美国智库:中国可随时在人造岛屿上部署战机 [美国媒体]


China able to deploy warplanes on artificial islands any time: U.S. think tank


WASHINGTON (Reuters) - China appears to have largely completed major construction of military infrastructure on artificial islands it has built in the South China Sea and can now deploy combat planes and other military hardware there at any time, a U.S. think tank said on Monday.


The Asia Maritime Transparency Initiative (AMTI), part of Washington's Center for Strategic and International Studies, said the work on Fiery Cross, Subi and Mischief Reefs in the Spratly Islands included naval, air, radar and defensive facilities.


The think tank cited satellite images taken this month, which its director, Greg Poling, said showed new radar antennae on Fiery Cross and Subi.

该智库引用了本月拍摄的卫星照片,其主任Greg Poling称这些照片展示的是永暑礁和渚碧礁上新的雷达天线。

BirdWatcherBirdWatcher19 hours ago
Freedom of Navigation is working out very well in keeping China under control. Hahahahaha... another failed strategy from our shipload of failed foreign policies.


Nave Sang21 hours ago
The south china sea does NOT belong to China.


While we are all squabbling over political agenda, China just keeps on building those islands.


The downside of this strategy is that these islands are small and fixed, allowing advanced, precision targeting for stand-off weapons (e.g. cruise missiles). I'm sure the coordinates have already gone into the computers.


Yahoo Readeryesterday
If AMTI's analysis is correct, China is about ready to "militarize" those islands/reefs. That means China is ready to respond to how the U.S. would militarize the SCS: in the new bases in the Philippines and Singapore; and in the U.S. naval drills; and in the U.S. naval patrols there.


China should be able to defend its front yard. What happened to the natives in Canada,
New Zealand, US, South America, Alaska, Hawaii, Falkland Islands, Greenland, Guam,..? They did not defend themselves enough.


Rolando18 hours ago
Chinese imperialism.


Yahoo Readeryesterday
There are 12+ acknowledged US military installations in the area of South China Sea. Also permanent US navy presence, satellite and high altitude drones surveillance worth billions a year.
Still Chinese build a shed and a sandbar and we are ready for operation Pacific Freedom. We will have to borrow from China for this, but anyway.


terry19 hours ago
This along with dropping the one child policy tells me that China plans a push for world dominance,in 20 years they will have an entire generation of military ready citizens,,all they lack now is the transportation to get those people to their obectives,so when they get sufficient numbers of boat transports the surrounding countries better be ready ,because they will be coming


Where are the Americans??


Kung-Ming Chiuyesterday
Definitely can attack Taiwan island anytime.


don19 hours ago
China should also build deep underground submarine stations, command post / tunnels linking all the 3 Paracel islands for reinforcements and battlefield survival. These 3 artificial island-chain underground facilities must be built to withstand possible USA carpet bombing on all these above-ground facilities back to the stone ages.


Todd14 hours ago
Thanks Obama


RICK19 hours ago
anybody could see that , why would it take a think tank . are they really that stupid in DC.


Stitchy17 hours ago
If this were Israel, these artificial islands have been bombed already.


MovAdo15 hours ago
Ok Trump I thought you were supposed to confront China on every thing including this issue? Seems like Trump is now Dragging his feet only thing that hes done is have his immigration orders over turned but nothing else done since he took office.


Tough16 hours ago
China has over a billion people. I am no fan of China but it would be natural for them to become a superpower.

