The world’s biggest geopolitical trend today is not America First or the global war on terror or Brexit or the renewed Cold War with Russia. It is the economic integration of Europe with Asia especially the European unx with China. Europe and Asia co-inhabit the world’s largest landmass Eurasia. They are increasingly connected economically as well. Trump’s protectionism and bellicosity will speed up the integration of Europe and Asia and threaten to leave the United States on the sidelines.
Geologists tell us that as a landmass Eurasia has existed for around 70 million years. And demographers tell us that Eurasia has been home to roughly two-thirds of humanity during the past 2000 years. Trade migration wars and ideas have lixed Europe and Asia throughout history (and pre-history). As Jared Diamond pointed out in his wonderful book “Guns Germs and Steel’’ the diffusion of technologies between Asia and Europe has been facilitated by Eurasia’s broad east-west orientation along climate zones. For example wheat is grown in Western Europe Eastern Europe Western Asia (e.g. Turkey Iraq and Iran) the northern stretches of South Asia (e.g. Pakistan and India) and East Asia (e.g. Myanmar and China) a wheat zone stretching 10000 kilometers.
Throughout history technological breakthroughs in one part of Eurasia have gradually diffused to others. Between 500AD and 1500AD technological dynamism was mostly in Asia (e.g. China) and technologies flowed from China to Europe. After 1800AD the technological dynamism was mostly in Western Europe with technological innovations flowing from Europe to Asia. Now both Europe and Asia are innovators and new technologies are flowing in both directions.
During the 1500s to the 1700s economic interactions between East Asia and Europe were scant; both China and Japan limited contacts with Europeans as a matter of national security. With the beginnings of European industrialization interactions intensified but not so happily for Asia. Britain and France conquered large swaths of Asia and forced China at gunpoint to open its borders to trade including the import of opium forced on China by British opium traders and the British government. As the costs of transport and communications continued to decline with improvements in technology European-Asian trade intensified but with the military power and market advantage on the side of the Europeans.
dazzle104/09/17 07:07 PM
Sachs showing how clueless he is again
Sachs 再次展示了他说的多么的毫无根据。
the U.S the U.K and Japan are 1/3/5 in term of economic power add Canada South Korea and Israel the leading Middle East innovative economy that is where the power is especially when Germany and the gulf states side with us
renesimard04/09/17 08:59 PM
I know it's a pain to use punctuation when you're typing on a Russian keyboard but please make an effort. Or don't - your posts are unreadable either way. Spasiba!
我知道你们在俄罗斯键盘上使用标点符号很痛苦但请至少稍稍努力下? 或者算了吧,反正你们的发文根本没法看,谢谢!
-------------译者: 哔哩哔哩哩长-审核者:龙腾翻译总管------------
tjbwhs04/09/17 10:30 PM
That's really funny about the Russian keyboard! If "Dazzle" is a Russkie I notice he correctly left out his motherland! Russia is pretty pathetic isn't it? All that high-powered talent (math physics psych chess computers etc.) and not a clue about how to make use of it in a positive sense!
And tying themselves to a double-crossing punk like Trumpsky! Putin may be mean and ruthless but he can't put together a viable economy!
MNMoore04/09/17 07:27 PM
Sachs touches all the bases except one. Globalization nullifies all the buffers that nation states created to mitigate the the class tensions and economic instability generated by unfettered capitalism. Keynsian and Monatarist interventions and laws protecting employees and the environment are all products of the nation state. There is no countervailing Global force against the systematic movement of all money into the hands of a global elite.
galwaycity04/09/17 08:32 PM
Sachs did when he was advising Bernie Sanders and his campaign. Sanders had deep problems with TPP but ht wouldn't have dragged everything down trying to temper it. He and Sachs mainly wanted safeguards that American workers wouldn't be left out in the cold with TPP. That was the real problem with NAFTA. The Government took good care of the economic interests supporting it but they did virtually nothing for those left behind. A big reason for the success of Donald Trump.
在Sachs成为Bernie Sanders(美史上第一名信奉社会主义的参议员)及其竞选团队的顾问时他就这么做了。Sanders对TPP意见很大,但并不会为了扭转局面去拖累所有事情。他和Sachs主要想寻求保护措施,使美国工人不会被排除在TPP之外坐冷板凳。这就是北美自由贸易协定的问题所在。政府想好好照顾支持经济利益,但实际对于那些落在后方的群体来说,根本什么好处都不沾边。这就是特朗普为什么会得选的主要原因。(川普承诺会给这些混并不好但又不愿意拿国家补贴度日的美国工人群体提供更多工作机会改善生活。)
hockeyrover04/09/17 08:01 PM
This is the stupidest thing I've ever read. Europe can't even integrate amongst themselves yet they're going to unite with Asia and overtake the US economically? Okay then. Was hearing this 25 years ago in college. Guess it's taking its sweet time.
aidandad04/10/17 12:26 PM
Governance and commerce are distinct and multinational cos operate to serve markets not nation's. The sheer volume of trade sidelines us. As Stalin supposedly said "quantity has a quality of its own". Sachs is inviting a systemic view that can be influenced if you work systemically but if you don't the system will win.
shoes104/10/17 12:47 PM
Russia would live to see Europe dump us for china . Putin salivating
Thesecretshopper04/10/17 01:14 AM
In like a billion years the earth is going to be incinerated by the sun. Yeah crystal ball stuff is fun
地球约将在十亿年内被太阳焚毁。 是的,水晶球预知之类很有趣。
dazzle104/10/17 04:18 AM
Hey Jeffrey
where does more technological innovation it come from western capitalists.
Perhaps you should get out of the ivory tower more and see that China's slave state mentality does not work
aidandad04/10/17 12:34 PM
Daz who are you slaved to? You only post knee jerk predictable dribble to every article. Guess who invented postal service gunpowder paper etc? Hint not Western Capitalists.
Guess who takes advantage of the US federal research programs for commercial gain with no payback to taxpayers? Hint...
Or do you want to turn to Martin Skreli for an example of the economy building power of those WCs you admire?
dazzle你在为谁工作?每一篇都是你发布显而易见的跪舔水文,猜猜谁发明了邮政(前身就是古中国驿站),火药,造纸术等等? 提示是并非西方资本家们。
猜猜谁利用美国联邦调查项目获得商业利益 并对纳税人没有回报? 提示是...
抑或你想成为Martin Skreli一样,在你所欣赏的西方资本家们里作为经济建设力量的榜样?(martin skeli被称为资本主义所有罪恶化身。美国80后,买断了针对艾滋,癌症等免疫缺陷特效药达拉匹林的所有权,制作成本是1usd/片,将原本售价为13.5usd/片提到750usd/片)
garymichael04/10/17 04:57 AM
This idea is not far-fetched by any means; people can now take a train from France to Russia and then the trans Siberian rail road all the way to Vladivostok freight trains can do the same. A new age of Marco Poloism could be upon us. Of course it's a 'what if' story but it's funny how some commenters get all defensive and start lining up the adversaries in their mental game of Risk.
attaturk04/10/17 06:06 AM
Sach's view is spot on. Globalization is the reality period. It is not a question of "form of government". It is a question of technology and economic expansion. The view that America comes first makes a great campaign slogan and a lousy economic policy. The worlds great powers have no real desire for conflict what they desire are "markets". Each time we make pronouncements about "tariffs" or "border taxes" or insulting one group or another it accomplishes little other than for those nations to simply view the US as a "questionable" trading partner.
But no ideological or economic argument will sway the "American firsters". Voters will follow their "emotions" but American business will follow its pocketbook. So in the long run we shall see who wins. The globalists or the mob.
caniscandida04/10/17 07:56 AM
This is very good attaturk. In principle the US should be wealthy enough for long enough to take care of its own should we ever decide that the current gross inequality that afflicts so many of us is immoral intolerable and unacceptable which it is.
But in fact with regard to "ideology" recent events have shown the weakness of representative democracy i.e. one of its principal risks: an uneducated passionate easily manipulated electorate may very easily be induced to elect an incompetent ignorant self-regarding authoritarian as head of government who will set in motion destructive policies lasting many years. The leading alternative the one-party rule of China is not really better at all and much less just and humane but is more likely to look "successful" right now and resistant to the ideological challenges it should be facing.
Why do most people who have a positive view of China have been to ...
Why do most people who have a positive view of China have been to ...