既没腐败,也没背德,他只是变丑了(一个奥粉的哀嚎) [美国媒体]

看到这则新闻我们该感到愤慨吗?前总统贝拉克.奥巴马将因一场医保会议上的演说而获得40W美元的报酬,支付报酬的是此次会议的举办方“坎托·菲茨杰拉德”公司,一家华尔街投资银行。美国网友:为什么每个人都觉得从新竞选人的海报里就能看到富裕自由的美国式生活?一个小时的演讲赚40W的报酬根本不算事 。这种事不能算腐败的唯一的原因就是它已经变成了一个传统。是的!希望和改变最终还是离开了美国这个国家!

$400,000 for an Obama speech: Tacky but not corrupt


Should we be scandalized byreports that former President Barack Obama will be paid $400,000 to deliver aspeech at a healthcare conference sponsored by Cantor Fitzgerald,a Wall Street investment bank?

看到这则新闻我们该感到愤慨吗?前总统贝拉克.奥巴马将因一场医保会议上的演说而获得40W美元的报酬,支付报酬的是此次会议的举办方“坎托·菲茨杰拉德”公司,一家华尔街投资银行。(Cantor Fitzgerald, L.P.是一家美国金融服务公司,它在1945年成立。总部设在纽约市,公司专门从事机构股权,固定收益销售和交易,并服务于中端市场的投资银行业务,经纪业务和商业房地产融资,拥有5000多家机构客户)

I don’t think so, at least notfor most of the reasons offered by the prosecution.


One count in the “indictment”is that accepting such a generous speaking fee looks like influence-peddling.But as an ex-president, Obama has limited influence to peddle. True, asJason Willick of TheAmerican Interest noted, he continues to be a de facto leader inthe Democratic Party who can “make key introductions, put things on the agenda.”


But after eight years in theWhite House, Obama probably already knows a lot of the people he would run intoon the Wall Street speaking circuit. Even if that weren’t the case, the morespeeches he gives, the larger the number of people he theoretically would beexpected to introduce to Nancy Pelosior ChuckSchumer. He’d be spread pretty thin even if he did want to dothe bidding of his paymasters or audience members.

但是入主白宫8年后,奥巴马可能早已熟识了那群他在华尔街演说时打交道的人。即使这没什么要紧的,随着他越来越多的演讲,理论上他想要介绍给Nancy Pelosi(南希.佩洛斯 美国众议院议长)或者ChuckSchumer(舒默.施莫尔 美国参议院议长)的人也越来越多。即便是这样,即便某一天他真的召唤了他的那些支持者和听众,就目前的情况来说,他所能造成的影响依旧大不到哪儿去。

In the Washington Post, AaronBlake moves beyond the influence-peddling idea to offer “4Reasons Obama’s $400,000 Wall Street Speech Is a Bad Idea.” No. 1 is that “itcontinues to set a dubious precedent” of ex-presidents cashing in on theirprevious service. This, Blake says, puts future presidents on notice “that suchpayments are on the table, and it risks coloring their decisions with regard toWall Street and special interests.”

华盛顿邮报的艾伦.布莱克 越过“增加影响力”这件事,从其他方面入手提出了他的“四个原因使我认为奥巴马价值40万的华尔街演讲不是什么好事”的说法。第一个理由就是:“这件事会持续制造一个使人们猜疑的先例”:前总统们正因他们以前所提供的服务而让受益者付钱。布莱克说:这给所有未来的总统们都提了个醒,“只要你也提供同样的服务,那么一大堆钞票触手可得,而这一切将导致一个危机:总统们所做的决定会逐渐染上华尔街和特殊利益集团的铜臭味”。

Hmm. Even if Obama declared avow of silence, there would still be recent examples of presidents who acceptedfat speaking fees after they left office — Bill Clinton and George W. Bush.They could serve equally well as reminders to an ethically challenged presidentthat ex-presidents can make money giving speeches.

嗯~~~。好吧,哪怕奥巴马曾经默默的在心底发过誓不去做那些肮脏交易,可这里还存在最近几个前总统靠演讲报酬发财的榜样——比尔.克林顿 和乔治·沃克·布什(小布什),他俩作为在道德伦理方面很有具有挑战性的总统(译者:笑喷了,骂人不吐脏字啊。笔者:你凭什么只喷我家奥奥?那俩货你咋不喷?凭什么奥巴马就成了先例了?),同样在提醒未来总统们的事上做得很好。

Blake’s second argument isthat Obama’s fat speaking fee violates the spirit — it obviously doesn’tviolate the letter — of laws prohibiting ex-government employees from lobbyingtheir former colleagues. The underlying principle, he says, is deterringgovernment employees from using their positions to guarantee a “future payday” inthe private sector. This sounds a lot like Blake’s first argument;it still doesn’t fit Obama.


Blake’s third argument is that“Democrats are trying to be the anti-Wall Street party”and Obama’s speaking fee complicates that rebranding. Having won the presidencyfor the Democrats twice, I’m not sure Obama owes the party anything.


Blake’s closing argument is headlined: “Obama Himself Discussed the CorruptingInfluence of Such Arrangements in His Book.” Blake notes that in his 2006 book“TheAudacity of Hope” Obama described how hanging out with “people ofmeans” made him “more like the wealthy donors I met.” But surely the time toworry about Obama being compromised by contact withthe hyper-affluent 1% was when he was president.


You can find these argumentsunconvincing – and obviously I do – and still understand why so many people aredismayed by Obama’s acceptance of this humongous speaking fee. Relative toother positions of power in this society, the presidency isn’t a well-paidposition. That’s why it’s called “public service.” Yet, as noted above, recent former presidents have been eager to accept largesums of money to speak about that service to select audiences.


Now Obama, the epitome of goodtaste when he was president, has signaled that he too is ready to begin cashingin. That may not be corrupt or a threat to honest government, but it strikes usas tacky – tackier somehow than accepting a lucrative contract to write a book,thoughthat also amounts to capitalizing on public service. But ourrevulsion isn’t moral; it’s aesthetic.


east-coast-scout · 1 month(s)ago
Guess now we really know whatthe H stands for in Brarack H. Obama.
It is not Hussein it isHypocrite.
The word Tacky used in thearticle gives Obama the benefit of the doubt. Makingthe Clintons look like amateurs and without wasting any time. I use to call theClintons the walking - talking human ATM cash machines, I now give that titleto the former Hypocrite In Chief. So much for economic re-distribution as thefat cats get fatter.

庸俗这个词用在这篇文章里给奥巴马来了个“无罪推定”。和奥巴马一比克林顿立马就变成业余选手了。我习惯把克林顿叫做“人形自走提款机”,我现在要把这个头衔给前任首席伪君子戴上。如此多的经济再分配把肥猫变得更肥了(这里的肥猫应该和下文都是和以前的一个黑奥巴马身份证是伪造的事情相关,那次事件里人们发现奥巴马的ID证件上的号码实际指向一个叫做barry Soetoro 的戴眼镜的白人青年,fatcat barry 就成了一个梗。)

unclesmrgol · 1 month(s) ago
Why do progressives hatecapitalism so much when they do it so well in the halls of Government?

为什么那些改革派们痛恨资本主义 既然它在政府大厅里运作得很好?(讽刺政府一样是金钱运作的,感谢网友:intellec)

User60 · 1 month(s) ago 
"Fat Cat Barry", not only a liar but a hypocritetoo, who would have known!


fmbarton · 1 month(s) ago
You really can't stand a blackman making a buck. Oh well.


ChaosLA · 1 month(s) ago +1
Bahahahahahahaha! This guy isthe biggest hypocrite ever!


He he fooled all these libsfor years. Lol. Losers.

他愚弄了这些人这么多年。噢~ Losers

San Diego · 1 month(s) ago
Well, he's not set up a family"charitable" foundation yet. Not a fan of Obama's politics, but ifyour'e looking for "tacky", I think that the Clintons and Trumps havehim beaten hands down.


Robert Kiensler · 1 month(s)ago 
What would anyone expect fromthe new poster child for limousine liberal. There is nothingthese guys have to say after leaving office worth 400k for an hour speech. Theonly reason it's not corrupt is because it's become a tradition. Yes;hope andchange have finally left the building.

为什么每个人都觉得从新竞选人的海报里就能看到富裕自由的美国式生活?一个小时的演讲赚40W的报酬根本不算事 。这种事不能算腐败的唯一的原因就是它已经变成了一个传统。是的!希望和改变最终还是离开了美国这个国家!

rtamtc · 1 month(s) ago 
At least he hasn't claimedthat they are "dead-broke" since leaving theWhite House.

至少他在离开白宫的时候没说自己兜里一个子儿都没有。(讽刺前总统克林顿 感谢网友:wang3202)

¿¿Que¿¿ · 1 month(s) ago 
Jimmy Carter (the previousWorst President in US History) went on to build houses for degenerates- a noblecause.


Barry Soetoro is anElitist "Progressive". You won't see him ever pick up a hammer.Therefore, he's officially solidified his legacy as Worst President in UShistory.

而Barry soetoro (沿用上面的梗)是“进步分子”中的菁英,你可从来没见过奥巴马抡过大锤,所以他正式巩固了他作为作为美国历史最差总统头衔继承人的地位。


jimjay43751 · 1 month(s) ago
Do as I say, not as I do.


tommy501 · 1 month(s) ago 
"What do think a stimulusis?" We knew, nearly a $1 trillion bail outwith about half of that going to Wall Street. This is just a little payback...just the beginning. As Bill Clinton, Obama will be raking in millions.

“你认为什么才是刺激的?”我们都知道,接近1万亿美元的911纾困金(融危机暴发以后,美帝政府发了近万亿美刀(大概7000亿左右)的纾困计划 感谢网友:yanke)其中一半跑到了华尔街。这只是一点小意思……还只是开头,还有数以百万的像克林顿,奥巴马这样的家伙正在涌现。

Not corrupt? The author needsa dictionary and thesaurus.


Thomas Miller2 · 1 month(s)ago 
Did President 4-Putt blatheron about how money corrupts politics but refuse to speak until he got hisenvelope with $400,000 in it?


Kingsford Lump · 1 month(s)ago
True story... I saw Obama settingup a table selling HOPE t-shirts at Coachella on the 2nd weekend.

真事……第二个周末在科切拉,我看到奥巴马建了个卖“HOPE”体恤衫的台子(奥巴马的成名着作(The Audacity of HOPE)《希望 无畏》)

Alfa Nut · 1 month(s) ago 
"But our revulsion isn’tmoral; it’s aesthetic." Forgive me for pointing out the obvious, but thereis no "aesthetic" component to consider. Mr. Obama isn't an artist.He will give a policy talk, not paint a landscape. Unless there is a co-author,there is also no "our." Perhaps Mr. McGoughis reluctant to take credit for pointing out the obvious. Fine, so let thislife-long liberal do it. Unless Mr. Obama proposes to donate the proceeds tocharity, his proposed fee is deeply, morally offensive.

