So some are paranoid.

俄罗斯 – 普京,总是一副猛男的形象,和 “詹代法则” 的反面形象一模一样。而且他的一些反同性恋政策也让我们恼火。我们和俄罗斯接壤,有时候俄罗斯的船游着游着就靠近我们的海岸。他们有一些人就是偏执狂。

(译注:詹代法则是一个斯堪的纳维亚社群中对个人的一种看法,其特点是否定个人的成就,詹代法则首次出现是在丹麦裔挪威小说家桑德摩斯的挪威语小说中,他用此法则来形容小说中的丹麦小镇 Jante,其中的人都彼此认识。
在小说中还有第十一条:不要以为你有什么事是我们不知道的。/ 来源:百度搜索)

USA - Many are fed up with the World’s Policeman and his foreign policy practices. Added to that, American politics dominates our media.

美国 – 很多挪威人都厌倦了这个世界警察和他们的外交政策实践。还要补充的是,美国的政治主导了我们的媒体。

Sweden - Just for laughs.

瑞典 – 开个玩笑。


▼Antoine Le Lorier:(法国)
I wouldn't say that there are countries that are really hated in France. However we do entertain very ambivalent feelings about many.


We have many French who have been booted out of the former colony after the war of Independence which are still resentful of the treatment they underwent. Furthermore we have also Algerian who came during the 90's while the civil war took place there and who are still appalled by the way their country is being led. Finally there is a deep misunderstanding for the youngest generations of the way many Algerians are always talking of the war of Independence as if, at the time, France tried to commit a genocide on a large scale. 1.5 millions Algerians killed sounds like a gross exaggeration to French ears. Certainly the way France conducted the war was shameful and disgusting and blatantly contravened all its discourse about human rights but it was no genocide. 


2. United Kingdom
The rivalry between France and UK has been going on for centuries on and off. Most recently the choice of Thatcherism on one side of the Channel and of Socialism(democratic) on the other accrued the understanding divide between the two nations. French see UK as being in-between a Trojan horse for American values and fierce competitor who wants to impose its ways through a selling-out of the welfare state.


3. USA
French admire America as much as they loathe it. They are at the same time completely under the spell of Hollywood and the American music industry (books also nowadays) but they are just appalled by the fact that it's all a business. France as a Catholic country never lost a certain contempt for money and the unabashed celebration of the golden calf in the US is perceived as a major sin. In France culture must be enjoyed for the sake of it and not for financial profit. Another major issue would be a strong resentment over American imperialism which is often hidden behind a cosmetic discourse about freedom and democracy for all when it is actually “America first” well before the advent of the Donald.


4. China
French are weary of the awakening and coming of age of China. With its massive population and relatively poorly paid workforce, they feel that China dominance on the world economy is bringing the welfare-state to an end and that while pretending to advance the precept of communism, China is actually spreading the harshest form of capitalism the world over.


5. Russia
Russia is neither loved nor hated. It is admired for its culture and the vastness of its territory but it is also feared as a country that has never really relinquished violence as a mean to impose its presence on the world stage.



▼Jonas Mikka Luster:(冰岛 爱尔兰 德国)
As an Icelander it has to be the Danes who are, generally, the "weird" dudes of Scandinavia. 


As an Irishman I love Apples and hate Oranges.



As a German I hate no one but don't like the French because they're the ratty little kid we used to pick on until the stronger kid across the hallway came and stuck our head into a trashcan. And since then the ratty kid thinks he beat us up. He's also smelly and thinks he's the coolest kid around. Which he isn't.


As Jonas I hate no one for their nationality.



▼Irakli Tchigladze:(格鲁吉亚)
Georgian here, let’s see…


Obviously, first and foremost, Russia. As a country, we hate their guts. Old people, who still remember USSR times, love them though. As a young person i don’t hate Russians myself.


And Armenia.
not so much, but we were like two christian countries who always stuck together for thousands of years, and now we’re not that close, so there’s bitterness.



▼Maria Abada:(斯洛维尼亚)
I am Half Algerian and Half slovenian.


In terms of Slovenia, I would say that they extremely dislike Austria. I don’t know why though. That is what I’ve heard from other Slovenians. I feel like every Balkan country has to have another Balkan country they hate. Its weird but true. Oh, and they definately hate Serbia but I think we can all guess why that is so.



▼Ziaddinè Sélim Chahoud Chahouddi:(阿尔及利亚)
There are some countries that we Algerians have a strong dislikes


Israel: yes, according from many of us, Israel occupied Palestine and expelled Muslims and Palestinians. It is majority


Morocco: some people of our nation think that Morocco is “dog of France” since they opposed the Algerian Independence before 1962, and also because of prominent supports from Israel to Morocco


USA: Algerians have a bit negative because the Americans had bombed many countries and caused genocides like Vietnam for example. Or currently Iraq


France: quite irony, but we have a lot of Algerians in France. However some Algerians dislike France because of historical issues like the colonization and racism



▼Hashem Mohamed:(埃及)
Egypt here . . .


Israel : because of the Israel-Palestine conflict and the war History between the two countries , most of the people call it the Zionist entity , not considered a country.


2nd is USA , we like the American people but we never like the politicians .



▼Laaroussi Touile:(摩洛哥)
This question is too easy to be answered, at least in Morocco.
The answer is: Israel and Algeria, for political reasons.


ISRAEL: simply because it is occupying Palestine. The issue here is not religious at all since we have many Moroccan Jews living peacefully in the Moroccan society.
Do I hate Israeli people? NO.


ALGERIA: I can say that 80% of the Moroccans hate Algerian people. Or at least they don't like them. mainly because Algeria openly support the independence of Western Sahara from Morocco.


(译注:西撒哈拉:位于非洲西北部,地处撒哈拉沙漠西部,滨临大西洋,与摩洛哥、毛利塔尼亚、阿尔及利亚相邻。该地是一个有争议地区,摩洛哥声明对此地区拥有主权。另外,当地独立武装组织波利萨里奥阵线统治着该地区以东大约四分之一的荒芜地区,其余大部分均为摩洛哥所占领。目前,共有47个国家承认该武装政权所领导的“阿拉伯撒哈拉民主共和国”为独立的阿拉伯国家之一。/ 来源:百度百科)


▼Elin Grimes:(英国)
Argentina (government, not people), because they won't let go of the Falklands, and they are lying like crazy and pushing propaganda on people to act like they have some kind of right to the islands, when they really, seriously don't. Just drop it Argentina! You're making it hard for us to be friends!

阿根廷(政府,而非人民),因为他们一直纠缠着福克兰群岛不放(阿根廷称马尔维纳斯群岛),而且他们就像发了疯一样的撒谎,向民众发动宣传攻势,表现得他们对福克兰群岛好像有某种权利一样,但是实际上他们确定以及肯定 -- 没有!放手吧,阿根廷!你们这样只会让我们很难和你做朋友!

France - (they will also be on the 'Love the most' list.) we consider them snobby and condescending, and always going on strike at the drop of a hat. We also have a history of fighting with them...

法国 - (他们同样也在“我们最喜欢国家”的名单上)我们认为他们有些势利眼,一副居高临下的姿态,而且总爱动不动就罢工。我们还有过一段和他们打仗的历史。。。

Australia - a relatively recent addition to the list... I think you know why Australia!! We love you really, we just think you are, ahem, bad winners!!! I don't know if the UK are bad winners or not...it's never really come up... ;)

澳大利亚 – 相对而言是最近才加到名单里的。。。我想你知道为什么是澳大利亚了!!我们其实是爱你们的,我们只是认为你们是,嗯,不光彩的赢家!!!我不知道英国是否是不光彩的赢家。。。因为这种事情还没发生过。。。



▼Elena Zappelon:(意大利)
From Italy, I would say :


Middle East and the Gulf Countries, for the war, the oil problems, their ideals on democracy and their religious nuts


China, Russia or USA, depending on politics/economics ideas


Israel, again depending on politics/religious ideas


North Korea for obvious reasons


Vatican City State, from atheists/agnostics



▼Max Yankov:(俄罗斯)
In Russia, the fall of USSR is viewed as dramatic event that was essentially US victory in the Cold War. And many people still think that United States are after Russian natural resources, and thus are the main enemy of Russia. Not only people, but government also uses this rhetoric to gain support.
(Please note that I don't agree with this point of view, I'm merely write about what people in my country think.)


▼Peter Clark:(英国)
The English don't hate anybody. They just look down on everybody else.


▼Thierry Etienne Joseph Rotty:(比利时)
Belgium talking here.
Hatred would be a very strong word but after two invasions and occupations by the Germans in two World Wars, German people can still expect some blunt comments from the population. 



▼Matty Simpson:(英国)
These aren't necessarily my views, but Brits tend to dislike the following places:


Because how couldn't this be on the list. From the Falklands to the sporting rivalry it's fair to say the relationship between both countries is abysmal at best.


We've never really gotten along with Russia, and recent events have shown that. The euro cup fights were just a small showing of this.


Saudi Arabia
I think most Brits would love it if our government stopped pandering to them but for now I don't think we'll stop any time soon. Too many economical benefits from it.


North Korea
Because who doesn't?


Especially after Erdogan, many people dislike Turkey.

