杜特尔特:允许中国船只调查菲律宾领土 [美国媒体]



Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte said Monday he had agreed to allow Chinese surveillance ships into Filipino waters contradicting his defence minister who described their presence as "very concerning".


Duterte also told reporters he did not want to have a "fight" with China over Benham Rise -- waters recognised by the United Nation as indisputably Philippine territory -- partly because he wanted Chinese economic help.

杜特尔特还告诉记者,他不想与中国在班哈姆高地(位于菲律宾本岛吕宋岛东北方的海底)上“发生矛盾” -这个被联合国认定为菲律宾无可争议的领土 - 部分原因是他想要中国的经济援助。

"They have no incursion because we have an agreement" Duterte told reporters when asked about the reported presence of Chinese surveillance ships at Benham Rise."


Some people are just blowing it up. We previously agreed. It was a research ship. We were advised of it way ahead."



Alchemy2000Master16 hours ago
Meaning: China deposited a few hundred million in dutertes swiss bank accounts and therefore its no problem


Garry17 hours ago
Duterte is a puppet. No doubt he's filling his pockets with Chinese money. He's got to be prepared for leaving office. He'll be living in Switzerland with the rest of the worlds Criminal oligarchs.

杜特尔特是一个傀儡。 毫无疑问,他正在用中国钱填充他的口袋。 他正准备下台呢。他将在瑞士和世界其他的寡头罪犯们住在一起。

4everLiberal18 hours ago
what a sellout. You have to wonder how much this guy is getting paid to sell out the Philippines.


Eneg16 hours ago
It means this president is not and doesn't have a clue what is going on on his watch.
Incompetent. SAD and DISGUSTING!



Joseph19 hours ago
He will be found in a ditch soon enough.


D16 hours ago
What is Duterte getting personally for this? He must be getting something for himself by selling out the Philippines' interests. That's the history of how things work in the Philippines. The Philippines has so much resources but the majority lives in poverty because a few would give away its resources to foreigners for pennies on a dollar to enrich themselves. Duterte is personally getting something here.

杜特尔特为此私底下得到了什么好处?他一定是通过出卖菲律宾的利益而为自己拿到了某些东西。在菲律宾这种事有迹可循。菲律宾有这么多的资源,但多数人生活在贫困中,就是因为许多人会把国家资源廉价出卖给外国人从而使自己变得富有。 杜特尔特在这里肯定获得了私人利益。

Bill19 hours ago
Duterte is giving the islands to the Chinese in exchange for project moneys.



Lee Fei19 hours ago
Well mindless DuChengTeh die-hards? Still in denial about your idol being a Chinese Puppet?? Wake up! Stop being idiots!


Chukma16 hours ago
Duterte has gone into the Marine Real Estate business one more billionaire to tell us what's good for us. From small time hood to Billionaire.


Jay15 hours ago
If they're looking for a place to put Chinese subs all they needed to do was ask the US Navy which is already there and has been for decades.


K113 hours ago
Why in God's name should China surway Philippine waters unless they plan to exploit them Duterte nothing but a traitor a naive idiot . China will take what they want and now there's nothing the phillipine can do



Mount14 hours ago
Waved the white flag already!


Dave Kulick15 hours ago
This is the duterte guy who sells his country outright not Trump.


Alfred18 hours ago
The  mapped Greece while posing as tourists/hikers. When they were done they invaded Greece and conquered them. China is playing the same game. World War Three is coming down on us like a runaway Freight Train. The Left Tell us that "Nationalism" is a BAD thing. BS not having a "National Identity" will cost us our Republic. WE ARE AMERICANS NOT Globalist Trash as the Hollyweird Progressive #$%$ would have us be. Millions of us died to keep you free. Don't fail us now. You won't like being enslaved.



ron16 hours ago
Looks like the Philippine administration is as clueless and incompetent as Comrade Trump's!! Just as corrupt too.


pacificaGlacier17 hours ago
Duerte already sold Philipines to china master you all become china slaves now !!!!


Paolo T18 hours ago
Don't count on Trump to do anything about it. He wouldn't want to put his Trump Tower Manila project in jeopardy.



Kim16 hours ago
The Philippines are fleeced by thugs and cr00ks who pretend to be leaders and saviors.
As long as the people of the Philippines remain stupid and gullible consuming poisoned kool-aid concocted by religions dogmas ideologies superstition garbage and farts from the mouths of thugs and cr00ks China will dominate the East Sea of the Philippines.


The Philippines must get rid of religions superstitions dogmas garbage and farts period.
The Philippines must be educated to be more intelligent thinking critically reasoning factually and checking reality methodically and experimentally.
Or else China will rule the region.



Jibbs13 hours ago
What kind of President let another country survey his territory? He seems terrified of the Chinese. THe only thing this guy is good at is slaughtering his own people.


Len15 hours ago
Maybe we can mind our own business for a change.
