中国公民在美认罪,承认设法出口碳素纤维 [美国媒体]



(Reuters) - A Chinese citizen pleaded guilty on Friday to charges of trying to illegally export to China high-grade carbon fiber used primarily in aerospace and military applications the U.S. Justice Department said in a statement.


Fuyi Sun 53 who pleaded guilty before U.S. District Judge Alvin Hellerstein in New York federal court admitted he tried to procure the carbon fiber for the Chinese military the statement said. He faces a maximum sentence of 20 years in prison when sentenced on July 26 it said.



Richard TRichard T2 days ago
American companies cry about the theft of intellectual property rights by China; yet they continue to support these supposed thefts by staying in China.


Another Chinese spy?


Paul Bledsoeyesterday
Spy. Lock him up and throw the key away. The Chinese steal everything and don't invent anything.



BrianDaBrian2 days ago
This carbon fiber is most likely unidirectional carbon fiber not the carbon mesh or reinforced carbon fiber polymer found everywhere from car parts to baseball bats but a new super light variety that is a highly classified concoction but it's been used in some consumer items since around 2008.


Unless they've created a new form of fiber this guy could have gotten unidirectional carbon fiber from buying some fly-fishing rods made by Orvis and maybe a few others and even though it's still a trade secret other consumer products may be made from it today.


It's very hard to get since it's used in U.S. military drones Apache helicopter blades and other military applications but it is out there in a few products if someone really wanted to reverse engineer it this guy was an idiot and I doubt he worked for the Chinese military because they already know this.


Traditional sheets of carbon fiber are woven to create a matrix that's strong in every direction.


This advanced unidirectional carbon fiber is tapered pieces of graphite and employ a high-temperature epoxy that eliminate the need for that grid it decreases the number of fibers and cuts the weight by up to 25 percent while making it much stronger.



dede2 days ago
ALL russian and chinese Non residents need to be run out of the USA


Algis2 days ago
$62000 dollars of fishing pole fiber; pshawww! Another "major" victory for the FBI. Big whoop.

价值62000美元的钓鱼竿纤维, 呀呀呸! FBI又大胜一场, 吹啊(嘲讽)。

Denis2 days ago
The US government is using every opportunity to blackmail China and Chinese. This type of carbon fiber is not secrete to Chinese military. In fact China is leading in this field. How can you be so stupid to charge this guy for taking something that China already has? The US thinks it has everything that others don't. That is no longer the case any more.

美国政府正在竭尽可能的勒索中国和中国人, 这种碳纤维对中国军方都不是秘密。 事实上中国在这块领域遥遥领先。 怎么会有如此愚蠢的事情?没收这家伙携带着中国已经有的东西? 美国总认为他们有其他国家没有的东西,不再是这样啦。


William2 days ago
All Chinese in America should be under watch


Americans do not get it. The Chinese culture is based on do what ever you have to do to achieve you financial goals. Western IP laws laws on property/stealing etc. are viewed as a comedy by Chinese....OF COURSE YOU STEAL...are you crazy???
The cultural west does not get it our rules and laws are laughed at by Chinese.


Red2 days ago
Chinese terrorists


Don'T Like What I Am Seeing!2 days ago



Evel 112 hours ago
Isn't Metamucil carbon fiber?


Communist china does not need high tech to beat US . With their poison toys toxic goods and tainted food they could wipe the US out without wasting a bullet . That why trump and his family bow to Xi and learn to speak Chinese . You his supporters better learn to speak Chinese so he can send you to china for a job cause you brainless stone head too dumb for the job here in US. If you can't speak Chinese you will be sent to Russia . SAD.


Jason15 hours ago
US is good at high tech products. To reduce trade deficit with china US need sell high tech products to china. If US keep on doing this China will be forced to set up factory and manufacture high tech products by themselves. Carbon fiber is a good example: I knew China was already able to manufacture its high grade carbon fiber due to America's embargo.



JimD2 days ago
Good Job FBI !!!
Next time hand him over to some small unaffiliated clandestine group that can mete out an appropriate punishment. He wasn't trying to steal the secret to McDonalds Special Sauce here - he was directly attacking our Military and our nation as a spy. Death is the only logical sentence.


Denis2 days ago
Americans spy more to China than the other way around. The THAAD system installed in South Korea is one of the examples.



Dale46 minutes ago
Hello ! and just what type of visa did this man have ? a work Visa for what company if employed ?


This is the kind of thing that should be READ and UNDERSTOOD by all those critics who continually contend and complain that the U.S. "spends more on our military than the rest of the world combined". Well WHICH do you think is CHEAPER to do idiots? To Invent Create and Develop technology from SCRATCH? Or to STEAL or BUY it on the OPEN MARKET???

那些不断批评和抱怨美国“在军费开销上比全世界加起来花的还多”的喷子门就该读读这些报道普及下:白痴啊 哪一种成本低廉? 是无中生有在成堆图稿中创造和开发科技,还是通过窃取或者在“自由市场”里买卖?