Do you think China agreed to help with North Korea after Trump’s 2 day summit with Xi?
Louis Cohen, worked at Dreyer's Grand Ice Cream
Written Apr 8
China likes having a communist ally between them and the rich, successful South Korea. But they don’t want a nuclear war, either.
I syspect and hope that China has already suborned the DPRK military leadership. If Li’l Kim does anything really crazy, he’ll be killed in a military coup.
Jacky Mickey Lily, lives in China
Written Wed
Nope. Two guys will punch the pain in the ass together. Story about an ass threatening a gang usually end up with the ass being punched to dead. Business and world rulings require the two most powerful countries stick together so the boat does not sink too quickly.
America is getting weak while China need a ticket to get in the club. Well, let's see.
Cyrus Lacia, lived in China
Written Apr 8
Obviously yes.
Morally speaking, North Korea is China’s “socialist ally”, and is also a defense against capitalist South korea, led by America. And China aided North Korea a lot of materials as well, China won't give up unless it wanna waste all the previous efforts.
Based on the consideration of national security China will continue to support NK, and prop up Kim dynasty. As to Trump he doesn't seem to be very reliable, we can't guess what he's gonna do. At least till now what he did seems ridiculous.
If China associating with America cracks down on NK, it will lose faith and chill other socialist countries.
Wes Frank
There are still other “socialist countries?” I thought even the Albanians gave up on Communism.
Cyrus Lacia
Five. China, North Korea, Vietnam, Laos and Cuba.
Wes Frank
I haven’t seen any great political bonding between those nations over the last twenty years or so, nor do any of them still have totalitarian governments like North Korea’s.
Flipping down the list, Vietnam fought a war with China more recently than it fought its war with the US, Cuba is figuring out how not not be Communist and still keep its socialist credentials, and I expect Laos is too impoverished to side with anyone.
China probably would just as soon be rid of North Korea as a dependency, but they cannot afford to look like they are not standing up to the US over any issue so close to their borders. Sensible American diplomats understand this and don’t raise a fuss when North Korea makes threats.
Trump, because he is ignorant of diplomacy, wants to work with China to disarm North Korea, but wants to posture and show off for the home audience, as well. And, like most of the leadership in China and the United States and most of the media elite, as well, he keeps ignoring the South Koreans. They have the most to lose if a blow-up occurs, and it is simply indecent to keep blustering without mentioning them.
Cyrus Lacia
Yes. As communist camp, they don't seem to have any ideological relationship but common ones. Although there are only 5 impure communist countries, China, as the most successful one, has consciously acted as “Older Brother” and it needs to maintain this camp surrounded by capitalist countries. South Korea is a bridgehead of American force, threatening China in military, China doesn't want to directly border with such a country so it needs a buffer and that's why North Korea exists.
If China couldn't support NK and NK collapsed at last, China wouldn't just lose its place in this camp because of incompetence but get itself endangered. Despite hating this neighbor China has to support it.
Wes Frank
I hear this fairly often, and I have to point out that South Korea is NOT a bridgehead of American force. The United States 8th Army headquarters is there solely to act as a tripwire against attacks on South Korea by North Korea. At the time of the attack on South Korea in 1950, the American army had left Korea entirely and had to be rushed back to South Korea to help it defend itself. South Korea is perfectly capable of defending itself against anyone else these days. Once the threat from North Korea ends, the American military presence in South Korea will end, as well. The South Koreans and Americans would hold a ceremony, thank each other, and the Americans would take a plane to Washington state, where the support units for the 8th Army are stationed at Fort Lewis.
I checked a few months ago, and there are no longer any American infantry or armored units assigned to the skeleton of the 8th Army stationed north of Seoul. I believe that there are still some artillery and helicopter battalions there, but they are attached to South Korean units and will go into combat under South Korean command if some conflict should occur.
Not much of a threat to anyone, and certainly not a threat to China.
Cyrus Lacia
Wishful thinking. Everyone knows South Korea is a part of first island chain of the United States against China. Since you said South Korean is quite capable of protecting itself, then it makes no sense for the United States to station in South Korea. The fact is a considerable amount of US troops are still there and they even set out to deploy THAAD, as known it can cover the whole of northeast Asia and monitor missiles of China and Russia, as to North Korea, rocket guns are enough for them to have an attack on South Korea, and such weapon cannot be intercepted in time by THAAD. So it is obvious what American’s real mind is.
Wes Frank
Okay, what is a “first island chain of the United States against China?”
The United States has not deployed THAAD in South Korea. The South Koreans are deploying THAAD in South Korea. If it weren’t capable of defending South Korea from North Korean missiles, I doubt that they would spend money on it.
The roster of the US 8th Army is on the Internet . . . Organization . . . Its combat units consist of one air defense brigade, one armored brigade, one artillery brigade, and one combat aviation brigade. All of these are attached to a Korean division, as there are enough troops there to form a full-sized division on their own. That is enough troops to assist South Korea in the event of a North Korean attack, but hardly enough to present a military threat to anyone in Asia.
As I noted, the primary purpose of the 8th Army HQ in Korea is to serve as a tripwire against any North Korean attack and to incorporate reinforcements from the United States quickly if North Korea starts a war. Given that ten million or so South Koreans live within range of North Korean artillery, that seems like an excellent way to save lives in the event of a war starting.
The nearest reinforcements for the 8th Army, I should note, are the Marine brigade currently stationed in Australia and elements of the 25th Infantry Division in Alaska and Hawaii, some 6,000 miles away.
If it is so obvious what America’s real mind is, can you explain it to me? As I noted, the basic structure of American foreign policy is not a state secret. It is openly debated on various academic forums. The primary concerns of American diplomats with regard to China are how to get better deals with Chinese companies and how to avoid that nonsense in the Spratlys from causing more trouble. If someone were plotting military strategies threatening any foreign country, it would be being debated somewhere.
Cyrus Lacia
Gosh You believe everything America declares. Is America a philanthropist? Hahaha, Does South Korea dare to deploy THAAD regardless of China’s opposition without the pressure from America?
You can google things about the first island chain.
Wes Frank
I notice that you seem certain that the United States is planning some dastardly strategy against China, but you never explain exactly what that strategy is and what its objective might be. Can you provide some details?
Cyrus Lacia
Not planning but doing. America’s purpose is to surround China and contain China. Truth is, however, since America wants to keep its domination over the world, it attempts to contain any potential threat to it, which was Russia and Japan, and now is China.
Here are some measures America takes against China:
1.Building an anti-missile system in Asia-Pacific, to weaken China's strategic nuclear force.
2.American military excercises are frequently conducted at China’s gate to flex its muscle.
3.The surge in Asia-Pacific for control of the sea.
4.On issues such as the south China sea issue concerning China's sovereignty and territorial integrity, America is actively seeking some countries to serve as a fulcrum for containing China, encourages and incites confrontation against China in these countries, attempts to use its asia-pacific allies, as well as conflicts on the islands, ocean rights between China and its neighbours to make trouble, implement containing strategy for China, and to poison surrounding environment of China,making the situation of south China sea more complicated.
Wes Frank
What does “surrounding China” mean? How would this be done, and why would the United States want to do it?
Why would the United States need to “contain” China? Does China have plains for expansion that would need to be contained?
I note that both the United States and China a signatories to the United Nations treaty, which states specifically:
“The Purposes of the United Nations are . . . to maintain international peace and security . . . to take effective collective measures for the prevention and removal of threats to the peace, and for the suppression of acts of aggression or other breaches of the peace . . .”
“To develop friendly relations among nations based on respect for the principle of equal rights and self-determination of peoples, and to take other appropriate measures to strengthen universal peace.”
“The Organization is based on the principle of the sovereign equality of all its Members.”
“All Members shall settle their international disputes by peaceful means in such a manner that international peace and security, and justice, are not endangered.”
“All Members shall refrain in their international relations from the threat or use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of any state”
The United States has committed no acts of aggression against the Peoples Republic of China since the ceasefire in Korea was settled in 1954. Nor has China committed any acts of aggression against the United States. This all in spite of severe ideological differences between the two nations. The United States has committed no aggressive acts against South Korea, North Korea, Japan, or Russia in all that time. North Korea has committed acts of aggression against South Korean, the United States, and Japan, but the United States has never, in spite of provocations, ever responded with violence to those acts.
It strikes me that both of our nations have done a fair job of keeping the peace in Northeast Asia over the last sixty years. Why would either government wish to do anything to interrupt that long span of peace?
Cyrus Lacia
To be honest, I feel like you're being funny. Why do you so believe in the words on paper rather than see what America really does.
Have you heard the word cold war, which means all of hostilities except war? America may not get that point against China yet, but it has taken various similar measures sidestep the treaty you mentioned.
China and the United States have cooperation as well as competition, you cannot heed only some idealistic words on paper but treat things dialectically.
Wes Frank
You have made several references to American actions that you describe as being hostile or aggressive towards China. Yet, none of them are particularly different from the routine actions the United States has taken in its role of guaranteeing peaceful trade and interaction in the Western Pacific for the last 60 years.
If you think the United States is “surrounding” China, could you at least explain what “surrounding” means? If you think the United States is trying to “contain” China, I would expect you to be able to explain what that is.
Both of those words sound like references to the world that existed before 1945, when all the major powers were in competition with each other and constantly plotting alliances in the expectation of future wars. If you think that is what the relationship of China and the United States is like, I would hope that you can provide more evidence of it then the assumption of a hostile intent to mundane actions.
Again, my frame of reference is that the traditional discourse on American foreign policy that goes on in the American press and in American academic circles. You get Jingo or paranoid politicians who speak of China as a threat to the United States, but neither they nor any professional diplomats, scholars, and military officers advocate any policies that would threaten China’s territory or people. There is no faction of that sort in the United States. There are people who use the word “contain” as you do, but that is not term of aggression; it is a defensive term, used because they worry that Chinese nationalists might be seeking to dominate or control the smaller nations in the region. That would, of course, violate the United Nations charter, and neither the United States nor China has any business bullying small nations.
Cyrus Lacia
You ask me to explain“surrounding”and“contain”again and again, but I want to say nothing to add but their literal meanings. Would any other countries defend itself at the gate of others like America?If what America does is legitimate then what if China deployed troops or missiles in Cuba? Why is China's military development deemed to be a threat to regional peace while America’s powerful armed force not. Similar cases are numerous. You should take down the mask of hypocrisy.
At bottom, it is because the west controls discourse power, maybe you are one of those deceived by false words.
Henry Ho
Written Apr 8
That is not gonna happen. Our government seldom interferes other countries and sends military forces overseas. Also, North Korea is unpredictable, we won't take a chance.
Jimmy Wang, works at Casino Arizona
Written Apr 8
China have always helped North Korea with this in mind: they do not want much powerful South Korea border to reach Yalu River as a huge competitor for geopolitical reasons and control. Chinese aren’t stupid but had to walk a thin line to keep all party happy. Best turnout would be status quo by letting that boy in check.
Ted McNabb, Security/Technology/History consultant
Written Wed
Only if the price is right.
For the PRC government to “win” in this situation, all it has to do is “do nothing” because then it shows the world (at least that part of it that it has any interest in) that it “will not be pushed around by the United States”.
Mr. Trump has already paid part of the price that the PRC wanted for “cooperation” and we will just have to wait until we see what the rest of the price is.
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