What is the most annoying country in the world? Why?
Mooktadir A studied at The Universe
Written Oct 31
(This answer may well get banned after some time and this is exactly why the country I’m referring to is g-d damn annoying..)
There are so many contenders for the title of ‘Most annoying country’.
USA and their socio-political melodrama.
The filthy rich persian gulf nations eg Saudi Arabia Kuwait UAE Qatar etc.
Palestine with their nagging political division and incompetence.
North Korea with a moron as a dictator.
Syria Iraq Iran etc. etc.
But here is my choice
I cannot think of any other country that was created based on 3000 years old myths.
It is Israel. The land of milk and honey The leading democracy in the middle east defender of lgbt and civil rights in middle east etc. etc. But things are not as rosy as the govt. would like to depict.
To quote Human Rights Watch:
Israel enforces severe and discriminatory restrictions on Palestinians’ human rights and it builds and supports unlawful settlements in the occupied West Bank. Its security forces appear to use excessive force against Palestinian demonstrators and suspected attackers raising the specter of extra-judicial killings. It has renewed the practice of punitive home demolitions. The Palestinian Authority has arrested students and activists allegedly for their political affiliation or because they expressed criticism. Hamas security forces also engage in torture and ill-treatment of people including journalists. Israel’s closure of Gaza supported by Egypt amounts to collective punishment and has impeded reconstruction. (1)
In recent history Israel has openly breached International laws in so called ‘wars’ in Lebanon Gaza etc and continues to do so. Israeli apartheid continues to violate human rights of Palestinians their right to movement and basic amenities and persistent building of illegal settlements.(2)
(1) Israel/Palestine
(2)Israeli Violations of International Law
Of course in defense of their actions Israeli govt. cites reasons of security terrorism and the right to exist which by no means is legit. But this comes at the expense of ‘Disproportionate use of force’ resulting in thousands of death and human crisis. Not to mention repeated violation of International laws.
People like Stephen Hawkings Noam Chomsky Malcolm levitt Bernie Sanders etc. has criticized Israeli policy. The latter three are themselves jews. They have been labeled as anti-Semitic. In fact anyone who criticizes the apartheid policies of Israel is branded as anti-Semitic. Which is wrong because opposition to policies of Israeli politicians does not equate to an intolerance of jewish people.
Israel prides itself as the only democracy in the region with high standard of living innovation and technological superiority. But at the same time they continue to disregard International conventions and human rights year after year. Any criticism of their discriminatory policies is harshly subdued and ridiculed.
It is this pretense of moral superiority that really annoys me about this country..
许多人像Stephen Hawkings(霍金),Noam Chomsky,Malcolm levitt,Bernie Sanders(桑德斯) 等等都批评了以色列的政策。后三人还是犹太人。但他们被盖上了反犹的帽子。事实上,任何人批评以色列的种族隔离政策都被视为反犹。这是错误的,因为反对以色列政治家的政策并不等同于不容忍犹太人。
Mathew Coalson Sustainability Initiatives UCF at University of Central Florida
Written May 26 2014
I get that America is a popular answer to this question. A large percentage of the people reading this are from America. Those people from America are overwhelmingly from a demographic that is primed to dislike their own country's stereotypical image...
Don't get me wrong America is anything but perfect: hypocritical overbearing domineering and arrogant are all words that come to mind.
Nevertheless to say that American faults are worse than say female genital mutilation which occurs in: Egypt Ethiopia and to a lesser extent 28 other countries in the world seems a little disproportionate.
Female genital mutilation
Again if we compare American annoyances against a country like North Korea the American faults seem less horrendous in comparison.
North Korea’s crimes against humanity demand action
I'm not denying the atrocities the last sixty years of playing world police have resulted in. America has done plenty of things worse than exporting obesity and being inconsiderate tourists. I just don't think our crimes are worthy of the 1st place in this ignominious category.
Emeka J. Nweke || Land Economist || Nature Enthusiast || Philomath
Written Nov 7
Emeka J.Nweke||土地经济学家||自然爱好者||数学家
写于 11月7日
Nigeria. A country blessed with countless natural resources favourable weather intelligent humans funny people…But bad rotten heartless inhumane selfish set of leaders. They have stolen the wealth of the nation. It has now become a sad country for the inhabitants nothing seems to be working well. It's annoying because it has all it takes to be among the best countries in the world but the corrupt leaders won't allow the masses to enjoy anything.
Richard Seeto studied at Catholic College in Australia
Written Oct 8 2015
In my humble opinion North Korea rank no. 2.
America is the no. 1 culprit because it is the most hypocritical of all.
Because it has lied to the world and deceived the people since the end of World War 2.
Because it declared itself as the Champion of Freedom Liberty and Equality but would not keep its pledge. It may be so once upon a time but certainly not anymore.
People can check this out for themselves. Whatever America declared it does the very opposite. It has committed too many black flag operations to blame other nations to justify their aggressive invasions.
Under its last president the so carefully considered and crafted US Constitution was stealthily eroded changed ignored and disregarded with the help of the vice-president.
It was complicit in covering up and protecting the Japanese war criminals and profit from stolen gold taken by Japan from each country it invaded and pillaged. Therefore it is as guilty as the robbers in sharing stolen property.
Not content with shielding and exonerating the whole Japanese imperial family from Hirohito down from anwering the world's call for justice America deliberately produced false propaganda painting this man who was the arch commander of Japan’s war of aggression against the world as a man of peace.
How does this accord with America’s self-proclaimed image of Honesty and Purity of heart? It is pure Roguism.
It exonerated shielded and given sanctuary to the most brutual cruel and inhuman biological warfare Japanese monster Dr. Shiro Ishii and his staff whom the world wanted brought to justice for war crimes against humanity to face capital punishment.
America did this in exchange for the grisly and evil data containing the results of the chemical and biological experiments obtained designed to efficiently eradicate human lives en mass.
How and why the self professed Champion for Peace needed information such as this can only be answered by the arhitects for US world domination and hegemony.
Back to the future America can shame-facedly threaten to annihilate Syria with the world looking askance if it does not destroy its possession of chemical weapons when the America itself not only have more of the same weapons but the knowledge and means to produce more and more effective ones. Everyone condemns Syria but no-one ever question the country with the biggest cache of such deadly weapons with the means to manufacture an unlimited supply of same.
America condemns the use of propaganda by its percieved enemies but does not resile from employing them for its own ulterior motives.
America does not hesitate to brand other countries as Anti-Christ or Axis of Evil but it is itself the biggest Anti-Christ of all and fits well the descxtion in the Bible.
Check out:-
Every war and mayhem happening in the world today has the hallmark of the US and it has been recorded that since WW2 all major world disturbances has the mark of the black hand of America.
There is a saying amongst the cogniscenti of the world that which ever country America touches screws up.
I could go on. There is a veritable litany of the evils and wrongs America committed since the end of WW2 and any doubters can google the search for themselves.
A Disclaimer: I never claim the people of America are evil. Many of whom are the most generous contributors to charities and societies but its Military-Industrial Complex is the one to watch and which is not beneath it dignity to fabricate and lie to perpetuate conflicts in our world.
Meredith Waldron Student of history from a young age; particularly pre-modern Europe
Written May 25 2014
Meredith Waldron,一个年轻的历史系学生,特别喜欢前现代欧洲史;于2014年5月25日书
USA. There are countries which are worse (North Korea DRC and Nigeria have been mentioned) but America is the most annoying. Why?
- they think they're the best at everything (which they aren't)
- they brag about their (non-existent) perfection
- they stick their noses into everyone's business
- they assume that since they're 'perfect' everyone should be like them
- they go for their guns whenever they possibly can
- they overreact (no one left behind etc)
- they give a whole lot of power to corporations (monsanto BP etc) that are causing harm to people and our environment
- they are pushing for global 'free markets' which actually disadvantage the underprivileged
- they think capitalism solves everything 他们觉得资本主义解决一切问题。
- they constantly talk about their 'rights' and never about the responsibilities that come with those rights (my right to freedom of speech ends when it interferes withyour right to feel safe)
- they pretend they're a secular government but their discourse is dominated by religious mores (the abortion debate gay marriage etc)
- their media is so dominant that it's constantly in my face (I live in Australia)
I know of Americans that I like and respect. There are plenty of things that have been made by Americans which are really great. But America as a country...is really really annoying.
我认得并敬爱许多美国人,美国人也有许多很屌的成就。但美国这个国家真的是非常 非常讨厌。
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