维基解密:谷歌提供工具来支持基地组织队伍 [美国媒体]


Wikileaks: Google Provided Tools To Bolster Ranks Of al-Qaeda


U.S. intelligence agencies’ use oftechnological innovation to further their agenda is not a revelation in itself.But WikiLeaks’ disclosure of collusion between the State Department and Googlehas a dark twist, as the former used tech created by the latter to helpal-Qaeda gain new recruits.


ISIS fightersparade fown the main stretch of Raqqa, Syria.


MINNEAPOLIS— Documents that were released lastyear by WikiLeaks have shed light on Google’s role in supporting al-Qaeda andother extremist groups that have been operating in Syria for the first fewyears of the country’s ongoing conflict. Specifically, emails between JaredCohen, former director of Google Ideas, and former Secretary of State HillaryClinton, reveal Google developed software that al-Qaeda and other oppositiongroups could use to boost their ranks.

明尼阿波利斯——维基解密去年披露的文件清晰地描绘了谷歌在叙利亚持续冲突的前几年间,扮演的叙境内极端组织支持者角色。尤其是前谷歌智库(Google Ideas)主管Jared Cohen与前国务卿Hillary Clinton 之间的电邮记录,揭露了基地组织及其他反对派曾借助谷歌开发的软件扩大组织规模。

According to one of their email exchanges, therewas one software tool – developed in July 2012 – that allowed defections fromthe SyrianArab Army to be tracked and mapped. As Cohen statedin the exchange:


“Our logic behind this is that while many peopleare tracking the atrocities, nobody is visually representing and mapping thedefections, which we believe are important in encouraging more to defect andgiving confidence to the opposition.”


Cohen – who serves as an adjunct senior fellowat the Council of Foreign Relations – lamented the difficulty of gettinginformation into Syria at the time. It was subsequently decided that GoogleIdeas would partner with Al-Jazeera, which is owned and funded by the pro-regimechangegovernment ofQatar, which also funds Daesh (ISIS). Al Jazeera was given “primaryownership over the tool” and was responsible for broadcasting the data backinto Syria.


Al Jazeera admitted involvement in the project,though they have asserted that they were in no way “directly or indirectlyinvolved in the dialogue between Google and the U.S. State Department inrelation to this project and the motives behind it.”


Former NewMexico Gov. Bill Richardson, left, and Executive Chairman of Google, EricSchmidt, disembark from an airport transfer bus after arriving at PyongyangInternational Airport in Pyongyang, North Korea, Jan. 7, 2013. Richardsoncalled the trip to North Korea a private humanitarian visit. In the backgroundis Google Ideas think tank director, Jared Cohen. (AP/David Guttenfelder)

2013年1月7日,新墨西哥州州长Bill Richardson (左)和谷歌执行主席Eric Schmidt (由)在平壤国际机场走下机场大巴,Richardson 将此朝鲜之行称作私人人道访问。背景中即谷歌智库智囊团成员Jared Cohen

Cohen’spredilection for meddling in Middle Eastern affairs was even documented byintelligence analysts. In emails from the intelligence agency Stratfor thatwere previously published by WikiLeaks, Stratfor analysts, including Stratfor’svice-president of counter-terrorism Fred Burton,described Cohen as a “loose cannon” who was so deeply involved in MiddleEastern regime change efforts that it even began to raise concerns among Googleexecutives.

情报分析证明了Cohen 对干涉中东事务的特殊嗜好。在维基解密早些时候公布的战略预测公司(斯特拉特福,美国私营情报预测机构)电邮记录中,该机构的分析师——包括其反恐部门副总裁Fred Burton,将Cohen 描述为“我行我素”,他沉迷于中东政权变更(即阿拉伯之春),甚至引发了谷歌高管的担忧。

While Cohen didn’t specifically name al-Qaeda inhis emails – instead referring to the extremists as “the opposition” – the U.S.administration was well aware at the time that the armed opposition to theSyrian government mainly consisted of al-Qaeda and other extremist groups.

尽管Cohen 在电邮中并没有指明是基地组织,而是称其为“反对派”,但美国管理部门很清楚叙利亚反政府武装主要由基地组织和其他极端组织组成。

A now-declassified internal report by the U.S.government that was drafted at the time stated that “the Salafists, the MuslimBrotherhood and AQI [al-Qaeda in Iraq] are the major forces driving theinsurgency in Syria. An email sent to Hillary Clinton from her advisor JacobSullivan in February 2012 also noted: “AQ [al-Qaeda] is on our side in Syria.”

最新解密的一份美国政府当时起草的内部报告中称:“沙拉菲组织、穆斯林兄弟会、伊拉克基地组织分支是发动叙境内暴动的主要力量。”Hillary Clinton 的顾问Jacob Sullivan 2012年一月发给她的电邮中也说:“基地组织是我们在叙利亚的盟友。”

Cohen’s email correspondence with Clinton is just one example of Google’s collusion withthe U.S. federal government, as well as its tendency to aid U.S.-led regimechange efforts. Before the advent of Google Ideas and the rise of Cohen, Googlehad a cozy relationship with U.S. government agencies, including the NSA andthe CIA, in large part due to the machinations of Google’s chairman EricSchmidt, a regular attendee of the controversial Bilderberg meetings.

Cohen 和Clinton 的电邮通信只是谷歌和美国联邦政府勾结一个例子,揭露了谷歌协助美国政府推动中东政权变更。在谷歌智库出现、Cohen 上位之前,谷歌已经和美国政府机构建立了良好关系,包括NSA和CIA,这很大程度上归功于谷歌主席Eric Schmidt的阴谋诡计,此人是彼尔德伯格会议(传闻中一个秘密的由商界和政界权贵组成的精英俱乐部组织)的常客。

The collusion is not altogether surprising, asthe NSA and CIA both provided seed funding for Google. These agencies presumably hoped to nurture the company and use its future monopoly oninformation to their advantage.


Their efforts have clearly paid off, with Googlenow able to “control elections” and exert great influence on public opinion.But the company may have a harder time influencing the public if even moredamning reports about its collusion with U.S. intelligence agencies continue tobe released.


punkleruckus • 20 hours ago 
Google, like Hollywood and so many otherindustries and businesses, is a puppet of the military industrial complex.
HYDRA is real.


artemis6 • a day ago 
google is a monster now........


TecumsehUnfaced • 2 days ago 
There is really no law and order to stop thesepeople. They abandoned the Constitution as anything but a facade a long timeago.


tapatio  @TecumsehUnfaced • 18 hoursago 
Washington operates on the Jewish"principle" now...............


Kol Nidre
@ Yom Kippur
All vows, and prohibitions, and oaths, andconsecrations, and konams and konasi and any synonymous terms, that we may vow,or swear, or consecrate, or prohibit upon ourselves, from the previous Day ofAtonement until this Day of Atonement and .....from this Day of Atonement untilthe next Day of Atonement that will come for our benefit. Regarding all ofthem, we repudiate them. All of them are undone, abandoned, cancelled, null andvoid, not in force, and not in effect. Our vows are no longer vows, and ourprohibitions are no longer prohibitions, and our oaths are no longer oaths.
(This is recited at every Yom Kippur by everyobservant Jew - and apparently believed by ALL Jews and their minions)


TecumsehUnfaced  @tapatio • 17 hoursago 
Thanks! I didn't know about that. It explains alot, doesn't it?
That would seem to disqualify Jews forgovernment and banking by any reasonable government.


tapatio  @TecumsehUnfaced • 17 hours ago
To me it excludes them from ANY business dealingwhere any implicit or explicit agreement might be needed. No Jew's word can betrusted beyond their own convenience.


TecumsehUnfaced  @tapatio • 17 hoursago
And that arrogant "Kol Nidre" is adirect confession of that.

那句傲慢的“Kol Nidre(犹太人在赎罪日祈祷开始时吟唱的一段祷文)”就是在为谎言忏悔。

tapatio  @TecumsehUnfaced • 12 hoursago


TecumsehUnfaced  @tapatio • 12 hoursago
I got into a 'debate' with that silly, obnoxious'Norm'. Maybe you might want to take a look at it. You might see stuff that Imissed.


tapatio  @TecumsehUnfaced • 11 hoursago
By "debating" Norm you definitelymissed something. There is no more value to debating a hasbara troll than for aRussian soldier to have sat down to debate whether a Wehrmacht soldier had a"right" to be in Stalingrad.
IMO, we are fighting a war. The enemy are thehasbara. I would no more debate James Wherry or Norm or any of the thousands ofhasbara than the Russian soldier would have debated the German in Stalingrad.
Destroy whatever their lie of the moment is andmove on. There is no winning a debate with these critters and, if you fight bythe rules, against an enemy who recognizes no rules - YOU LOSE. To me, we arehere to defeat hasbara and share information with other civilized humans.Debating the hasbara trolls is a waste of our energy.
Read the "Hasbara Handbook" and turnit on the hasbara. The ONLY change you need to make is telling the truth andbeing able to back it up.
Hasbara Handbook


TecumsehUnfaced  @tapatio • 10 hoursago
I put 'debate' in quotes for a reason. ZioNazitrolls don't debate, they prevaricate. It doesn't matter how many times youdestroy their lies, so you are right.


karenjj2  @TecumsehUnfaced • a day ago
Especially note that (as far as my onlinesearching went) Roberts was the last SCOTUS judge to publicly take the oath to"preserve, protect and defend the Constitution from all enemiesforeign and domestic." the public oath we see administered isthe "judicial oath."

尤其值得注意的是(就我在网上搜到的) Roberts(美国最高法院首席大法官)是最后一个公开宣誓“保护、保卫宪法免受一切敌人的侵犯”的大法官。

TecumsehUnfaced  @karenjj2 • a day ago
It doesn't matter which, when they're lying.
