中国与欧洲航天局讨论建立月球基地 [美国媒体]


China talking with European Space Agency about moon outpost


BEIJING — Representatives of China and the European Space Agency are discussing potential collaboration on a human outpost on the moon and other possible joint endeavors, according to a spokesman for the European agency and Chinese media reports.


The secretary general for China’s space agency, Tian Yulong, first disclosed the talks about the envisioned lunar base in Chinese state media. They were confirmed Wednesday by Pal Hvistendahl, a spokesman for the European Space Agency, or ESA.

中国航天局秘书长田玉龙首先在中国国有媒体上披露了可能的月球基地合作的谈判。周三欧洲航天局发言人Pal Hvistendahl确证了这个消息。

“The Chinese have a very ambitious moon program already in place,” Hvistendahl said. “Space has changed since the space race of the ‘60s. We recognize that to explore space for peaceful purposes, we do international cooperation.”


The director general of the 22-member ESA, Johann-Dietrich Woerner, has described its proposed “Moon Village” as a potential international launching pad for future missions to Mars and a chance to develop space tourism or even lunar mining.

拥有22个成员国的欧洲航天局的总干事Johann-Dietrich Woerner将其提议的“月球村”形容为未来火星任务的潜在国际发射点,也可以进行太空旅游的开发,甚至是月球采矿。

Javier 8 hours ago
China does not have the expertise and by working along side ESA they will take/copy the technology for China's own use in the future. Just watch.


D P 7 hours ago
Yes, they have just enough experience to put men into space, only Russia, US, and Chna have done so.


M 18 hours ago
no need to include the US. there is no Oil on the moon


Chung 1 hour ago
Should there be a general meeting in the UN now that the "moon base" proposal is on the table. Working together as Earthlings to conquer space should be common effort for all of us. US should volunteer to join to make it a truly international endeavor. The world is sure to agree about this join effort for humankind to fly out of planet Earth!


wayne 2 hours ago
Don't trust the Chinese.


jerryk 16 hours ago
Why the fuss about "Mars missions"? There's nothing there. It's totally barren, and totally useless.


RandomAccelerationsTestunit 13 hours ago
Why the fuss about a ""potential launch pad to Mars" ? It is more efficient to launch from Earth LEO when you want to go to Mars. This launch pad idea is B.S. !


lost 3 hours ago
I dout the U S A AIR FORCE will allow another country to put a base on the moon.because they might discover the air forces base that is already there


Professor Crater 13 hours ago
Good luck!


Martin 15 hours ago
shortly after they will enact their lunar 15 dash line and claim moon ownership


Joel M  1:22 AM 
I vote not to include the US too. Even though China said they would not exclude US on their space station, I think it is about time for China to say the heck with US. There was no reason to exclude China from the ISS. After all Russia is more an adversary than China. I believe the exclusion was racist and to prevent China of surpassing the US technologically. Thumbs up for China for brushing US off and telling them they don't need them.


Pyrthian 4/26/2017 9:39 PM 
yes, no need to include the US. there is no Oil on the moon.

