如果可能你想成为中国人吗? [美国媒体]



If it is possible would you like to be Chinese?



Godfree Roberts Ed.D. Education & Geopolitics University of Massachusetts Amherst (1973)
Written Mon
Assuming that your question is directed to me as I am now NO WAY!!

Godfree Roberts 马萨诸塞大学安姆斯特分校教育与地缘政治教育博士

I was a B+ student at a mediocre school and was given a full undergraduate scholarship then a full scholarship to study for my doctorate then a grant to travel the world investigating interesting educational experiments then a high-paying job running a wonderful school district with 3 months annual paid vacation and a pension that allows me to live comfortably and still travel the world.


If I were Chinese I would be assembling iPhones for HonHai and living in a 16-bed dormitory. As one of the protagonists in the wonderful documentary Up The Yangtze says “If you knew how hard it is just to be an ordinary Chinese you’d faint!”



Rachael Williams BA Chinese & Marketing Furman University (2014)
Written Mon
Ah depends.


Do you mean I would start life over and live it as a Chinese person?


No no no no nope.

不 不 不 不 绝不

Are you freaking kidding me? I'd have to be a student in China and as a teacher of Chinese students that seems like a really raw deal.


Do you know why I have a job and why I can make so much extra money? There is no free time for Chinese kids. The only reason to have a weekend break is to go to the classes they don't teach in school or to get tutored in the classes they're already learning in school.


Do you know there are very few real holidays is China? (As in time given off from work/school)


Ex. “Hey we have Monday off so we don't need to go to school!”


“Wow great!”


“Yea so see you Saturday.”


“What? We don't go to class on Saturday ?”


“Yes we do. Because we have Monday off. It's vacation.”


“That's not vacation! That's just pushing the weekend back a day…”


Lord help you if you get two or three days off. It results in having to go to class for 14–15 days straight. No bueno. No gracias. I'd rather never get a holiday.


The two big exceptions are Spring festival (the winter break) and summer holiday.



And the Chinese school system is very rigid compared to how I was taught. There is tons of rote memorization and very little discussion. There's not much room for kids to stretch out and explore a variety of life philosophies because the schools are primarily concerned with keeping the whole situation under control.


Do you know how many students on average I had in a public high school in a single classroom together?


EIGHTY. Try to teach deep and meaningful topics to 80 teenagers who have been up since 5:30 and didn't get to bed till midnight because of their crippling amount of homework. I was teaching oral English at the time and I had a rule in class. You can sleep do other homework read draw whatever. Just don't talk to other students who actually want to be learning.


By the way these classrooms weren't big. It was like being in commercial class on a trans-Atlantic flight. Three columns of desks with 4–5 desks in each row.


If you're confused about class content you're on your own pretty much. In my experience students rarely feel comfortable asking questions in class and teachers rarely encourage it. Really tough for an oral English class.



Also I would not want the ridiculous social pressure young Chinese people go through in their personal lives.


My one on one students have opened up to me about how horrible they feel because their mother/father is always negatively comparing them to other children.


My BEST student who is only in 4th grade and speaks English with a 95% fluency told me his mother wanted him to study vowel sounds with him. It was a strange thing to request right before class and well below his level so I asked him why his mother wanted us to review vowel sounds.


He claimed his mother had seen a girl on TV speaking with a “perfect” English accent in an English competiton. His mother does not speak English but decided this girl was the new standard for her son.


I told him his mother was wrong that his English was excellent that he did not have any noticeable problems with his accent and that if he went to the US most people would have no idea he wasn't an American boy. He started to tear up. Apparently no one had ever told him he was good at something before.



Many Chinese parents love their children very much and they use this method to try and push them to be the best they can be. Perhaps it works for some children without damaging their relationship with their parents. I've often found it makes children constantly nervous and stressed.


It is not abnormal for parents to be extremely involved in their grown children’s personal lives. Especially when it comes to dating and marriage. I've had Chinese friends crack under the pressure and get married/have a baby just to get their parents off their backs. Then they're miserable because it was never what they wanted in the first place. No thank you.


Do you mean I would be exactly the same person as I am now just switch to a Chinese looking Rachael?


Well… it certainly might make living in China less stressful. People wouldn't shout random English and Russian at me while I'm walking around town. I'd blend in better. No one would charge me a higher price because they see I'm foreign.


People would start speaking with me like I'm a person instead of some exotic animal that magically learned to talk.



But then again I would miss out on all the amazing interactions I've had with people here simply because I'm clearly foreign. No little kids would run up and ask if I'm Elsa. No grandmas would give me extra mangoes at the store because I told them it's my favorite fruit but I can't get them in the US. No one would hand me their baby just because they wanted a picture of it with a foreigner.


No students would call me their “goddess” in the middle of class making me feel both flattered and wildly uncomfortable.


I would make more Chinese friends possibly but I would also lose out on the instant connection two people have when they both strangers to a place. The expat community in China is such a vast and eclectic group but we ALL have a connection. Being foreign. That part of our identity runs even deeper than our nationality I think. It is the single constant defining characteristic of who you are once you decide to live in another country.



I prefer to embrace it. Life would not be nearly so colorful for me if I were Chinese.


I'd also probably either be married with an infant or completely estranged from my parents at this point. Neither seem like fun.

如果我是中国人,现在我可能结婚了,还有了孩子 ,或者和父母的关系闹僵了。这两者不管哪个可都不是什么有趣的事。

Please forgive any spelling issues as my computer is in the shop and I'm having to write every thing from my phone.



Mario Rossi 5th year in China
Written Mon
Depends. From Hong Kong Singapore or maybe Shanghai i would consider it. From another place much less likley.


At present the living standard in mainland china is still not much good for most people. The education system with the gaokao also put a lot of stress on you than the stress to find a wife to buy a car+house and after to find a good job fighting a terrible competition. It’s not easy is indeed a quite hard life. We may add the problem of pollution and food security. It’s definitly not easy to live the life of normal chinese people.

