路透社六月十八日的报道 - 周日,一架美国空军战斗机在拉卡(译注:ISIS的据点)南部的郊区上空击落了叙利亚政府军的飞机。随后美国当局声称这架飞机当时正在美国支持的武装势力据点附近投掷炸弹,而叙利亚当局则称这架飞机在执行抗击和平教国的飞行任务时被击落。
AMMAN/WASHINGTON, June 18 (Reuters) - A U.S. warplane shot down a Syrian army jet on Sunday in the southern Raqqa countryside with Washington saying the jet had dropped bombs near U.S. backed forces and Damascus saying the plane was downed while flying a mission against Islamic State militants.
路透社六月十八日的报道 - 周日,一架美国空军战斗机在拉卡(译注:ISIS的据点)南部的郊区上空击落了叙利亚政府军的飞机。随后美国当局声称这架飞机当时正在美国支持的武装势力据点附近投掷炸弹,而叙利亚当局则称这架飞机在执行抗击和平教国的飞行任务时被击落。
A Syrian army statement released on Syrian state television said the plane crashed and the pilot was missing. It said the incident took place on Sunday afternoon near a village called Rasafah.
The “flagrant attack was an attempt to undermine the efforts of the army as the only effective force capable with its allies ... in fighting terrorism across its territory,” the Syrian army said.
“This comes at a time when the Syrian army and its allies were making clear advances in fighting the Daesh (Islamic State) terrorist group.”
“这起事件发生时,叙利亚政府军和其盟友正在打击Daesh (IS)的战斗中呈现高歌猛进的态势”。
Later the U.S. Central Command issued a statement saying the Syrian plane was downed “in collective self-defense of Coalition-partnered forces,” identified as fighters of the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) near Tabqah.
It said that “pro-Syrian regime forces” had earlier attacked an SDF held town south of Tabqa and wounded a number of fighters and driving them from the town.
Coalition aircraft in a show of force stopped the initial advance. When a Syrian army SU-22 jet later dropped bombs near the U.S. backed forces, it was immediately shot by a U.S. F/A-18E Super Hornet, the statement said.
这份声明中称“亲政府军”的武装力量在早些时候袭击了一个位于Tabqa南部被SDF控制的城镇,在打伤了几名SDF成员后迫使他们撤离出小镇。作为一次力量展示,联军的飞机及时阻止了最初的这次袭击。然而随后当一架叙利亚政府军的SU-22飞机继续在美国支持的武装力量附近投掷炸弹时,被美国空军的一架F/A-18E “超级大黄蜂”战斗机立即击落。声明中如是说道。
Before it downed the plane, the coalition had “contacted the its Russian counterparts by telephone via an established “de-confliction line” to de-escalate the situation and stop the firing.”
The coalition does “not seek to fight the Syrian regime, Russian or pro-regime forces” but would not “hesitate to defend itself or its “partnered forces from any threat,” the statement said.
The U.S.-led coalition, which has in recent weeks escalated its aerial bombing campaign in northern Syria and Raqqa province. U.S.-backed forces have encircled the city of Raqqa and captured several districts from the militants.
The Syrian army has also taken territory from retreating Islamic State militants in the western Raqqa countryside and seized back some oil fields and villages that had been under the militants’ control for almost three years.
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