在教育上,越南和中国有哪些主要差别? [美国媒体]



What are the main differences between Vietnamese and Chinese education?



Mai Truong A Vietnamese born in Saigon who loves to let more people know about Vietnam
Written Apr 19
The main thing I can point out right away is the letter system. Vietnam adopted the Latin alphabet; therefore it is easy for first-grader to learn how to write and read Vietnamese. Chinese letter system on the other hand uses strokes to form characters. This takes longer time to learn. I have heard from my Chinese friends that Chinese children learn to write in Latin alphabet first before they learn to write in Chinese characters.

 张麦, 一个出生于越南西贡(胡志明市)并十分希望有更多人能了解越南的人,写于4月19日


Since Vietnam and China had a 1000 years at wars Vietnamese history textbooks do make an effort to teach the younger generations about the wars. The impression is that Chinese armies tried to invade Vietnam and turn it into a Chinese province and Vietnamese people although hard-working and friendly had no choice but to stand up and fight. The Vietnamese textbooks glorifies the victories of Vietnamese leaders and soldiers while I am not sure if Chinese history textbooks do the same thing. History lessons focus more on the tactics Vietnamese commanders in chief used to defeat an army larger both in terms of size and strength to protect sovereignty. Sometimes how bad the Chinese lost was mentioned. Those history lessons over the course of middle school and high school implicitly created a hatred towards the neighboring country in the mind of students.

越南和中国交战千年,越南的历史教科书确实不遗余力地在灌输年轻一代关于战争。描述中的中国军队,试图侵略越南将它并成中国的一个省份, 越南人民尽管勤劳友善却忍无可忍的奋起抗争。越南历史教科书美化越南领导者和战士们的胜利,我不清楚是否中国历史教科书里也同样如此。历史课文更注重描述越南统帅总是击败了无论是在规模还是实力上都比他们强大的军队,从而保护了国家主权。有时候会提及中国如何如何惨败。从初中到高中的那些历史教程暗暗地在学生心中埋下对邻国的仇恨种子。


Written 18h ago
The main differences is :
Vietnam education teaching students : Those Chinese invaded our kingdom for over 1000 years and another 1000 years tried 17 times.
Chinese education teaching students : Those ….. wait who’s Vietnam ?

越南式教育 学生:中国人侵占我们王朝超过了1000年。 另外的1000年了他们侵略了17次。
中国式教育 学生:越南。。。等等,这人是谁??


Jacques Văn KhN43;i Vietnamese by blood Vietnamese by thought
Written 18h ago
Alright we have to be realistic. This is not just how differences between Vietnam and China both also the differences of how educated two nations are:
The language: Vietnamese language is derived from Latin alphabet as for the result of de Rhodes. Chinese language remains unchanged even later the Simplified system was adapted replacing old traditional one.
Vietnamese education system is restricted and students have not many air for free thinking and making news. But Chinese system is relaxed and students are allowed to make subjects they like as long as it obeys the school law.
Vietnamese students are in some aspects better than Chinese students on studying. But like I said Vietnamese students seem to have some limits on making ideas unlike Chinese one. This is why China rich.



Vietnamese schools are too relying on the communist programs meanwhile being fellow commie the Chinese do different: they don’t rely on communist programs but they manage to make students more ground to study.
Vietnamese teaching system is still too old and not really interesting and only now reforms of education system has started; while Chinese one each years more growing and newer.
Vietnamese textbooks seriously nationalists. Chinese? No idea.
Vietnamese education lack of basic reality training while Chinese education has fixed it well.
We still need a lot of times to do Vietnamese. Change your idea before we lose our ground. Get it?

越南的教学体系仍旧太落后和缺乏趣味, 新的教育改革才刚开始,而中国教育体系日新月异成长飞快。
越南同胞们啊,我们还需要很多时间去努力。如果不想落后,改变观念吧, 明白吗?
