中国长城工业总公司获得印尼商业卫星订单 [美国媒体]



JAKARTA Indonesia — China Great Wall Industry Corp. has clinched a contract with an Indonesian joint venture to build a replacement for a satellite that is running out of fuel early due to an underperformed Long March launch.


Palapa Satelit Nusantara Sejahtera a joint venture of Indosat Ooredoo and Pasifik Satelit Nusantara (PSN) signed the contract for Palapa-N1 a high-throughput Ku-band satellite with 10 Gbps of capacity here May 17 with Beijing-based CGWIC a subsidiary of China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation.

Indosat Ooredoo 公司和Pasifik Satelit Nusantara 公司的合资公司Palapa Satelit Nusantara Sejahtera5月17号和北京的中国航天科技集团公司的子公司中国长城工业集团签署了Palapa-N1卫星合同,这是一种高通量Ku波段卫星,宽带达10 Gbps。

CGWIC also received a non-binding agreement for a second satellite with PSN — a Ka-band high-throughput satellite called PSN-7 that would deliver 100 Gbps of capacity through 104 spot beams covering Indonesia the Philippines and other Southeast Asian countries.

长城工业集团还和该公司签署了另一个不具约束力的协议,提供第二个卫星,这个卫星叫做PSN-7,也是高通量Ku波段卫星,通过104个点波束传送100 Gbps 的宽带,覆盖印度尼西亚和菲律宾及其他东南亚国家。


nd you believe that why? R26; 3 days ago 
Since this is a replacement for a less than successful launch one would expect that Indonesia is getting a good deal on this specific launch.


Kyle R26; 3 days ago 
If you look at the map Indonesia is one of the largest country (and population) that had its footprint on the equator. No wonder if in the future they would rapidly become one of the biggest user of communication satellite


duheagle @Kyle R26; 3 days ago 
That same look at the map would also reveal that Indonesia is the world's largest archipelagic nation consisting of literally thousands of islands most too small to support habitation but nearly 1000 of which do have people on them. Satcom is obviously the cheapest way to implement a telecom infrastructure for this finely chopped country.



M Henri Day R26; 3 days ago
«The United States’ International Traffic in and Arms Regulations known as ITAR restrict American satellites 
and satellites with certain American components from launching on Chinese rockets — a rule that has largely isolated China on the international market often prompting CGWIC to bundle satellite orders with launches to avoid this problem altogether.» Amazing - or perhaps not - that the USA hasn't faced sanctions from e g the WTO for its pervasive actions in restraint of trade. Quod licet Iovi non licet bovit I suppose....

美国的《国际武器贸易条例》(ITAR),限制美国卫星和包含有美国某些组件的卫星在中国火箭上发射 - 这一规则很大程度上使得中国在国际市场上被孤立,这促使中国长城工业公司将卫星订单与发射捆绑在一起,以完全避免这个问题。但令人惊讶的也许不是这事,而是美国在制约贸易方面普遍采取的行动并没有受到WTO的制裁。我想这真是拳头大的人说了算。
(Quod licet Iovi,non licet bovi是一个拉丁语,这句话经常被翻译成“神可能做牛不可能”。 它表明存在双重标准(合理或其他),并且基本上意味着“一个人或一群人允许的,不允许大家”。[2]它也被用作胜者正义的标准


duheagle  @M Henri Day R26; 3 days ago 
Perhaps not indeed.
The WTO doesn't initiate sanction proceedings on its own it responds to complaints from member countries. The U.S. and China are both WTO members so there is nothing stopping China from initiating a complaint. The fact China has not done so appears to suggest the Chinese realize they have no basis the WTO would recognize upon which to base a complaint. The WTO in any event has no ability to demand anything contrary to the national security interests of member nations. ITAR restrictions aimed specifically at China are there for good and sufficient reasons.



The Chinese are also no doubt reluctant to file any complaints based on free trade notions owing to the fact that WTO membership notwithstanding China's international trade is itself far from free. The Chinese have nothing to gain and a great deal to lose should they do so based on their own conceptions of the role trade should play in international affairs.
