日本是唯一一个有民众拒绝唱国歌的国家吗? [美国媒体]



Is Japan the only country with some of its citizens refuse to sing national anthem?



Etai Tal Born raised and lives in Israel
Written 15h ago
Some Arabs are refusing to sing the national anthem because it does not apply to them and the lyrics talks about how those with a Jewish soul wants to live in freedom in the promised land.
Here are the lyrics if you are intrested:
“As long as in the heart within
A Jewish soul still yearns
And onward towards the ends of the east
an eye still gazes toward Zion;
Our hope is not yet lost
The hope two thousand years old
To be a free nation in our land
The land of Zion and Jerusalem.”



David Farnell Professor at Fukuoka University
Written 8h ago
I am sure some Americans refuse to sing “The Star-Spangled Banner.” I sing it in those rare rare situations when I find myself among a crowd singing it though I don’t particularly like that it is a flag-worshiping song glorifying battle. I rather think America needs a bit less emphasis on that. And the expectation that sporting events must be places where everyone must engage in this ritual just makes me not feel like going to sporting events in America.
I would be supportive of the movement to change the US national anthem to “America the Beautiful” except that those lyrics contain a prayer to God.

我肯定有些美国人是拒唱“星条旗”的。 我本人只有在及其及其不寻常的情况下开口,例如置身在正在歌唱的人群里。我并不特别喜欢,这是一个标榜歌颂战斗的曲子。相反,我认为美国需要少强调这点。而且体育赛事点可想而知是一个人人都精力高涨的地方,这种惯例每每我不喜欢参与在美的体育赛事。


I do refuse to say the Pledge of Allegiance and have ever since I stopped to really think about the words. Why do I need to pledge allegiance to a flag? It’s just a flag. And why even to the nation for which it stands? I’m an American. My allegiance should be assumed as a default. Asking me to pledge it indoctrinating children to robotically repeat it daily at school—that’s creepy and dystopian. It’s like we assume the average American is a dangerous traitor unless they engage in this little ritual—one which by the way was pretty much written in order to sell flags. And even though the one who wrote it didn’t include “under God” in the original that got put in too violating the separation of church and state.
I live in Japan and actually love the haunting music of the “Kimigayo” but I don’t sing it. It glorifies the Emperor and while the current Emperor is a sweet guy and plays his role to perfection I am an American when it comes down to it. I stand respectfully and yes I do take notice that I am far from the only one singing.
But being free not to sing being free not to stand—those are very important freedoms.

我住在日本,其实很爱"君之代"音乐缭绕的之感。但我不唱。 这首歌赞颂的是天皇。目前来说现任天皇是个可爱的家伙并且完美的发挥他的作用。 而终究我是个美国人,我尊敬它,然而是的,我留意到我离那个唱国歌那人其实也很远啦。(个人认为是 日本其他人也不唱,所以很多时候国歌是一个人台上独唱,或群众里寥寥无几个跟唱,所以作者跟唱的那人相隔起来很远)
但,有不唱的权利和有不起立的权利 - 这些都是非常重要的自由。


Tommy Pengelly
Written 19h ago
Speaking for Britain and Brazil (as mentioned by Augusto Boal in one of his theatre books) it’s a national joke that no one knows the second verse of the national anthem. And in Britain there’s no desire to learn it. It’s less resistance and more “slow death by people not caring”. However I do imagine that if a footballer refused to sang it the Daily Mail and the Sun would be calling for blood <_<

每日邮报和太阳报将口诛笔伐到他头破血流<_ <


Sadaharu Wakisaka
Written 8h ago
I don’t think Japanese citizens refuse to sing it.
A very few people do perhaps more than 2/3 or 3/4 have no feeling to sing it.
I am convinced another thing many of Japanese feel not cool about the rhythm and melody of the national anthem compare to the Stars and Stripes God save the Queen or any other western national anthems.

非常小的一部分不唱,大概三分之二 或者四分之三的人毫无感情地唱。
