中国卡芬太尼(镇痛药)禁令是鸦片类药物横行的“游戏改变者” [美国媒体]



SHANGHAI (AP) -- China is adding the deadly elephant tranquilizer carfentanil and three related synthetic opioids to its list of controlled substances effective March 1 China's National Narcotics Control Commission said Thursday.


The move closes a major loophole in the global regulation of a substance so lethal it has been used as a chemical weapon and described as a terrorist threat.
The U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration called China's action a potential "game-changer" that is likely to reduce supply of key chemicals driving a surge of overdoses and deaths among unsuspecting drug users in North America. After China controlled 116 synthetic drugs in October 2015 seizures in the United States of compounds on that list plunged.


"It's a substantial step in the fight against opioids here in the United States" said Russell Baer a DEA special agent in Washington. "We're persuaded it will have a definite impact."



China has emerged as an important source country for opioids like carfentanil which burst into public view last summer when it appeared in the North American drug supply. Dealers cut fentanyls into heroin and other drugs to boost profit margins. Beijing has taken a precedent-setting approach to regulation even controlling chemicals like fentanyls that are not widely abused domestically. Chinese drug enforcement authorities have described the synthetic drug threat as a "world-wide problem" and urged "all countries to strengthen the control of new psychoactive substances and work on decreasing demand."

当类鸦片药物像卡芬太尼出现在北美药物供应中时,便闯入了公众视线,而中国已经成为卡芬太尼的主要输出国。为了增加利润率,商人们将卡芬太尼掺入海洛因和其它药物之中。 北京已经对管理采取了开先例的手段甚至是监管在国内还没开始大规模滥用的化学药品例如芬太尼。中国禁毒执法部门已将此合成类药物形容为一个“全球性问题” 并敦促“所有国家加强对新型精神类药物的监管和着手于减少(对此类药物的)需求” 。

Beijing already regulates fentanyl and 18 related compounds. China said it is also placing carfentanil's less-potent cousins furanyl fentanyl acryl fentanyl and valeryl fentanyl under control. All are prent in the U.S. drug supply Baer said. The DEA confirmed more than 400 seizures of carfentanil across eight U.S. states from July through October. Ohio was hardest hit.



I really have problems with the term "unsuspecting drug users". I assume they are using drugs expecting something...


Snowflake Catherine
Funny comment though.


Snowflake Catherine
Hey at least liberal Yahoo didn't call them victims.


I believe it's a reference to the fact that most users are unaware of what is actually in the drugs they are injecting into their bodies in terms of quality and potency. I'm not sure how true this is but it's been said that some of the various traffickers related to the cartels in Mexico purchase large amounts of these chemicals to cut their drugs. We know that heroine has been on the increase as a result of a void. The U.S government has become more stringent in terms of regulating the disbursement of various opioid related drugs throughout the medical community.



"China makes deadly opioid a controlled substance." Translation to English: Drug profits will now be siphoned to the Triad-owned companies.


listen coming from personal knowledge opiods are safe unless you take more than the doctor prescribes


Listen to Zac Matt. Opiods have long term debilitating} reproductions you haven't experienced yet unless you're more than 6 my age. Loss of teeth fillings crowns. Causing gum pain teeth shifting and that just problems it causes in 5ge mouth. Look Matt don't ever try to speak for others who might be testing the waters at rave parties etc! What applies to you may be a totally different experience to someone who has a bad heart valve or esophagus or bad arteries. Everyone has a different experience because everyone has a different body chemistry.



The patients don't listen to the Dr's advice when the time comes to ween people off of these drugs during the rehabilitation phase of their treatment.


Not true unless you are talking short term use. Otherwise once you are physically dependent... Good luck going cold turkey though withdrawals.

(译注:cold turkey在这里的意思是戒断反应。)

What am I gonna do in a Friday night now?



Jack the Reaper
"In" a Friday night? Are you high right now?

“回到”星期五晚上?你嗑药嗑嗨了吗?(译注:上文的 in 本不能用,不符合语法。)

??Danny Boy
hitlery and the dnc need a hit of that. they're hyperventilating.


Grow up little danny boy!



While conservatives have chosen to be zombies willingly.


Wow that's nuts that humans use carfentanil an ultra-potent opiod some 10000 X as strong as heroin. We use it to immobilize large animals and recognize the risk of death from indirect exposure through a mucous membrane or cut cuticle. Please stop booting-up people!


it is pretty simple and demand.


Now China can use it as a weapon.


Jam O
China is allowing these incredibly addictive substances to be manufactured and exported en-masse to the US and the EU as payback for the Opium wars.
