A tweet Wednesday from President Trump indicated that he will be announcing his decision whether to stay in the Paris agreement on climate change “over the next few days” but multiple media outlets have reported that senior officials at the White House have indicated a withdrawal is imminent.
There’s always a chance that Trump will change his mind but if the president does spearhead a Paris exit it will be because of one thing: coal.
MackMack15 hours ago
Trump's problem is that nothing he can do will rescue coal. Natural gas is cheaper cleaner and easier to use. Any business building a new power plant today wouldn't even consider coal.
M.14 hours ago
I'm from Appalachia (though I no longer live there) and let me tell you ALOT of people are so
DONE with feeling sorry for coal miners there. They are the first idiots who run to sign up for
government welfare and government healthcare when they get sick or get "black lung" the first
to sign up for Social Security Disability payments if they get hurt in the mines the first to
want the government to pay for all their expenses when mining causes their sickness and
injuries or their kids get sick from poisoned water from mine run-off or killed by busted mine slurry
dams. And furthermore it is FRACKING that is killing coal mining jobs not environmental
regulations. Do the research. Already too the solar power industry make up more jobs in the
economy than do the stupid mining jobs. But try talking sense to these people is like trying to talk
to infants. Coal miners need to GET A LIFE and get an EDUCATION and job retraining if they want
to have a future and to have food on their tables to eat!!! DON"T FEEL SORRY FOR THESE PEOPLE!!!
我来自阿巴拉契亚地区(尽管我不住在哪儿了),让我来告诉你们吧。那里的很多人已经不再同情矿工了。当他们生病或者得了尘肺以后,他们会是最先跑去领取政府福利和健康补贴的笨蛋。当他们在矿井里受伤以后,他们会是第一个跑去领取社保伤残津贴的。当他们在矿井里生病了或者他们的孩子因为矿井水污染生病了,或者因为透水死了,他们会是第一个跑去要求政府支付他们的一切开支的。而且进一步说,是液压破碎法(页岩气的开采方法)正在杀死采煤工作,而不是环保规定。做做研究吧。而且光伏产业比愚蠢的采矿业制造了更多的工作岗位。但是跟那些人讲道理就是对牛弹琴。如果他们想要有未来,想要桌子上有饭吃的话,他们需要振作起来了、需要接受教育和职业再培训。 不要再同情那些人了。
Rick15 hours ago
And the extreme American embarrassment continues...
TXLefty15 hours ago
Coal plants will close regardless if trump pull his head out of his #$%$
Ang14 hours ago
Take all the out of work coal miners and put them to work as ICE official's on the border and don't build the wall. There that was simple and everyone's happy:)
no your friends cant watch the game here14 hours ago
” and extolled the virtues of renewable energy like wind—technology with which Trump has a long history and personal vendetta due to their aesthetics near his golf courses"
so our president wants to poison our air and water because efficient clean energy obstructs his golf course scenery!!!
as usual only thinking about himself. what a poor choice of president..how DEPLORABLE!!!
和以往一样,只想到自己。 这个总统选的真是太烂了。 太悲惨了!!!
just me14 hours ago
Trump should build a new weekend retreat at the bottom of a coal mine.
Karen15 hours ago
"You Load Sixteen Tons and What Do You Get? Another Day Older and Deeper in Debt" - In debt to Trump bondage....
Steve15 hours ago
Actually it doesn't have "everything to do with coal"..... Read the following paragraph (taken verbatim from 'Paris Agreement' document) and tell me what this has to do with climate change?: "Acknowledging that climate change is a common concern of humankind Parties should when taking action to address climate change respect promote and consider their respective obligations on human rights the right to health the rights of indigenous peoples local communities migrants children persons with disabilities and people in vulnerable situations and the right to development as well as gender equality empowerment of women and intergenerational equity."
实际上这并不是“完全出于煤的原因”。 阅读下面这段话(逐字摘自巴黎协定),然后告诉我这些与气候变化有什么关系? “承认气候变化是一项人类共同的关切。各方在采取措施解决气候变化的时候应尊重、倡导和关切各自的在以下方面的责任:人权,健康权,土着居民、当地居民、移民、儿童、伤残、以及弱势人群的权利,发展权和性别平等,女权和跨代人的平等。”
Donny14 hours ago
煤炭... 哇咔咔
Jeff14 hours ago
Why are we risking the well-being of future generations in order to save (maybe maybe not?) a completely outmoded industry. Someone needs to go to Kentucky and tell them COAL IS DEAD - time to invest in education so you can get yourselves a real job - and stop whining to the rest of us about how your dirty polluting ridiculous industry needs to "come back". It's the 21st #$%$ century people - we used coal in the 19th century - time to advance just a little.
John14 hours ago
America is not going to abandon the future over a few thousand coal mining jobs. It is going to abandon the future over a few dozen coal mine owners who have bought Trump and the rest of Republican Party
Andrew W14 hours ago
Obsolete fuel. Natural gas so much cleaner cheaper more efficient. Moron Trump.
Trumpf14 hours ago
Wonder if black lung will be covered under Trumpcare.
PeteS14 hours ago
Rex Tillerson says the Paris Accord is a good thing for the US economy and even good for large US energy companies (like his). But superficial Trump and his minions want to bring back the 1950s. The rest of the world will build their economies on new technology and new energy sources. The US economy will be left behind by Trump and his minions. Sad day for our country.
Rex Tillerson说巴黎协定对于美国经济是有利的,即使是对于美国的大能源公司(像他的公司).但是肤浅的川普和他的奴才们想要把我们带回1950年代。世界上其他国家将把他们的经济建立在新科技和新能源之上。美国经济将由于川普和他的奴才们被抛在后面。为我们国家感到悲哀。
Cap14 hours ago
I suppose we should all be glad that this idiot wasn't around when Henry Ford started up his assembly line to make autos. If the idiot was around he would have rallied for the guys who picked up manure in the streets the blacksmiths and so on. This is no different. We don't use gas street lights anymore having gone from electric to solar. We don't use ice in iceboxes anyore. Wonder how many ice men lost their jobs with the advent of electricity. The idiot would have fought progress to save obsolete jobs. His base including coal miners need to learn to do other jobs just as I suppose ice men did blacksmiths did gas lamp lighters did and so on.
poopflinger14 hours ago
Gas and oil receive about 40 billion a year in federal tax breaks and incentives.
Randy14 hours ago
People in New England need job! We need to bring back the whaling industry!
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